432 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
432 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
package Util;
use strict;
use warnings;
# prints hash in compact form, for debugging purposes
sub phash {
my $h = shift;
"{ ".join (", ", map {
$_."=>".(ref($h->{$_}) eq 'HASH' ? phash($h->{$_}) : $h->{$_})
} (sort keys %{$h})) . " }";
sub spc_per_tab { 8 }
sub expand_tabs {
my $line = shift;
while ($line =~ /\t/) {
my $pos = $-[0] + spc_per_tab - 1;
$pos -= $pos % spc_per_tab;
$line = $` . (' ' x (($pos - $-[0]) || spc_per_tab)) . $';
return $line;
package PortHandler;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Here is a list of variables that REVISION's are usually placed
# near to. Update if you see the "can't find a suitable place for
# REVISION mark" message
my @_REV_NEIGHBORS = qw(
my $_rev_neighbors_plain = join('|', @_REV_NEIGHBORS);
sub new {
my ($class, $dir) = (shift, shift);
my $self = { dir => $dir, shlibs => {}, verbose => 0 };
# Get actual information about subpackages (including their
# REVISIONs) and shared libraries.
open (my $dumpvars, '-|', "make", "SUBDIR=$dir", "dump-vars") or
die "cannot run make dump-vars";
while (<$dumpvars>) {
next unless /^[^,]*(?:,-([^.]+))?\.([^=.]+)=(.*)$/;
my ($subpkg, $var, $value) = ($1, $2, $3);
$subpkg //= "";
if ($var eq "MULTI_PACKAGES") {
$self->{mpkgs} = { map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, $value) };
} elsif ($var eq "SHARED_LIBS") {
# perhaps direct " = split (...)" would be enough?
$self->{shlibs} = { %{$self->{shlibs}}, split(/\s+/, $value) };
close $dumpvars;
if (scalar(keys %{$self->{mpkgs}}) == 1 and exists($self->{mpkgs}->{"-"})) {
$self->{mpkgs} = { "" => 1 };
return bless($self, $class);
sub verbose {
my $self = shift;
my $rv = $self->{verbose};
$self->{verbose} = $_[0] if defined $_[0];
return $rv;
# Formats and returns string of "var = value" with whitespace adjustment
# done like in the sample given line.
sub _adj_whitespace {
my ($self, $var, $value, $wssample) = @_;
unless (defined($wssample) and
$wssample =~ /^( *)([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)(\s*)[\+\?\!]*=(\s*)/) {
return "$var =\t$value";
my $start_ws = $1 // "";
my $before_eq_ws = $3 // "";
my $after_eq_ws = $4 // "";
my $svalue_pos = $+[4];
my $line = $start_ws.$var.$before_eq_ws."=";
my $line_exp = Util::expand_tabs($line);
my $wssample_exp = Util::expand_tabs($wssample);
my $svalue_pos_exp = $svalue_pos +
(length($wssample_exp) - length($wssample));
my $elen = length($line_exp);
if ($elen > $svalue_pos_exp) {
# too long anyway, just add a tab and be done with it
$line .= "\t";
} elsif ($elen < $svalue_pos_exp) {
if ($after_eq_ws =~ /^\t*$/) {
# tab-based separation
while ($elen < $svalue_pos_exp) {
my $n_spc_to_add = ($svalue_pos_exp - $elen);
$n_spc_to_add %= Util::spc_per_tab;
$n_spc_to_add ||= Util::spc_per_tab;
$elen += $n_spc_to_add;
$line .= "\t";
} else {
# space-based separation
$line .= ' ' x ($svalue_pos_exp - length($line_exp));
return $line.$value;
sub _is_mpkg_port {
my $self = shift;
return 1 if scalar(keys %{$self->{mpkgs}}) != 1;
my $k = each %{$self->{mpkgs}};
return 1 if $k ne "";
return 0;
sub _add_new_revs {
my ($self, $out, $lineno, $bumppkgs) = (shift, shift, shift, shift);
