chrisz 2c6f584dd7 enable build of new ttyp0 font and single flavor variants.
More flavors could be added if need arises.
2020-11-21 20:15:05 +00:00

115 lines
3.0 KiB

# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.72 2020/11/21 20:15:05 chrisz Exp $
SUBDIR += abyssinica
SUBDIR += adobe-fonts
SUBDIR += alkalami
SUBDIR += amigafonts
SUBDIR += andika
SUBDIR += annapurna
SUBDIR += anonymous-pro
SUBDIR += apl-fonts
SUBDIR += arabeyes-ttf
SUBDIR += artwiz-aleczapka
SUBDIR += b612-font
SUBDIR += blockzone
SUBDIR += cantarell-fonts
SUBDIR += cascadia-code
SUBDIR += charis
SUBDIR += chivo
SUBDIR += clearsans
SUBDIR += comic-neue
SUBDIR += crimson
SUBDIR += dai-banna
SUBDIR += dina-fonts
SUBDIR += doulos
SUBDIR += ecoliercourt-fonts
SUBDIR += fantasque-sans
SUBDIR += farsi-bfonts-ttf
SUBDIR += farsifonts-ttf
SUBDIR += fira-fonts
SUBDIR += font-awesome
SUBDIR += free3of9-ttf
SUBDIR += freefarsi-ttf
SUBDIR += freefont-ttf
SUBDIR += freefonts
SUBDIR += gentium
SUBDIR += go-fonts
SUBDIR += gohufont
SUBDIR += hack-fonts
SUBDIR += hanazono
SUBDIR += hermit-font
SUBDIR += ibm-plex
SUBDIR += inter
SUBDIR += inconsolata-font
SUBDIR += inconsolata-new
SUBDIR += intlfonts
SUBDIR += iosevka-fonts
SUBDIR += ja-funetfonts
SUBDIR += ja-kanjistrokeorders-ttf
SUBDIR += ja-sazanami-ttf
SUBDIR += jetbrains-mono
SUBDIR += jmk-fonts
SUBDIR += junicode
SUBDIR += ko-baekmuk-fonts
SUBDIR += ko-baekmuk-ttf
SUBDIR += ko-hanterm-fonts
SUBDIR += league-fonts
SUBDIR += liberation-fonts
SUBDIR += linuxlibertine-fonts-otf
SUBDIR += linuxlibertine-fonts-ttf
SUBDIR += literata
SUBDIR += lohit-fonts
SUBDIR += luciole
SUBDIR += mada
SUBDIR += migmix
SUBDIR += migu
SUBDIR += mixfont-mplus-ipa
SUBDIR += mplus-fonts
SUBDIR += msctfonts
SUBDIR += msttcorefonts
SUBDIR += noto
SUBDIR += opendyslexic
SUBDIR += overpass
SUBDIR += pkfonts
SUBDIR += powerline-fonts
SUBDIR += profont
SUBDIR += public-sans
SUBDIR += roboto-fonts
SUBDIR += ru-pscyr
SUBDIR += ru-ptsans
SUBDIR += scheherazade
SUBDIR += sgi-fonts
SUBDIR += siji
SUBDIR += spleen
SUBDIR += spranq-ecofont-ttf
SUBDIR += stixfonts
SUBDIR += sunscreen
SUBDIR += symbola-ttf
SUBDIR += tagmukay
SUBDIR += taiwan-cns11643-fonts
SUBDIR += tamsyn-font
SUBDIR += taviraj
SUBDIR += terminus-font
SUBDIR += terminus-font,symquotes
SUBDIR += terminus-font,symquotes,centered_tilde
SUBDIR += terminus-font,centered_tilde
SUBDIR += ttyp0-font
SUBDIR += ttyp0-font,ct
SUBDIR += ttyp0-font,nbd
SUBDIR += ttyp0-font,nbs
SUBDIR += ttyp0-font,sq
SUBDIR += ttyp0-font,sz
SUBDIR += ubuntu-fonts
SUBDIR += un-fonts
SUBDIR += unifont
SUBDIR += vlgothic
SUBDIR += work-sans
SUBDIR += zh-arphicttf
SUBDIR += zh-kcfonts
SUBDIR += zh-taipeifonts
SUBDIR += zh-wqy-bitmapfont
SUBDIR += zh-wqy-zenhei-ttf
.include <>