621 lines
16 KiB
621 lines
16 KiB
--- etc/afpd/file.c.orig Tue Mar 31 02:24:45 1998
+++ etc/afpd/file.c Thu Nov 11 16:49:00 1999
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include <utime.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dirent.h>
-#include <strings.h>
+#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
@@ -28,10 +28,13 @@
#include "desktop.h"
#include "volume.h"
#include "file.h"
+#include "fork.h"
#include "globals.h"
extern int errno;
+int copyfile();
u_char ufinderi[] = {
'T', 'E', 'X', 'T', 'U', 'N', 'I', 'X',
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
@@ -39,8 +42,9 @@
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
getfilparams( bitmap, path, dir, st, buf, buflen )
- u_short bitmap;
+ u_int16_t bitmap;
char *path;
struct dir *dir;
struct stat *st;
@@ -51,8 +55,11 @@
struct adouble ad;
struct extmap *em;
char *data, *nameoff = 0;
- int bit = 0, isad = 1, aint;
- u_short ashort;
+ int bit = 0, isad = 1;
+ int32_t aint;
+ u_int16_t ashort;
+ u_int8_t achar;
+ u_char fdType[4];
if ( ad_open( mtoupath( path ), ADFLAGS_HF, O_RDONLY, 0, &ad ) < 0 ) {
isad = 0;
@@ -72,35 +79,35 @@
switch ( bit ) {
if ( isad ) {
- bcopy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_ATTR, &ashort,
- sizeof( u_short ));
+ memcpy( &ashort, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_ATTR,
+ sizeof( ashort ));
} else {
ashort = 0;
- bcopy( &ashort, data, sizeof( u_short ));
- data += sizeof( u_short );
+ memcpy( data, &ashort, sizeof( ashort ));
+ data += sizeof( ashort );
- bcopy( &dir->d_did, data, sizeof( int ));
- data += sizeof( int );
+ memcpy( data, &dir->d_did, sizeof( dir->d_did ));
+ data += sizeof( dir->d_did );
if ( isad ) {
- bcopy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_CREATE, &aint,
- sizeof( int ));
+ memcpy( &aint, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_CREATE,
+ sizeof( aint ));
} else {
aint = htonl( st->st_mtime );
- bcopy( &aint, data, sizeof( int ));
- data += sizeof( int );
+ memcpy( data, &aint, sizeof( aint ));
+ data += sizeof( aint );
if ( isad ) {
- bcopy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_MODIFY, &aint,
- sizeof( int ));
+ memcpy( &aint, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_MODIFY,
+ sizeof( aint ));
aint = ntohl( aint );
if ( st->st_mtime > aint && hst.st_mtime < st->st_mtime ) {
aint = st->st_mtime;
@@ -109,44 +116,44 @@
aint = st->st_mtime;
aint = htonl( aint );
- bcopy( &aint, data, sizeof( int ));
- data += sizeof( int );
+ memcpy( data, &aint, sizeof( aint ));
+ data += sizeof( aint );
if ( isad ) {
- bcopy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_BACKUP, &aint,
- sizeof( int ));
+ memcpy( &aint, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_BACKUP,
+ sizeof( aint ));
} else {
aint = 0;
- bcopy( &aint, data, sizeof( int ));
- data += sizeof( int );
+ memcpy( data, &aint, sizeof( aint ));
+ data += sizeof( aint );
if ( !isad ) {
- bcopy( ufinderi, data, 32 );
+ memcpy( data, ufinderi, 32 );
} else {
- bcopy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FINDERI ), data, 32 );
+ memcpy( data, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FINDERI ), 32 );
- if ( bcmp( data, ufinderi, 8 ) == 0 &&
+ if ( memcmp( data, ufinderi, 8 ) == 0 &&
( em = getextmap( path )) != NULL ) {
- bcopy( em->em_type, data, sizeof( em->em_type ));
- bcopy( em->em_creator, data + 4, sizeof( em->em_creator ));
+ memcpy( data, em->em_type, sizeof( em->em_type ));
+ memcpy( data + 4, em->em_creator, sizeof( em->em_creator ));
data += 32;
nameoff = data;
- data += sizeof( u_short );
+ data += sizeof( ashort ); /* ashort will get copied here later */
ashort = 0;
- bcopy( &ashort, data, sizeof( u_short ));
- data += sizeof( u_short );
+ memcpy( data, &ashort, sizeof( ashort ));
+ data += sizeof( ashort );
@@ -168,14 +175,14 @@
#else AFS
aint = ( st->st_dev << 16 ) | ( st->st_ino & 0x0000ffff );
#endif AFS
- bcopy( &aint, data, sizeof( int ));
- data += sizeof( int );
+ memcpy( data, &aint, sizeof( aint ));
+ data += sizeof( aint );
aint = htonl( st->st_size );
- bcopy( &aint, data, sizeof( int ));
- data += sizeof( int );
+ memcpy( data, &aint, sizeof( aint ));
+ data += sizeof( aint );
@@ -184,10 +191,65 @@
} else {
aint = 0;
- bcopy( &aint, data, sizeof( int ));
- data += sizeof( int );
+ memcpy( data, &aint, sizeof( aint ));
+ data += sizeof( aint );
+ /* Current client needs ProDOS info block for this file.
