landry 689038080a Update to Apache::Gallery 1.0.2, 7 years after previous releases..
- huge cleanup of README, use PKG_DBDIR pkg_add -B to hint people how to
  properly install A::G and its deps in apache's chroot, instead of
manually copying the deps/modules.
- set EPOCH=0, since 1.0RC3 wasn't a proper version
- provide an apache-gallery.conf @sample in conf/modules.sample, as other
  www ports do, instead of a VHost to copy/paste
- add UNMESSAGE telling how to completely disable/remove A::G

ok ajacoutot@
2012-03-10 10:55:27 +00:00

$OpenBSD: README,v 1.3 2012/03/10 10:55:27 landry Exp $

| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD

Installing in a chroot

In order to make A::G operate in a chrooted environment, it is
necessary to copy all of the relevant libraries and perl modules
that it employs into /var/www.

First, create the basic directory structure:

$ cd /var/www
# mkdir -p tmp usr
# chown www:www tmp	(needs to be writeable for the www user)

$ cd /var/www/
# mkdir -p .${LOCALBASE}/lib

$ cd /var/www/usr
# mkdir -p libdata/perl5 libexec {.,X11R6}/lib

Next, the run-time link-editor:

$ cd /var/www/usr/libexec
# cp -p /usr/libexec/ .

Next, the required shared libraries:

$ cd /var/www/usr/lib
# cp -p /usr/lib/lib{c,m,z,util,perl,ssl,stdc++}.so* .

$ cd /var/www/usr/X11R6/lib
# cp -p /usr/X11R6/lib/lib{Xext,freetype,X11,Xau,Xdmcp,xcb,pthread-stubs}.so.* .

Next, the Perl base:

$ cd /var/www/usr/libdata
# cp -pR /usr/libdata/perl5 .

Finally, install p5-Apache-Gallery and all its deps in the chroot

# env PKG_DBDIR=/var/www/var/db/pkg pkg_add -B /var/www p5-Apache-Gallery

Setting up httpd

To enable gallery you need to edit /var/www/conf/modules.sample/apache-gallery.conf
to fit your needs then create a symlink like this :

# ln -s ../modules.sample/apache-gallery.conf \
# /etc/rc.d/httpd restart

Finally, create a /var/www/htdocs/gallery directory, put your favourite
pictures inside it, and browse to your.server.tld/gallery.