jasper 17d20cb93c - fixup the commands in the cert/Makefile
- adjust permissions on the default certificates so that prosody can use them

2012-10-08 09:11:35 +00:00

$OpenBSD: README,v 1.7 2012/10/08 09:11:35 jasper Exp $

| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD

Using Prosody in an OpenBSD environment

1) Prosody documentation is available online at:


   Use this information to edit:


   to your liking.

2) In order to allow for secured connections, SSL certificates need to
   be generated. A Makefile is located in ${SYSCONFDIR}/prosody/certs/.
   Please note that if you wish to use this file, the 'gmake' package
   needs to be installed.

3) Prosody includes an rc script for starting and stopping. You can
   start it by running:

   # ${RCDIR}/prosody start

   You can have it start automatically on boot by adding 'prosody' to your
   pkg_scripts line in /etc/rc.conf.local

4) Prosody comes with prosodyctl script for controlling the daemon. Run
   it without parameters to get list of commands:

   # ${TRUEPREFIX}/sbin/prosodyctl

   For example, to add users you would use something like:

   # ${TRUEPREFIX}/sbin/prosodyctl adduser username@domain.tld

5) In case you decide to enable 'mod_storage_sql', the default SQLite3
   driver has already been installed. If you like to use MySQL or
   PostgreSQL for the database, please install luadbi-mysql,${FLAVOR}
   or luadbi-postgresql,${FLAVOR} respectively.