- override MESSAGE with one that also tells people to preload pthread (you can do this via login.conf and rc scripts), text was borrowed from ports/mail/zarafa. Note! Without this, if you use pecl-imagick with the httpd from base, the web server will fail to start: /usr/sbin/httpd:/usr/local/lib/libMagickCore.so.2.0: undefined symbol 'pthread_mutexattr_init' Users of Horde/IMP will need to take care of this. Problem found the hard way by viq.
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You can enable this module by creating a symbolic
link from ${SYSCONFDIR}/php-${PV}.sample/${MODULE_NAME}.ini to
ln -fs ${SYSCONFDIR}/php-${PV}.sample/${MODULE_NAME}.ini \
When using the OpenBSD Apache server, the runtime loader will need to
pre-load the pthread shared library. While the php binary is linked with
-pthread, httpd is not and the pecl-imagick module uses libraries from
ImageMagick which need pthread functions.
To do so, create a login(1) class under /etc/login.conf(5) named after
the Apache rc.d(8) script, i.e. "httpd":