aanriot 4536249fe7 update to 4.1.1 .
from Jason Crawford <jasonrcrawford@gmail.com>
2007-06-01 22:07:39 +00:00

12 lines
440 B

If you're using Apache, run it in non-chrooted mode, or create a correct
environment with sendmail(8), egrep(1) etc. You should add
"Include /var/www/conf/httpd-twiki.conf" to your httpd.conf.
You have to customize your twiki installation (like WIKIWEBMASTER)
in ${PREFIX}/htdocs/twiki/data/TWiki/TWikiPreferences.txt
* http://localhost/twiki/
* http://localhost/twiki/bin/view/TWiki
* http://localhost/twiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome