symlinks to all of them. this fixes kde/multimedia, which builds a (using -release), also known as, and then links something with -lmpeg ... (before this commit, we only had a symlink to the former) it should really just use instead, but let's have libtool handle such attempts anyway. might fix other stuff i'm not yet aware of, too.
1874 lines
49 KiB
Executable File
1874 lines
49 KiB
Executable File
# $OpenBSD: libtool,v 1.4 2010/09/19 17:30:52 steven Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Steven Mestdagh <>
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say switch state);
use Cwd qw(getcwd abs_path);
use File::Basename;
use File::Glob ':glob';
use File::Path;
use Getopt::Long;
use Getopt::Std;
package main;
use subs qw(
package Trace;
sub print(&)
my $val = shift;
if (defined $ENV{'TRACE_LIBTOOL'}) {
state $trace_file;
if (!defined $trace_file) {
open $trace_file, '>>', $ENV{'TRACE_LIBTOOL'};
if (defined $trace_file) {
print $trace_file (&$val);
sub debug(&;$)
my ($args, $level) = @_;
$level = 1 if !defined $level;
if (defined $main::D && $main::D >= $level) {
print (&$args);
package Exec;
my $dry = 0;
my $verbose = 0;
my $performed = 0;
sub performed
return $performed;
sub dry_run
$dry = 1;
sub verbose_run
$verbose = 1;
sub silent_run
$verbose = 0;
sub new
my $class = shift;
bless {}, $class;
sub chdir
my ($self, $dir) = @_;
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
bless {dir => $dir}, $class;
sub command_run
my ($self, @l) = @_;
if ($self->{dir}) {
Trace::print {"cd $self->{dir} && "};
Trace::print { "@l\n" };
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid == -1) {
die "Couldn't fork while running @l\n";
if ($pid == 0) {
if ($self->{dir}) {
CORE::chdir($self->{dir}) or die "Can't chdir to $self->{dir}\n";
die "Exec failed @l\n";
} else {
my $kid = waitpid($pid, 0);
if ($? != 0) {
die "Error while executing @l\n";
sub shell
my ($self, @cmds) = @_;
# create an object "on the run"
if (!ref($self)) {
$self = $self->new;
for my $c (@cmds) {
say $c if $verbose || $dry;
if (!$dry) {
sub command
my ($self, @l) = @_;
# create an object "on the run"
if (!ref($self)) {
$self = $self->new;
say "@l" if $verbose || $dry;
if (!$dry) {
package Parser;
my $calls = 0;
sub internal_resolve_la
my ($self, $level, $result, $rdeplibs, $rlibdirs, $args) = @_;
Trace::debug {"resolve level: $level\n"};
my $seen_pthread = 0;
foreach my $a (@$args) {
if ($a eq '-pthread') {
push(@$result, $a);
next if $a !~ m/\.la$/;
my $lainfo = LaFile->parse($a);
if (!exists $lainfo->{'cached_deplibs'}) {
$lainfo->{'cached_deplibs'} = [];
$lainfo->{'cached_result'} = [];
$lainfo->{'cached_libdirs'} = [];
$lainfo->{'cached_pthread'} =
if (@{$lainfo->{'cached_deplibs'}} > 50) {
$lainfo->{'cached_deplibs'} = main::reverse_zap_duplicates_ref($lainfo->{'cached_deplibs'});
if (@{$lainfo->{'cached_libdirs'}} > 50) {
$lainfo->{'cached_libdirs'} = main::reverse_zap_duplicates_ref($lainfo->{'cached_libdirs'});
if (@{$lainfo->{'cached_result'}} > 50) {
$lainfo->{'cached_result'} = main::reverse_zap_duplicates_ref($lainfo->{'cached_result'});
$seen_pthread += $lainfo->{'cached_pthread'};
push(@$result, @{$lainfo->{'cached_result'}});
push(@$rdeplibs, @{$lainfo->{'cached_deplibs'}});
push(@$rlibdirs, @{$lainfo->{'cached_libdirs'}});
return $seen_pthread;
Trace::print { "Calls to resolve_la: $calls\n" } if $calls;
