Submitted by William Yodlowsky <bsd@openbsd.rutgers.edu>. bbkeys is a general X Window System keygrabber, meant to be a working example of a better window-hinting scheme with the blackbox window manager.
13 lines
773 B
13 lines
773 B
$OpenBSD: qt-Makefile_in,v 2001/01/06 23:58:06 naddy Exp $
--- Makefile.in.orig Thu Sep 28 22:31:09 2000
+++ Makefile.in Tue Jan 2 19:50:56 2001
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ regex_cmd = @regex_cmd@
CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ @INTERLACE@ -DGLOBAL_BB=\"$(datadir)/bbtools/bbkeys.bb\" -DGLOBAL_NOBB=\"$(datadir)/bbtools/bbkeys.nobb\"
-SUBDIRS = data
+SUBDIRS = data bbkeysconf-1.2
bin_PROGRAMS = bbkeys bbkeysConfigC
bbkeys_SOURCES = bbkeys.cc Image.cc LinkedList.cc bbkeys.hh Image.hh LinkedList.hh Timer.hh Timer.cc main.cc main.hh resource.cc resource.hh Baseresource.cc Baseresource.hh Basewindow.cc Basewindow.hh BaseDisplay.cc BaseDisplay.hh wminterface.cc wminterface.hh NETInterface.cc NETInterface.hh blackboxstyle.hh