
$OpenBSD: README,v 2012/11/22 23:45:21 edd Exp $

| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD

Getting Started

Upon first run, FS-UAE will make a directory tree under ~/FS-UAE which
will serve as the place to store floppy images, hard disk images,
Kickstart images, etc. So first just run the emulator to create this
directory structure.

Next you will need a Kickstart ROM for the system you want to emulate.
Kickstart is the name given to the chip in a real Amiga that contains
the bootloader code. The Kickstart ROM can either be dumped from a real
Amiga using a tool like Amiga Explorer for Windows. Alternatively you
can buy the Kickstart ROM from AmigaForever. More details here:

The Kickstart ROMs are copyrighted. You should obtain them legally.

Once you have a Kickstart ROM, put it in ~/FS-UAE/Kickstarts/. You can
now start to build a config file:

 $ mkdir -p ~/.config/fs-uae
 $ cp ${TRUEPREFIX}/share/examples/fs-uae/fs-uae.conf ~/.config/fs-uae/
 $ vi ~/.config/fs-uae/fs-uae.conf

You will want uncomment and amend this line to point to your Kickstart
#kickstart_file = ~/FS-UAE/Kickstarts/your_kickstart_file.rom

If you boot FS-UAE now, you should see the Kickstart bootloader screen.
On a real Amiga system, this is where one would insert one of those
"floppy disks" (should you remember those). Of course we can emulate the
floppies too.

For example:

 $ cd ~/FS-UAE/Floppies
 $ ftp http://www.factor5.de/downloads/r-type.zip
 $ unzip r-type.zip

Now in your config file uncomment the line:
#floppy_drive_0 = R-Type.adf

Next time you boot, you can play some R-Type goodness.


Under Linux, SDL joysticks show up as named devices and ideally there
would be a config file in ${TRUEPREFIX}/share/fs-uae/input for each
Under OpenBSD however, SDL joysticks are named "joystick (n)", where n
is the uhid device number. Due to these differences, joystick setup is
slightly different. This is best shown by example.

Suppose we want to configure this device as a joystick:

uhidev0 at uhub4 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0 "WiseGroup.,Ltd MP-8888 USB Joypad" rev 1.10/3.00 addr 2
uhidev0: iclass 3/0
uhid0 at uhidev0: input=7, output=3, feature=0

First find a matching or similar device config in

In this case of our example, a close match is:

To use this joystick configuration:

 $ cp ${TRUEPREFIX}/share/fs-uae/input/wisegroup_ltd/tigergame_ps_ps2_game_controller_adapter.ini \

Now edit your config file and uncomment this line:
#joystick_port_1 = joystick (0)

Note that we "plug the controller in" to the second joystick port. This
is because on a real Amiga, port 0 (the first port) is usually occupied
by a mouse.

When you next boot fs-uae the joystick should now work.

Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

The keyboard shortcuts you absolutely need to know are:

F12:		Show menu.
Alt + Enter:	Toggle fullscreen.
Middle click:	Release mouse from FS-UAE.
F12 + g:	Release mouse from FS-UAE.
F12 + q:	Quit

If you have no real joystick configured, you can use the emulated one.
Cursor keys controls the joystick stick and right ctrl or right alt
controls the fire button.


FS-UAE comes with a launcher which can help to manage floppy
configurations for different games. To use this run:

 $ fs-uae-launcher

Note that you can not change advanced config settings from the launcher.

FS-UAE is Slow?

Play with 'video_sync' and 'accuracy' in the config file.


See http://fengestad.no/fs-uae/documentation