kili c84bdd9392 This package contains the generics system described in the `Scrap
Your Boilerplate' papers (
It defines the Data class of types permitting folding and unfolding
of constructor applications, instances of this class for primitive
types, and a variety of traversals.

Needed by some ports after an update to ghc-7.0.2, not yet linked to the build.

Reads good to landry@
2010-12-26 17:15:55 +00:00

6 lines
257 B

MD5 (syb-0.3.tar.gz) = xPZ3H6MtRnoCnm6BN1ep/g==
RMD160 (syb-0.3.tar.gz) = qy1bcMZUL5sTVMBb44k3zkh5gCg=
SHA1 (syb-0.3.tar.gz) = BgR1Q+VCsrcfPKqH0mP+GV9H44Q=
SHA256 (syb-0.3.tar.gz) = B7I58TkuJMCi+HWs414U/0KEaIVo+gWXorsf/83h2L4=
SIZE (syb-0.3.tar.gz) = 38123