ajacoutot 8081364160 Maintenance update to cups-2.1.3.
*yes* this is a maintenance update during soft-lock but considering half of
the help request emails I get during a release cycle are about printing, I
prefer having the most recent code around; it seems UNIX printing is still
somewhat a Black Art for people.

ok sthen@ jasper@
2016-02-07 15:54:25 +00:00

3 lines
125 B

SHA256 (cups-2.1.3-source.tar.bz2) = NqcNQ1hK6iYX2pFLkzHiM0HDUBqCVMTS6unBHsAf1NM=
SIZE (cups-2.1.3-source.tar.bz2) = 8832400