# Note: $lineno is the input file's line number, not output's one.
if ($self->{maxrevsin}->{count} > 1) {
return 0 unless $lineno == $self->{maxrevsin}->{blockend};
if ($self->{has_global_rev}) {
return 0 unless $self->_is_mpkg_port;
my $nchanges = 0;
for my $subpkg(sort keys %{$bumppkgs}) {
# if no place found, error will be reported by update()
if ($self->{maxrevsin}->{count} > 1 or
(defined $self->{newrevplace}->{$subpkg}->{blockend} and
$lineno == $self->{newrevplace}->{$subpkg}->{blockend})) {
my $line = $self->_adj_whitespace(
"REVISION" . $subpkg,
print $out $line, "\n";
return $nchanges;
# Parse makefile, searching for places where new REVISION marks
# should be added, and with what whitespace.
sub parse_for_revisions {
my ($self, $in) = (shift, shift);
# subpkg => {
# line => number of line where subpackage is mentioned
# wssample => a line from block to look for whitespace sample in
# blockend => block ending line number
# }
$self->{newrevplace} = {};
$self->{maxrevsin} = { blockend => 0, count => 0 };
my $revsincurblock = 0;
my ($block1begin, $block1end) = (0, 0);
my @mentionedsubpkgs;
$self->{has_global_rev} = 0;
while (<$in>) {
if (/^ *REVISION(\s*)[\+\?\!]*=/) {
$self->{has_global_rev} = 1;
if (/^ *(${_rev_neighbors_plain})(-[A-Za-z_0-9]*)?(\s*)[\+\?\!]*=(\s*)(.*)$/o) {
my $var = $1;
my $subpkg = $2 // "";
$self->{newrevplace}->{$subpkg} //= {};
$self->{newrevplace}->{$subpkg}->{line} = $in->input_line_number();
$self->{newrevplace}->{$subpkg}->{wssample} = $_;
delete $self->{newrevplace}->{$subpkg}->{blockend};
push(@mentionedsubpkgs, $subpkg);
if ($var eq "REVISION") {
if (++$revsincurblock > $self->{maxrevsin}->{count}) {
$self->{maxrevsin}->{blockend} = 0;
$self->{maxrevsin}->{count} = $revsincurblock;
$block1begin = $in->input_line_number() if !$block1begin;
} elsif (/^\s*$/) {
for my $subpkg(@mentionedsubpkgs) {
$self->{newrevplace}->{$subpkg}->{blockend} = $in->input_line_number();
$self->{maxrevsin}->{blockend} = $in->input_line_number()
if $self->{maxrevsin}->{blockend} == 0;
@mentionedsubpkgs = ();
$revsincurblock = 0;
$block1end = $in->input_line_number()
if $block1begin && !$block1end;
$block1begin = $in->input_line_number() if !$block1begin;
for my $subpkg(@mentionedsubpkgs) {
$self->{newrevplace}->{$subpkg}->{blockend} = $in->input_line_number();
if ($self->{maxrevsin}->{blockend} == 0) {
$self->{maxrevsin}->{blockend} = $block1end ? $block1end :
sub update {
my ($self, $in, $out, $bumppkgs, $removerevs) = @_;
my $defbumped = 0;
my $shlib_block = 0;
my $nchanges = 0;
while (<$in>) {
if ($shlib_block or /^ *SHARED_LIBS/) {
my $shline = $_;
$shlib_block or $shline =~ s/^ *SHARED_LIBS\s*\+?=\s*//;
$shlib_block = $shline =~ s/\\$//;
# XXX will misbehave after "<...> # \"
$shline =~ s/\s*#.*//;
#$shline =~ s/\s*$//;
$shline =~ s/^\s*//;
# XXX will break in "libfoo 0.0 libbar" case
my %lineshlibs = split(/\s+/, $shline);
for my $lib (keys %lineshlibs) {
# Some ports define SHARED_LIBS in
# subpackage-dependant way, i.e.,
# add them only if the corresponding
# subpackage should be built.
my $v = $self->{shlibs}->{$lib} // next;
printf STDERR "%-30s: changing shared library ".
