sthen 76b3a0829b remove the STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT patch from previous commit
now that it's fixed in the PHP package instead.

zap stray ; spotted by ajacoutot.
2015-10-22 13:06:23 +00:00
2015-09-16 21:04:07 +00:00

$OpenBSD: README,v 1.6 2015/10/22 13:06:23 sthen Exp $

| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD

Standard Roundcube installation/upgrade
for more information.

OpenBSD's standard PHP package uses the Suhosin extension. Disable session
encryption by adding "suhosin.session.encrypt = false" to ${SYSCONFDIR}/php-${MODPHP_VERSION}.ini.

If upgrading from a version before 0.9, note that database access is now
done via PDO.

If you are using MySQL or PostgreSQL you will need to ensure that the
relevant package (php-pdo_mysql or php-pdo_pgsql) is installed and
enabled. If you are using SQLite, you will need to convert the
database from sqlite2 to sqlite3, for example (adjusting filenames
if necessary):

# cd /var/www/roundcubemail/db
# mv sqlite.db old_sqlite.db
# sqlite old_sqlite.db .dump | sqlite3 sqlite.db

Setup with apache-httpd-openbsd from packages
With Apache, AllowOverride settings are required on the ${INSTDIR}
directory. You can configure this as follows:

# ln -s ../modules.sample/roundcubemail.conf \
# /etc/rc.d/httpd restart

Setup with other web servers
Review the .htaccess files as you may need to use them as a template to
adjust various PHP settings in ${SYSCONFDIR}/php-${MODPHP_VERSION}.ini

With clients using certain versions of Internet Explorer, cache-control
headers must be adjusted for file downloads to work correctly over HTTPS.
Roundcube does this automatically but requires that the HTTPS variable
is passed to PHP. This is normally set by Apache mod_ssl, but not by
other servers; it will show as an environment variable in a phpinfo()
call if you want to check.

If this is not present it will need adding as a FastCGI parameter.
For nginx, you can do this by setting 'fastcgi_param HTTPS on' in the
appropriate location{} block for HTTPS.