+ Use simple heuristic and let the Mac "type" string tell
+ us what the PD file code should be. Everything gets a
+ subtype of 0x0000 unless the original value was hashed
+ to "pXYZ" when we created it. See IA, Ver 2.
+ <shirsch@ibm.net> */
+ if ( isad ) {
+ memcpy( fdType, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FINDERI ), 4 );
+ if ( memcmp( fdType, "TEXT", 4 ) == 0 ) {
+ achar = '\x04';
+ ashort = 0x0000;
+ }
+ else if ( memcmp( fdType, "PSYS", 4 ) == 0 ) {
+ achar = '\xff';
+ ashort = 0x0000;
+ }
+ else if ( memcmp( fdType, "PS16", 4 ) == 0 ) {
+ achar = '\xb3';
+ ashort = 0x0000;
+ }
+ else if ( memcmp( fdType, "BINA", 4 ) == 0 ) {
+ achar = '\x00';
+ ashort = 0x0000;
+ }
+ else if ( fdType[0] == 'p' ) {
+ achar = fdType[1];
+ ashort = (fdType[2] * 256) + fdType[3];
+ }
+ else {
+ achar = '\x00';
+ ashort = 0x0000;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ achar = '\x00';
+ ashort = 0x0000;
+ }
+ memcpy( data, &achar, sizeof( achar ));
+ data += sizeof( achar );
+ achar = 0x00;
+ memcpy( data, &achar, sizeof( achar ));
+ data += sizeof( achar );
+ memcpy( data, &ashort, sizeof( ashort ));
+ data += sizeof( ashort );
+ ashort = 0x0000;
+ memcpy( data, &ashort, sizeof( ashort ));
+ data += sizeof( ashort );
+ break;
default :
if ( isad ) {
ad_close( &ad, ADFLAGS_HF );
@@ -199,11 +261,11 @@
if ( nameoff != 0 ) {
ashort = htons( data - buf );
- bcopy( &ashort, nameoff, sizeof( u_short ));
+ memcpy( nameoff, &ashort, sizeof( ashort ));
aint = strlen( path );
aint = ( aint > 31 ) ? 31 : aint;
*data++ = aint;
- bcopy( path, data, aint );
+ memcpy( data, path, aint );
data += aint;
if ( isad ) {
@@ -213,6 +275,7 @@
return( AFP_OK );
afp_createfile( ibuf, ibuflen, rbuf, rbuflen )
char *ibuf, *rbuf;
int ibuflen, *rbuflen;
@@ -222,22 +285,24 @@
struct vol *vol;
struct dir *dir;
char *path;
- int creatf, did, openf;
- u_short vid;
+ int creatf, openf;
+ int32_t did;
+ u_int16_t vid;
+ int32_t secs;
*rbuflen = 0;
creatf = *ibuf++;
- bcopy( ibuf, &vid, sizeof( u_short ));
- ibuf += sizeof( u_short );
+ memcpy( &vid, ibuf, sizeof( vid ));
+ ibuf += sizeof( vid );
if (( vol = getvolbyvid( vid )) == NULL ) {
return( AFPERR_PARAM );
- bcopy( ibuf, &did, sizeof( int ));
- ibuf += sizeof( int );
+ memcpy( &did, ibuf, sizeof( did ));
+ ibuf += sizeof( did );
if (( dir = dirsearch( vol, did )) == NULL ) {
return( AFPERR_NOOBJ );
@@ -266,18 +331,19 @@
ad_setentrylen( &ad, ADEID_NAME, strlen( path ));
- bcopy( path, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_NAME ),
- ad_getentrylen( &ad, ADEID_NAME ));
+ memcpy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_NAME ),
+ path, ad_getentrylen( &ad, ADEID_NAME ));
if ( gettimeofday( &tv, 0 ) < 0 ) {
syslog( LOG_ERR, "afp_createfile: gettimeofday: %m" );
exit( 1 );
- tv.tv_sec = htonl( tv.tv_sec );
- bcopy( &tv.tv_sec, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_CREATE,
- sizeof( tv.tv_sec ));
- bcopy( &tv.tv_sec, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_MODIFY,
- sizeof( tv.tv_sec ));
+ secs = tv.tv_sec;
+ secs = htonl(secs);
+ memcpy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_CREATE,
+ &secs, sizeof( secs ));
+ memcpy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_MODIFY,
+ &secs, sizeof( secs ));
ad_flush( &ad, ADFLAGS_DF|ADFLAGS_HF );
ad_close( &ad, ADFLAGS_DF|ADFLAGS_HF );
@@ -285,6 +351,7 @@
return( AFP_OK );
afp_setfilparams( ibuf, ibuflen, rbuf, rbuflen )
char *ibuf, *rbuf;
int ibuflen, *rbuflen;
@@ -292,27 +359,28 @@
struct vol *vol;
struct dir *dir;
char *path;
- int did, rc;
- u_short vid, bitmap;
+ int32_t did;
+ int rc;
+ u_int16_t vid, bitmap;
*rbuflen = 0;
ibuf += 2;
- bcopy( ibuf, &vid, sizeof( u_short ));
- ibuf += sizeof( u_short );
