bentley 019609845c Import wordgrinder-0.7.2.
WordGrinder is a simple, Unicode-aware word processor that runs on the
console. It's designed to get the hell out of your way and let you write;
it does very little, but what it does it does well.

It supports basic paragraph styles, basic character styles, basic screen
markup, a menu interface that means you don't have to remember complex
key sequences, HTML import and export, and some other useful features.

WordGrinder does not require X. It runs in a terminal. (But there's a
version which uses X if you want it.)

ok kn@
2019-03-11 03:48:45 +00:00

3 lines
123 B

SHA256 (wordgrinder-0.7.2.tar.gz) = ThvGWUA/mEef6GGWVfkByMA+uHdDN0VItNIKQdMdHf8=
SIZE (wordgrinder-0.7.2.tar.gz) = 1882222