sthen 403ed7451e import ports/net/i2pd, from Mikal Villa, tweaks by me, tweaks/ok rsadowski@
i2pd is a full featured client for the I2P network written in C++.

I2P (Invisible Internet Project) is a universal anonymous network layer.
All communications over I2P are anonymous and end-to-end encrypted.
Participants don't reveal their real IP address to each other. Peer to
peer (cryptocorruencies, file sharing) and client-to-server applications
(websites, instant messengers, chat servers) are supported.
2019-06-16 22:13:55 +00:00

12 lines
350 B

# $OpenBSD: i2pd.rc,v 2019/06/16 22:13:55 sthen Exp $
daemon="${TRUEPREFIX}/sbin/i2pd --daemon"
daemon_flags="--service --datadir=${LOCALSTATEDIR}/lib/i2pd --conf=${SYSCONFDIR}/i2pd/i2pd.conf --tunconf=${SYSCONFDIR}/i2pd/tunnels.conf --tunnelsdir=${SYSCONFDIR}/i2pd/tunnels.d"
. /etc/rc.d/rc.subr
rc_cmd $1