Calligra is an integrated suite of KDE applications that cover office, creative and management needs. Office productivity: - Words for text processing; - Sheets for computations; - Stage for presentations; - Flow for diagrams and flowcharts; - Kexi for database management; - Braindump for note taking. Graphics: - Krita for advanced drawing and image manipulation; - Karbon for vector graphics. Management: - Plan for project planning. This is long-term joint work of Rafael Sadowski, Amit Kulkarni and yours truly. It should compensate (free time slots appeared after removing) x11/kde/office3.
3 lines
127 B
3 lines
127 B
SHA256 (kde/calligra-2.8.5.tar.xz) = kriCjsZLRhJLKaA7rhPBQ+PtdxrfMYb6k4x2Xl6sL70=
SIZE (kde/calligra-2.8.5.tar.xz) = 138928992