"%s version to %s\n",
$self->{dir}, $lib, $v
if $self->{verbose};
$nchanges++ if $_ =~ s/($lib\s+)[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/$1$v/g;
} elsif (/^ *REVISION(-[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)?.*=\s*([0-9]*)$/) {
my $subpkg = $1 // "";
if ($removerevs) {
} elsif (!defined($bumppkgs)) {
print $out "$_\n";
} elsif (exists $bumppkgs->{$subpkg} or
($subpkg eq "" and scalar(keys %{$self->{mpkgs}}) ==
scalar(keys %{$bumppkgs}))) {
my $rev = $2 // -1;
my $newrev = $rev + 1;
printf STDERR "%-30s: changing %s to %d\n",
$self->{dir}, $_, $newrev
if $self->{verbose};
$nchanges++ if s/[0-9]*$/$newrev/;
delete $bumppkgs->{$subpkg};
$defbumped = 1 if $subpkg eq "";
$nchanges += $self->_add_new_revs($out, $in->input_line_number(), $bumppkgs)
unless $defbumped;
print $out "$_\n";
for my $subpkg(sort keys %{$bumppkgs}) {
next if defined $self->{newrevplace}->{$subpkg}->{blockend};
print STDERR "can't find a suitable place for ".
"REVISION${subpkg} mark in ".$self->{dir}."\n";
exit 2;
return $nchanges;
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.14;
use Getopt::Std;
sub usage {
print join("\n", @_)."\n" if scalar @_;
print STDERR "usage: portbump [-dMmrnv] [dir] ...\n";
print STDERR " portbump [-dMmrnov] [dir]\n";
exit 1;
our ($opt_d, $opt_M, $opt_m, $opt_n, $opt_o, $opt_r, $opt_v) =
(0, 0, 0, 0, undef, undef, 0);
getopts('dMmno:rv') or usage;
$opt_d && $opt_r and usage "cannot mix -d and -r options";
$opt_m && $opt_M and usage "cannot mix -M and -m options";
!$opt_M && !$opt_m && !$opt_d && !defined($opt_r) and $opt_r = 1;
my %allpkgs; # dir => { subpkg => 1, ... };
my %newrevplace;
scalar(@ARGV) or @ARGV = (".");
for (@ARGV) {
# zap any FLAVOR information to make it easier to feed from of sqlports
# XXX handle "-" subpackage case?
if (/^(.*),(-.+)$/) {
my $subdir = $1 || ".";
if (defined $allpkgs{$subdir}) {
if (scalar($allpkgs{$subdir}) == 0) {
die "mixed non-subpackaged and subpackaged for $subdir";
} elsif (exists $allpkgs{$subdir}->{$2}) {
# XXX maybe just ignore?
$opt_v and print STDERR "double bump of \"$_\" requested, ignoring";
} else {
$allpkgs{$subdir} = {};
$allpkgs{$subdir}->{$2} = 1;
} else {
if (defined $allpkgs{$_}) {
die "mixed non-subpackaged and subpackaged for $_";
$allpkgs{$_} = {};
if (defined($opt_o) and scalar(keys %allpkgs) > 1) {
usage "cannot use -o if more than one port is being processed";
if ($opt_v) {
print STDERR "port directories to visit:\n";
for my $dir (keys %allpkgs) {
print STDERR "\t$dir\n";
for my $dir (keys %allpkgs) {
my $port = PortHandler->new($dir);
$port->verbose(1) if $opt_v;
# Bump library versions, if requested.
if ($opt_M or $opt_m) {
for my $lib (keys %{$port->{shlibs}}) {
my ($major, $minor) = split(/\./, $port->{shlibs}->{$lib});
if ($opt_M) {
$minor = 0;
} else {
$port->{shlibs}->{$lib} = "${major}.${minor}";
# Read port information, choose what subpackages to bump.
open (my $in, '<', "$dir/Makefile") or
die "cannot open input file $dir/Makefile";
my $bumppkgs;
if (!$opt_r) {
$bumppkgs = undef;
} elsif (scalar(keys %{$allpkgs{$dir}}) != 0) {
for my $subpkg (keys %{$allpkgs{$dir}}) {
next if exists $port->{mpkgs}->{$subpkg};
die "there is no $dir,$subpkg package";
$bumppkgs = $allpkgs{$dir};
} else {
$bumppkgs = $port->{mpkgs};
# Actual update process.
open (my $out, '>', $opt_o // "$dir/Makefile.bump") or
die "cannot open output file $dir/Makefile.bump";
seek($in, 0, 0);
my $nchanges = $port->update($in, $out, $bumppkgs, $opt_d);
if (!defined $opt_o) {
if (!$nchanges) {
print STDERR "nothing to do in $dir\n" if $opt_v;
unlink "$dir/Makefile.bump";
} elsif (!$opt_n) {
rename("$dir/Makefile.bump", "$dir/Makefile") or
die "cannot move $dir/Makefile.bump to $dir/Makefile"