# resolve .la files until a level with empty dependency_libs is reached.
sub resolve_la
my ($self, $deplibs, $libdirs) = @_;
$self->{result} = [];
if ($self->internal_resolve_la(0, $self->{result}, $deplibs, $libdirs, $self->{args})) {
unshift(@{$self->{result}}, '-pthread');
unshift(@$deplibs, '-pthread');
return $self->{result};
# parse link flags and arguments
# eliminate all -L and -l flags in the argument string and add the
# corresponding directories and library names to the dirs/libs hashes.
# fill deplibs, to be taken up as dependencies in the resulting .la file...
# set up a hash for library files which haven't been found yet.
# deplibs are formed by collecting the original -L/-l flags, plus
# any .la files passed on the command line, EXCEPT when the .la file
# does not point to a shared library.
# pass 1
# -Lfoo, -lfoo, foo.a,
# recursively find .la files corresponding to -l flags; if there is no .la
# file, just inspect the library file itself for any dependencies.
# XXX the variable $lashared will register whether or not a .la file is
# found which refers to a shared library
# this is used to decide where to link executables and create wrappers
sub parse_linkargs1
state $seen_pthread = 0;
my ($self, $deplibs, $Rresolved, $libsearchdirs,
$dirs, $libs, $args, $level) = @_;
Trace::debug {"parse_linkargs1, level: $level\n"};
Trace::debug {" args: @$args\n"};
my $result = $self->{result};
my $lashared = $self->{seen_la_shared};
# first read all directories where we can search libraries
foreach my $a (@$args) {
if ($a =~ m/^-L(.*)/) {
if (!exists $dirs->{$1}) {
$dirs->{$1} = 1;
push @$deplibs, $a;
foreach my $a (@$args) {
Trace::debug {" processing $a\n"};
if (!$a || $a eq '' || $a =~ m/^\s+$/) {
# skip empty arguments
} elsif ($a eq '-pthread' && !$seen_pthread) {
# XXX special treatment since it's not a -l flag
push @$deplibs, $a;
$seen_pthread = 1;
push(@$result, $a);
} elsif ($a =~ m/^-L(.*)/) {
# already read earlier, do nothing
} elsif ($a =~ m/^-R(.*)/) {
# -R options originating from .la resolution
# those from @ARGV are in @Ropts
push @$Rresolved, $1;
} elsif ($a =~ m/^-l(\S+)/) {
my @largs = ();
my $key = $1;
if (!exists $libs->{$key}) {
$libs->{$key} = Library->new($key);
my $lafile = LaFile->find($key, $dirs);
if ($lafile) {
$libs->{$key}->{lafile} = $lafile;
my $absla = main::abs_path($lafile);
push @$deplibs, $absla;
push @$result, $lafile;
} else {
$libs->{$key}->find($dirs, 1, 'notyet', $libsearchdirs);
my @deps = $libs->{$key}->inspect;
foreach my $d (@deps) {
my $k = main::basename $d;
$k =~ s/^(\S+)\.so.*$/$1/;
$k =~ s/^lib//;
push(@largs, "-l$k");
push @$deplibs, $a;
push(@$result, $a);
my $dummy = []; # no need to add deplibs recursively
$self->parse_linkargs1($dummy, $Rresolved,
$libsearchdirs, $dirs, $libs,
\@largs, $level+1) if @largs;
} elsif ($a =~ m/(\S+\/)*(\S+)\.a$/) {
(my $key = $2) =~ s/^lib//;
if (!exists $libs->{$key}) {
$libs->{$key} = Library->new($key);
