pvalchev ec1c62a310 Update to icebreaker-1.2.1
- added easy and hard difficulty settings
- added options for sound
- added option for auto pause (which makes the game stop when the window
loses focus -- note that it always pauses when minimized regardless of
this setting).
- added fullscreen option
- fixed busy waits in dialog.c
- code cleanup
2001-08-15 17:18:14 +00:00

21 lines
872 B

$OpenBSD: patch-Makefile,v 1.3 2001/08/15 17:18:14 pvalchev Exp $
--- Makefile.orig Sun Jul 29 19:32:36 2001
+++ Makefile Wed Aug 15 11:05:36 2001
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ ifndef OPTIMIZE
-CFLAGS=-Wall $(OPTIMIZE) $(SDL_CFLAGS) -DDATAPREFIX=\"$(datadir)/icebreaker\" -DHISCOREPREFIX=\"$(highscoredir)\"
+CFLAGS+=-Wall $(SDL_CFLAGS) -DDATAPREFIX=\"$(datadir)/icebreaker\" -DHISCOREPREFIX=\"$(highscoredir)\"
SRC=icebreaker.c cursor.c grid.c laundry.c line.c penguin.c sound.c \
level.c intro.c text.c status.c transition.c hiscore.c dialog.c \
options.c fullscreen.c
SDL_CFLAGS := $(shell $(SDLCONFIG) --cflags)
SDL_LDFLAGS := $(shell $(SDLCONFIG) --libs)
VERSION := $(shell awk '/^\#define VERSION/ { print $$3 }' icebreaker.h)