bentley a5ec5219ce Update all emulators/mupen64plus plugins to 1.99.5.
This makes the emulator actually playable on i386, and removes all patches
(which had been taken from upstream).

ok stsp@
2012-08-13 06:53:55 +00:00

$OpenBSD: README,v 2011/12/26 13:38:27 stsp Exp $

| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD

This file contains information taken from the wiki

Keyboard Mapping

The keys or joystick/mouse inputs which will be mapped to the N64
controller for playing the games are determined by the input plugin.
The SDL-Input plugin contains an auto-configuration function which will
provide default joystick mappings for any recognized joystick. If there
is no supported joystick connected, the input plugin will enable a
default keyboard control mapping, as given below:

N64 Controller Action   | Keys
Analog Pad              | Arrow Keys (left, right, down, up)
C Up/Left/Down/Right    | "I", "J", "K", "L"
DPad Up/Left/Down/Right | "W", "A", "S", "D"
Z trigger               | "z"
Left trigger            | "x"
Right trigger           | "c"
Start                   | "Enter" ("Return")
A button                | "left shift"
B button                | "left control"
Select Mempack          | ","
Select Rumblepack       | "."