$OpenBSD: README,v 1.5 2013/05/05 19:24:13 jasper Exp $

| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD

To enable a decent configuration of drupal, please create a symbolic
link from /var/www/conf/modules.sample/drupal6.conf
to /var/www/conf/modules/drupal6.conf

ln -s /var/www/conf/modules.sample/drupal6.conf \

If you intend to install lots of modules, you may need to have the
max_allowed_packet value larger than 1M to be able to check for updates.

Don't forget to set the character set to utf8 in your database.

In mysql, assuming you're connected as admin initially.

create user drupal@localhost identified by 'password';
create database drupal character set utf8;
grant all on drupal.* to drupal@localhost;

In postgresql, assuming an `admin' account has all rights:

createuser -U admin --pwprompt --no-superuser --createdb --no-createrole drupal
createdb -U drupal -E UTF8 drupal

Updating from a drupal5 installation:

a lot of things now work. Major stumbling blocks:
* views are lost. Recreating them may be quick, or very painful if you
  have a lot of them.
* usernodes no longer exist.
* image has been replaced by imagefield.

- first back-up your installation, using backup and migrate
- then DISABLE all 3rd party modules
- put the drupal5 site offline
- make sure you have enough space (database, website...)
- install the drupal6 packages you need.
- cp the defaults.settings.php to the settings.php, edit it to point to
  your existing database. You will often also need $update_free_access=TRUE
- point your browser to update.php
- assuming things work, go to the /admin page, enable the modules you need
- rerun update.php
- you will often need to reconstruct the permissions
- don't forget to reset $update_free_access=FALSE