sthen 84a2f356cf import ports/telephony/libzrtp, from maintainer Dmitrij D. Czarkoff, ok landry@
Zfone is VoIP encryption software, designed by Phil Zimmermann of PGP. This
SDK is suitable for inclusion in software VoIP clients, firmware for hardware
VoIP phones, VoIP PBX servers, mobile VoIP clients, and SIP border control
servers. The SDK enables interoperation with the rest of the ZRTP community.
2014-09-10 08:30:31 +00:00

3 lines
124 B

SHA256 (libzrtp-0.20130317.tar.gz) = cKIx8H2wy3mrdAl5RNKwFEYdK+pA5Z2Xsk/MgSXsA6M=
SIZE (libzrtp-0.20130317.tar.gz) = 682054