Parcellite is a lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager. This is a stripped down, basic-features-only clipboard manager with a small memory footprint for those who like simplicity. ok dcoppa@, tweaks from jasper@
213 lines
7.5 KiB
213 lines
7.5 KiB
$OpenBSD: patch-doc_parcellite_1,v 2011/09/20 09:04:41 landry Exp $
--- doc/parcellite.1.orig Mon Sep 5 16:01:03 2011
+++ doc/parcellite.1 Fri Sep 9 23:45:06 2011
@@ -1,93 +1,119 @@
-.TH PARCELLITE 1 "August 7 2011"
-Parcellite \- Lightweight GTK+ Clipboard Manager
-.B parcellite
-\fBParcellite\fR is a lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager. This is a stripped down,
-basic\-features\-only clipboard manager with a small memory footprint for those
-who like simplicity.
-\fBParcellite\fR features a clipboard CLI. Unrecognized options and the contents
-of your standard input get copied to your clipboard. See \fBCLI EXAMPLES\fR.
-.B Look at the tool tips by hovering over each item in the prefrences dialog.
-.B \-?\fR, \fB\-\-help
+.Dd $Mdocdate: September 20 2011 $
+.Nm Parcellite
+.Nd Lightweight GTK+ Clipboard Manager
+.Nm parcellite
+.Op Fl hdncp
+is a lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager. This is a stripped down,
+basic-features-only clipboard manager with a small memory footprint
+for those who like simplicity.
+features a clipboard CLI. Unrecognized options and the
+contents of your standard input get copied to your clipboard. See
+Look at the tool tips by hovering over each item in the preferences
+.Bl -tag -width Ds
+.It Fl ? , Fl Fl help
Show help options
-.B \-d\fR, \fB\-\-daemon
-Run as daemon. Use this mode if you just want \fBParcellite\fR to keep your clipboard
-and primary contents safe
-.B \-n\fR, \fB\-\-no-icon
+.It Fl d , Fl Fl daemon
+Run as daemon. Use this mode if you just want
+to keep your clipboard and primary contents safe
+.It Fl n , Fl Fl no-icon
Do not use status icon
-.B \-c\fR, \fB\-\-clipboard
+.It Fl c , Fl Fl clipboard
Print clipboard contents
-.B \-p\fR, \fB\-\-primary
+.It Fl p , Fl Fl primary
Print primary contents
-\fBParcellite's\fR actions perform commands using the contents of your clipboard. "\fB%s\fR" in the command
-is replaced with the clipboard contents.
- echo "copied to clipboard" | parcellite
- parcellite "copied to clipboard"
- echo "copied to clipboard" | parcellite \-c
-.SH Hotkeys
- The available hotkey modifiers are <Ctrl>, <Alt> <Shift>, <Release>, <Meta>, <Super>, <Hyper>, <Mod[1\-5]>
-.SH Preferences
-Right-click on the parcellite icon in the systray to access the preferences.
-.SH Behavior Tab
-.B Clipboards
-generally checking all these boxes is appropriate.
-.B History
- Check 'Save history' to save history on close.
- 'Position history' - Set the location where history appears. If unchecked, appears where the mouse is.
- 'X' - X location in pixels. 0 is top of screen.
- 'Y' - Y location in pixels. 0 is left of screen.
- 'Max Data Size (MB)' -Set Maximum amount of data to copy for each entry in MBytes. 0 is no limit.
-.B Miscellaneous
- 'Search As You Type' - If checked, does a search-as-you-type. Turns red if not found. Goes to top (Alt-E) line when no chars are entered for search
- 'Case Sensitive Search' - If checked, does case sensitive search.
- 'Ignore Whitespace Only' - If checked, will ignore any clipboard additions that contain only whitespace.
- 'Trim Whitespace' - If checked, will trim whitespace from beginning and end of entry.
- 'Trim Newlines' - If checked, will replace newlines with spaces.
-.SH Display Tab
- 'Show in Single line' does nothing
- 'Show in reverse order' reverses the history so the first entry is last and the last is first.
- 'Omit items' referrs to omitting characters that don't fit in the history window width. This is for display only.
-.SH History Dialog Behavior
-.B use the Ctrl or Shift key in conjunction with right-click.
-.TP If you hold Ctrl, then it toggles the delete on a single item.
-.TP If you hold Shift while holding down right-click (this is like a right-drag), then it toggles each item as it enters the item.
-.TP To complete the delete, hit enter.
-Written by Gilberto "Xyhthyx" Miralla <>. Gilberto is no longer maintaining the project. 'Rickyrockrat' is his replacement.
-Please include your ~/.config/parcellite/parcelliterc file when filing a bug. This will give me your preferences.
- Please report any bugs to the bug tracker via this web page:
- Use the 'Bugs' under project trackers to file a bug if you are registered with Source Forge. If not, email rickyrockrat
-(rickyrockrat at, or click the 'project administers' in the link above.
+\'s actions perform commands using the contents of your clipboard.
+"%s" in the command is replaced with the clipboard contents.
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+echo "copied to clipboard" | parcellite
+parcellite "copied to clipboard"
+echo "copied to clipboard" | parcellite -c
+The available hotkey modifiers are <Ctrl>, <Alt> <Shift>, <Release>,
+<Meta>, <Super>, <Hyper>, <Mod[1-5]>
+Right-click on the
+icon in the systray to access the preferences.
+.Bl -tag -width xxxx
+.It Ar Clipboards
+Generally checking all these boxes is appropriate.
+.It Ar History
+Check 'Save history' to save history on close.
+\'Position history' - Set the location where history
+appears. If unchecked, appears where the mouse is.
+\'X' - X location in pixels. 0 is top of screen.
+\'Y' - Y location in pixels. 0 is left of screen.
+\'Max Data Size (MB)' - Set maximum amount of data to copy for each
+entry in MBytes. 0 is no limit.
+.It Ar Miscellaneous
+\'Search As You Type' - If checked, does a search-as-you-type. Turns
+red if not found. Goes to top (Alt-E) line when no chars are entered
+for search
+\'Case Sensitive Search' - If checked, does case sensitive search.
+\'Ignore Whitespace Only' - If checked, will ignore any clipboard
+additions that contain only whitespace
+\'Trim Whitespace' - If checked, will trim whitespace from beginning
+and end of entry.
+\'Trim Newlines' - If checked, will replace newlines with spaces.
+\'Show in Single line' does nothing
+\'Show in reverse order' reverses the history so the first entry is
+last and the last is first.
+\'Omit items' refers to omitting characters that don't fit in the
+history window width. This is for display only.
+use the Ctrl or Shift key in conjunction with right-click.
+If you hold Ctrl, then it toggles the delete on a single item.
+If you hold Shift while holding down right-click (this is like a
+right-drag), then it toggles each item as it enters the item.
+To complete the delete, hit enter.
+Written by Gilberto "Xyhthyx" Miralla <>. Gilberto
+is no longer maintaining the project. 'Rickyrockrat' is his
+Please include your ~/.config/parcellite/parcelliterc file when
+filing a bug. This will give me your preferences. Please report
+any bugs to the bug tracker via this web page:
+Use the 'Bugs' under project trackers to file a bug if you are
+registered with Source Forge. If not, email rickyrockrat
+(rickyrockrat at, or click the 'project
+administers' in the link above.