2022-03-11 19:57:10 +00:00
2022-03-03 15:11:24 +00:00
2022-03-11 19:57:10 +00:00

| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

Hashicorp does not build terraform-providers for OpenBSD (yet?).
Our MODGO framework doesn't play well with how the providers repositories are
populated, meaning it's hard to automate ports creation and package building.

For now, the recommended way is to manually build the required providers.

Example: Terraform AWS provider; version 3.56.0


The lang/go package is required for building:
    # pkg_add go

Go eats a lot of memory and you may need to bump your limits (`ulimit -d`).

    $ git clone https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws
    $ cd terraform-provider-aws
    $ git fetch --all --tags && git checkout tags/v3.56.0 -b 3.56.0
    $ gmake build

The provider will be available at ${GOPATH}/bin/terraform-provider-aws.
GOPATH defaults to ${HOME}/go/bin.


Providers can be installed under any of these directories:

They must follow the sub-hierarchy according to the plugin configuration.

Using this code in the Terraform configuration...

terraform {
  required_providers {
    aws = {
      source = "hashicorp/aws"
      version = "3.56.0"

provider "aws" {
  # Configuration options

... means that the Terraform AWS provider must be installed as:
(see the official documentation about "in-house providers").

`terraform init` should now be able to detect this provider plugin.