avsm b613748f78 initial import of cil-1.2.5
CIL (C Intermediate Language) is a high-level representation along
with a set of tools that permit easy analysis and source-to-source
transformation of C programs.

CIL is both lower-level than abstract-syntax trees, by clarifying
ambiguous constructs and removing redundant ones, and also higher-level
than typical intermediate languages designed for compilation, by
maintaining types and a close relationship with the source program.
The main advantage of CIL is that it compiles all valid C programs
into a few core constructs with a very clean semantics. Also CIL
has a syntax-directed type system that makes it easy to analyze and
manipulate C programs. Furthermore, the CIL front-end is able to
process not only ANSI-C programs but also those using Microsoft C
or GNU C extensions.
2004-06-20 16:08:28 +00:00

13 lines
584 B

$OpenBSD: patch-bin_cilly,v 2004/06/20 16:08:28 avsm Exp $
--- bin/cilly.orig 2004-06-20 16:57:52.000000000 +0100
+++ bin/cilly 2004-06-20 16:58:08.000000000 +0100
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ use File::Basename;
use strict;
@CilCompiler::ISA = qw(Cilly);
- $CilCompiler::base = "$::cilhome/obj/$::archos/cilly";
+ $CilCompiler::base = "$::cilhome/$::archos/cilly";
# Use the most recent version of cilly
$CilCompiler::mtime_asm = int((stat("$CilCompiler::base.asm.exe"))[9]);
$CilCompiler::mtime_byte = int((stat("$CilCompiler::base.byte.exe"))[9]);