94 lines
4.1 KiB
94 lines
4.1 KiB
$OpenBSD: patch-setupext_py,v 1.12 2012/02/28 23:01:23 rpointel Exp $
--- setupext.py.orig Fri Dec 19 05:34:22 2008
+++ setupext.py Tue Feb 28 23:26:18 2012
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ import re
import subprocess
basedir = {
+ 'openbsd5' : [os.getenv('X11BASE') or '/usr/X11R6', os.getenv('LOCALBASE') or '/usr/local', '/usr',],
'win32' : ['win32_static',],
'linux2' : ['/usr/local', '/usr'],
'linux' : ['/usr/local', '/usr',],
@@ -317,6 +318,8 @@ def check_for_libpng():
def add_base_flags(module):
incdirs = filter(os.path.exists,
[os.path.join(p, 'include') for p in basedir[sys.platform] ])
+ if os.getenv('EXTRA_INCLUDES') is not None:
+ incdirs += os.getenv('EXTRA_INCLUDES').split()
libdirs = filter(os.path.exists,
[os.path.join(p, 'lib') for p in basedir[sys.platform] ]+
[os.path.join(p, 'lib64') for p in basedir[sys.platform] ] )
@@ -560,14 +563,16 @@ def check_for_gtk():
gotit = False
explanation = None
- import gtk
+ # the following import requires X11 at build time
+ #import gtk
+ gotit = True
except ImportError:
explanation = 'Building for Gtk+ requires pygtk; you must be able to "import gtk" in your build/install environment'
except RuntimeError:
explanation = 'pygtk present but import failed'
version = (2,2,0)
- if gtk.pygtk_version < version:
+ if False:
explanation = "Error: GTK backend requires PyGTK %d.%d.%d (or later), " \
"%d.%d.%d was detected." % (
version + gtk.pygtk_version)
@@ -593,8 +598,8 @@ def check_for_gtk():
pygobject_version = '[pre-pygobject]'
print_status("Gtk+", "gtk+: %s, glib: %s, pygtk: %s, pygobject: %s" %
- (ver2str(gtk.gtk_version), ver2str(gobject.glib_version),
- ver2str(gtk.pygtk_version), pygobject_version))
+ ("unknown", ver2str(gobject.glib_version),
+ "unknown", pygobject_version))
print_status("Gtk+", "no")
@@ -635,7 +640,8 @@ def add_pygtk_flags(module):
pygtkIncludes = getoutput('pkg-config --cflags-only-I pygtk-2.0').split()
gtkIncludes = getoutput('pkg-config --cflags-only-I gtk+-2.0').split()
includes = pygtkIncludes + gtkIncludes
- module.include_dirs.extend([include[2:] for include in includes])
+ module.include_dirs = [include[2:] for include in includes] + \
+ module.include_dirs
pygtkLinker = getoutput('pkg-config --libs pygtk-2.0').split()
gtkLinker = getoutput('pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0').split()
@@ -784,6 +790,7 @@ def check_for_tk():
explanation = str(e)
gotit = False
+ add_pygtk_flags(module)
if not find_include_file(module.include_dirs, "tk.h"):
message = 'Tkinter present, but header files are not found. ' + \
'You may need to install development packages.'
@@ -794,8 +801,13 @@ def check_for_tk():
gotit = False
if gotit:
+ try:
+ tk_v = Tkinter.__version__.split()[-2]
+ except (AttributeError, IndexError):
+ # Tkinter.__version__ has been removed in python 3
+ tk_v = 'version not identified'
print_status("Tkinter", "Tkinter: %s, Tk: %s, Tcl: %s" %
- (Tkinter.__version__.split()[-2], Tkinter.TkVersion, Tkinter.TclVersion))
+ (tk_v, Tkinter.TkVersion, Tkinter.TclVersion))
print_status("Tkinter", "no")
if explanation is not None:
@@ -1051,7 +1063,8 @@ so that setup can determine where your libraries are l
tcl_lib, tcl_inc, tk_lib, tk_inc = result
module.include_dirs.extend([tcl_inc, tk_inc])
module.library_dirs.extend([tcl_lib, tk_lib])
- module.libraries.extend(['tk' + tk_ver, 'tcl' + tk_ver])
+ module.libraries.extend(['tk' + tk_ver.replace('.', ''),
+ 'tcl' + tk_ver.replace('.', '')])
return message