+ memcpy( &vid, ibuf, sizeof( vid ));
+ ibuf += sizeof( vid );
if (( vol = getvolbyvid( vid )) == NULL ) {
return( AFPERR_PARAM );
- bcopy( ibuf, &did, sizeof( int ));
- ibuf += sizeof( int );
+ memcpy( &did, ibuf, sizeof( did ));
+ ibuf += sizeof( did );
if (( dir = dirsearch( vol, did )) == NULL ) {
return( AFPERR_NOOBJ );
- bcopy( ibuf, &bitmap, sizeof( u_short ));
+ memcpy( &bitmap, ibuf, sizeof( bitmap ));
bitmap = ntohs( bitmap );
- ibuf += sizeof( u_short );
+ ibuf += sizeof( bitmap );
if (( path = cname( vol, dir, &ibuf )) == NULL ) {
return( AFPERR_NOOBJ );
@@ -329,17 +397,21 @@
return( rc );
setfilparams( path, bitmap, buf )
char *path, *buf;
- u_short bitmap;
+ u_int16_t bitmap;
struct adouble ad;
struct extmap *em;
int bit = 0;
- u_short ashort, bshort;
- u_long along;
+ u_int16_t ashort, bshort;
+ u_int32_t along;
time_t atime;
+ u_char achar;
struct utimbuf ut;
+ u_char *fdType;
+ u_char xyy[4];
if ( ad_open( mtoupath( path ), ADFLAGS_HF, O_RDWR|O_CREAT,
0666, &ad ) < 0 ) {
@@ -349,8 +421,8 @@
if ( ad_getoflags( &ad, ADFLAGS_HF ) & O_CREAT ) {
ad_setentrylen( &ad, ADEID_NAME, strlen( path ));
- bcopy( path, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_NAME ),
- ad_getentrylen( &ad, ADEID_NAME ));
+ memcpy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_NAME ),
+ path, ad_getentrylen( &ad, ADEID_NAME ));
while ( bitmap != 0 ) {
@@ -361,56 +433,96 @@
switch( bit ) {
- bcopy( buf, &ashort, sizeof( u_short ));
- bcopy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_ATTR, &bshort,
- sizeof( u_short ));
+ memcpy( &ashort, buf, sizeof( ashort ));
+ memcpy( &bshort, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_ATTR,
+ sizeof( bshort ));
if ( ntohs( ashort ) & ATTRBIT_SETCLR ) {
bshort |= htons( ntohs( ashort ) & ~ATTRBIT_SETCLR );
} else {
bshort &= ~ashort;
- bcopy( &bshort, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_ATTR,
- sizeof( u_short ));
- buf += sizeof( u_short );
+ memcpy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_ATTR,
+ &bshort, sizeof( bshort ));
+ buf += sizeof( bshort );
- bcopy( buf, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_CREATE,
- sizeof( int ));
- buf += sizeof( int );
+ memcpy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_CREATE, buf, 4);
+ buf += 4;
- bcopy( buf, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_MODIFY,
- sizeof( int ));
- bcopy( buf, &along, sizeof( along ));
+ memcpy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_MODIFY, buf, 4);
+ memcpy( &along, buf, sizeof( along ));
+ buf += sizeof( along );
atime = ntohl( along );
ut.actime = atime;
ut.modtime = atime;
utime( mtoupath( path ), &ut );
- buf += sizeof( int );
- bcopy( buf, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_BACKUP,
- sizeof( int ));
- buf += sizeof( int );
+ memcpy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FILEI ) + FILEIOFF_BACKUP, buf, 4);
+ buf += 4;
if (( ad_getoflags( &ad, ADFLAGS_HF ) & O_CREAT ) ||
- bcmp( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FINDERI ), ufinderi, 8 ) == 0 ) {
+ memcmp( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FINDERI ), ufinderi, 8 ) == 0 ) {
if (( em = getextmap( path )) != NULL ) {
- if ( bcmp( buf, em->em_type, sizeof( em->em_type )) == 0 &&
- bcmp( buf + 4, em->em_creator,
+ if ( memcmp( buf, em->em_type, sizeof( em->em_type )) == 0 &&
+ memcmp( buf + 4, em->em_creator,
sizeof( em->em_creator )) == 0 ) {
- bcopy( ufinderi, buf, 8 );
+ memcpy( buf, ufinderi, 8 );
- bcopy( buf, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FINDERI ), 32 );
+ memcpy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FINDERI ), buf, 32 );
buf += 32;
+ /* Client needs to set the ProDOS file info for this file.
