ajacoutot d043b8d6fc Update to webacula-5.5.1 and add a couple of saner defaults to that it
works out of the box with our current version of bacula.

ok sthen@
2012-02-01 12:59:06 +00:00
2011-10-16 15:20:33 +00:00

$OpenBSD: README,v 1.6 2011/10/16 15:20:33 ajacoutot Exp $

| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD

Webacula has been installed into ${INSTDIR}

*** Upgrading users: refer to the "Update from prior version" section in
*** ${INSTDIR}/webacula/docs/txt/install.txt

Database creation

You need to install the PHP module corresponding to the database used by
your bacula(8) installation. e.g:
    for PostreSQL you'll need to install php-pdo_pgsql
    for MySQL you'll need to install php-pdo_mysql
    for SQLite3 you'll need to install php-pdo_sqlite

To add the webacula DB tables, run the following commands according to
the RDBMS that bacula(8) uses. Note that prior to run these commands,
you will have to ajust at least "db_name", "db_user", "db_pwd" and
"webacula_root_pwd" in ${INSTDIR}/install/db.conf.
Also note that the scripts can take arguments:
    e.g. ./10_make_tables.sh -U postgres

* change to the directory matching your DB (PostgreSql, MySql or SqLite)
    # cd ${INSTDIR}/install/PostgreSql

* run the included scripts to create the webacula tables
    # ./10_make_tables.sh
    # ./20_acl_make_tables.sh

When using SQLite3, make sure that the "www" user|group has write access
to the directory containing the DB as well as the DB file itself.

Running Webacula under chroot(8)ed Apache

Under OpenBSD, the default Apache runs chrooted under /var/www.
Since Webacula needs to access the bconsole(8) binary we will need to
copy it in the chroot along with the required libs and configuration.
To do so, run the following command:
    # ${INSTDIR}/webacula-chroot-bconsole enable

(note that you will have to run this command again when the bacula
package is updated)

With Apache, AllowOverride settings are required on the ${INSTDIR}
directory. You can configure this as follows:
    # ln -s ${PREFIX}/conf/modules.sample/webacula.conf \

Webacula setup and configuration

While upstream install notes are available with this package in:
we advise you to follow the following instructions that were written
specifically for OpenBSD.

Webacula configuration itself is done in

Under [general] you need to configure the way you will connect to the
bacula(8) catalog DB. When using SQLite3, make sure the bacula(8) DB
is available from the chroot(8).
Then you may want to adapt "def.timezone" according to your current

Under [webacula] you may want to adapt "email.to_admin" and "email.from"
according to your site.

After restarting your webserver, you can access webacula at:

The built-in admin username is "root" and the password is the one you
configured in "webacula_root_pwd" (${INSTDIR}/install/db.conf).

Bacula messages configuration

To show messages of the Job output, you must change the "catalog' line
from the "Messages" block in ${SYSCONFDIR}/bacula/bacula-dir.conf to
    catalog = all, !skipped, !saved

Messages {
  Name = Standard
  catalog = all, !skipped, !saved

Then reload bacula-dir(8):
    # /etc/rc.d/bacula_dir reload