2013-08-26 12:17:11 +00:00
2013-08-26 12:17:11 +00:00

$OpenBSD: README,v 1.2 2013/05/05 19:24:13 jasper Exp $

| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD

phpvirtualbox has been installed into ${INSTDIR}

Configuration is done in:

Default username/password is: admin/admin

When using Apache, running the following command and restarting httpd(8)
will make phpvirtualbox available from "http://<hostname>/phpvirtualbox".
    # ln -s ../modules.sample/phpvirtualbox.conf /var/www/conf/modules

VirtualBox configuration on Linux Red Hat(-like) systems

Official documentation is available at:

phpVirtualBox user
Since phpVirtualBox is mostly used in shared environments, it's a good
idea to create a specific UNIX user for it.

# adduser -c "PHP VirtualBox" -U -G vboxusers vbox
# passwd vbox

This user credentials must match the "$username" and "$password" values
set in ${INSTDIR}/config.php.

VirtualBox extension pack
Remote display support using VRDP requires the installation of the
proprietary extension pack from Oracle.

# su - vbox
$ wget http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/4.2.6/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.2.6-82870.vbox-extpack
$ VBoxManage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.2.6-82870.vbox-extpack

VirtualBox web service
By default, the VirtualBox web service will not run and needs to be

# chkconfig vboxweb-service on
# echo "VBOXWEB_HOST=" >> /etc/default/virtualbox
# echo "VBOXWEB_USER=vbox" >> /etc/default/virtualbox
# /etc/init.d/vboxweb-service start

VBOXWEB_HOST is the local IP address the service will bind too. It must
match the "$location" value set in ${INSTDIR}/config.php.
VBOXWEB_USER is the VirtualBox user that phpVirtualBox will use. It must
match the "$username" value set in ${INSTDIR}/config.php.

More info is available at:

SELinux considerations
When SELinux is enabled, the VirtualBox's web service port (18083) must
be accessible by a service running in the http context.

# yum install policycoreutils-python
# semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 18083