the game is to play guitar with the keyboard as accurately as possible. Features * Unique inverted keyboard gameplay style * Support for guitar controllers and generic joysticks * Includes a song editor for making your own tunes * Compete with others on the World Charts * Hundreds of songs composed by the community * Supports importing Guitar Hero I and Guitar Hero II songs * Multiplatform; runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, OpenBSD and FreeBSD * Open source, full Python source code available
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$OpenBSD: patch-src_GameEngine_py,v 2009/10/16 23:11:39 phessler Exp $
--- src/ Sun Sep 7 13:35:12 2008
+++ src/ Sat Oct 10 17:03:32 2009
@@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ Config.define("game", "uploadurl", str, "http:/
Config.define("game", "leftymode", bool, False, text = _("Lefty mode"), options = {False: _("No"), True: _("Yes")})
Config.define("game", "tapping", bool, True, text = _("Tappable notes"), options = {False: _("No"), True: _("Yes")})
Config.define("video", "fullscreen", bool, False, text = _("Fullscreen Mode"), options = {False: _("No"), True: _("Yes")})
-Config.define("video", "multisamples", int, 4, text = _("Antialiasing Quality"), options = {0: _("None"), 2: _("2x"), 4: _("4x"), 6: _("6x"), 8: _("8x")})
+Config.define("video", "multisamples", int, 0, text = _("Antialiasing Quality"), options = {0: _("None"), 2: _("2x"), 4: _("4x"), 6: _("6x"), 8: _("8x")})
Config.define("video", "resolution", str, "640x480")
-Config.define("video", "fps", int, 80, text = _("Frames per Second"), options = dict([(n, n) for n in range(1, 120)]))
+Config.define("video", "fps", int, 24, text = _("Frames per Second"), options = dict([(n, n) for n in range(1, 120)]))
#Config.define("opengl", "svgquality", int, NORMAL_QUALITY, text = _("SVG Quality"), options = {LOW_QUALITY: _("Low"), NORMAL_QUALITY: _("Normal"), HIGH_QUALITY: _("High")})
-Config.define("audio", "frequency", int, 44100, text = _("Sample Frequency"), options = [8000, 11025, 22050, 32000, 44100, 48000])
+Config.define("audio", "frequency", int, 22050, text = _("Sample Frequency"), options = [8000, 11025, 22050, 32000, 44100, 48000])
Config.define("audio", "bits", int, 16, text = _("Sample Bits"), options = [16, 8])
Config.define("audio", "stereo", bool, True)
-Config.define("audio", "buffersize", int, 2048, text = _("Buffer Size"), options = [256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536])
+Config.define("audio", "buffersize", int, 4096, text = _("Buffer Size"), options = [256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536])
Config.define("audio", "delay", int, 100, text = _("A/V delay"), options = dict([(n, n) for n in range(0, 301)]))
Config.define("audio", "screwupvol", float, 0.25, text = _("Screw Up Sounds"), options = {0.0: _("Off"), .25: _("Quiet"), .5: _("Loud"), 1.0: _("Painful")})
Config.define("audio", "guitarvol", float, 1.0, text = _("Guitar Volume"), options = dict([(n / 100.0, "%02d/10" % (n / 9)) for n in range(0, 110, 10)]))