+ Use defined strings for the simple cases, and convert
+ all else into pXYY per Inside Appletalk. Always set
+ the creator as "pdos". <shirsch@ibm.net> */
+ memcpy( &achar, buf, sizeof( achar ));
+ buf += 2 * sizeof( achar );
+ memcpy( &ashort, buf, sizeof( ashort ));
+ ashort = ntohs( ashort );
+ buf += 2 * sizeof( achar );
+ switch ( (unsigned int) achar )
+ {
+ case 0x04 :
+ fdType = ( u_char *) "TEXT";
+ break;
+ case 0xff :
+ fdType = ( u_char *) "PSYS";
+ break;
+ case 0xb3 :
+ fdType = ( u_char *) "PS16";
+ break;
+ case 0x00 :
+ fdType = ( u_char *) "BINA";
+ break;
+ default :
+ xyy[0] = ( u_char ) 'p';
+ xyy[1] = achar;
+ xyy[2] = ( u_char ) ( ashort >> 8 ) & 0xff;
+ xyy[3] = ( u_char ) ashort & 0xff;
+ fdType = xyy;
+ break;
+ }
+ memcpy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FINDERI ), fdType, 4 );
+ memcpy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_FINDERI ) + 4, "pdos", 4 );
+ break;
default :
return( AFPERR_BITMAP );
@@ -432,6 +544,7 @@
* renamefile and copyfile take the old and new unix pathnames
* and the new mac name.
renamefile( src, dst, newname )
char *src, *dst, *newname;
@@ -468,7 +581,7 @@
- strcpy( adsrc, ad_path( src, 0 ));
+ (void)strlcpy( adsrc, ad_path( src, 0 ), sizeof(adsrc));
if ( rename( adsrc, ad_path( dst, 0 )) < 0 ) {
switch ( errno ) {
case ENOENT :
@@ -492,13 +605,14 @@
len = strlen( newname );
ad_setentrylen( &ad, ADEID_NAME, len );
- bcopy( newname, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_NAME ), len );
+ memcpy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_NAME ), newname, len );
ad_flush( &ad, ADFLAGS_HF );
ad_close( &ad, ADFLAGS_HF );
return( AFP_OK );
afp_copyfile( ibuf, ibuflen, rbuf, rbuflen )
char *ibuf, *rbuf;
int ibuflen, *rbuflen;
@@ -513,22 +627,22 @@
*rbuflen = 0;
ibuf += 2;
- bcopy( ibuf, &svid, sizeof( short ));
- ibuf += sizeof( short );
+ memcpy( &svid, ibuf, sizeof( svid ));
+ ibuf += sizeof( svid );
if (( vol = getvolbyvid( svid )) == NULL ) {
return( AFPERR_PARAM );
- bcopy( ibuf, &sdid, sizeof( int ));
- ibuf += sizeof( int );
+ memcpy( &sdid, ibuf, sizeof( sdid ));
+ ibuf += sizeof( sdid );
if (( dir = dirsearch( vol, sdid )) == NULL ) {
return( AFPERR_PARAM );
- bcopy( ibuf, &dvid, sizeof( short ));
- ibuf += sizeof( short );
- bcopy( ibuf, &ddid, sizeof( int ));
- ibuf += sizeof( int );
+ memcpy( &dvid, ibuf, sizeof( dvid ));
+ ibuf += sizeof( dvid );
+ memcpy( &ddid, ibuf, sizeof( ddid ));
+ ibuf += sizeof( ddid );
if (( path = cname( vol, dir, &ibuf )) == NULL ) {
return( AFPERR_NOOBJ );
@@ -536,7 +650,7 @@
if ( *path == '\0' ) {
- strcpy( newname, path );
+ (void)strlcpy( newname, path, sizeof(newname) );
p = ctoupath( vol, dir, newname );
@@ -570,6 +684,7 @@
return( AFP_OK );
copyfile( src, dst, newname )
char *src, *dst, *newname;
@@ -655,13 +770,14 @@
len = strlen( newname );
ad_setentrylen( &ad, ADEID_NAME, len );
- bcopy( newname, ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_NAME ), len );
+ memcpy( ad_entry( &ad, ADEID_NAME ), newname, len );
ad_flush( &ad, ADFLAGS_HF );
ad_close( &ad, ADFLAGS_HF );
return( AFP_OK );
deletefile( file )
char *file;