my $d = main::abs_path(main::dirname($a));
$dirs->{$d} = 1;
$libs->{$key}->{fullpath} = $a;
push(@$result, $a);
} elsif ($a =~ m/(\S+\/)*(\S+)\.la$/) {
(my $key = $2) =~ s/^lib//;
my $d = main::abs_path(main::dirname($a));
$dirs->{$d} = 1;
my $fulla = main::abs_path($a);
my $lainfo = LaFile->parse($fulla);
my $dlname = $lainfo->{'dlname'};
my $oldlib = $lainfo->{'old_library'};
my $libdir = $lainfo->{'libdir'};
if ($dlname ne '') {
$$lashared = 1;
if (!exists $libs->{$key}) {
$libs->{$key} = Library->new($key);
$libs->{$key}->{lafile} = $fulla;
push(@$result, $a);
push(@$deplibs, $fulla) if ($libdir ne '');
} elsif ($a =~ m/(\S+\/)*(\S+)\.so(\.\d+){2}/) {
(my $key = $2) =~ s/^lib//;
my $d = main::abs_path(main::dirname($a));
$dirs->{$d} = 1;
if (!exists $libs->{$key}) {
$libs->{$key} = Library->new($key);
# not really normal argument
# -lfoo should be used instead, so convert it
push(@$result, "-l$key");
} else {
push(@$result, $a);
# pass 2
# -Lfoo, -lfoo, foo.a
# no recursion in pass 2
# fill orderedlibs array, which is the sequence of shared libraries
# after resolving all .la
# (this list may contain duplicates)
# fill staticlibs array, which is the sequence of static and convenience
# libraries
sub parse_linkargs2
state $seen_pthread = 0;
my ($self, $Rresolved, $libsearchdirs, $orderedlibs, $staticlibs,
$dirs, $libs) = @_;
Trace::debug {"parse_linkargs2\n"};
Trace::debug {" args: @{$self->{args}}\n"};
$self->{result} = [];
my $result = $self->{result};
my $ltdir = $main::ltdir;
foreach my $a (@{$self->{args}}) {
Trace::debug {" processing $a\n"};
if (!$a || $a eq '' || $a =~ m/^\s+$/) {
# skip empty arguments
} elsif ($a eq '-lc') {
# don't link explicitly with libc (just remove -lc)
} elsif ($a eq '-pthread' && !$seen_pthread) {
# XXX special treatment since it's not a -l flag
$seen_pthread = 1;
push(@$result, $a);
} elsif ($a =~ m/^-L(.*)/) {
if (!exists $dirs->{$1}) {
$dirs->{$1} = 1;
} elsif ($a =~ m/^-R(.*)/) {
# -R options originating from .la resolution
# those from @ARGV are in @Ropts
push @$Rresolved, $1;
} elsif ($a =~ m/^-l(.*)/) {
my @largs = ();
my $key = $1;
if (!exists $libs->{$key}) {
$libs->{$key} = Library->new($key);
push @$orderedlibs, $key;
} elsif ($a =~ m/(\S+\/)*(\S+)\.a$/) {
(my $key = $2) =~ s/^lib//;
if (!exists $libs->{$key}) {
$libs->{$key} = Library->new($key);
$libs->{$key}->{fullpath} = $a;
push(@$staticlibs, $a);
} elsif ($a =~ m/(\S+\/)*(\S+)\.la$/) {
(my $key = $2) =~ s/^lib//;
my $d = main::abs_path(main::dirname($a));
$dirs->{$d} = 1;
my $fulla = main::abs_path($a);
my $lainfo = LaFile->parse($fulla);
my $dlname = $lainfo->stringize('dlname');
my $oldlib = $lainfo->stringize('old_library');
if ($dlname eq '' && -f "$d/$ltdir/$oldlib") {
push @$staticlibs, "$d/$ltdir/$oldlib";
} else {
if (!exists $libs->{$key}) {
$libs->{$key} = Library->new($key);
$libs->{$key}->{lafile} = $fulla;
push @$orderedlibs, $key;
} elsif ($a =~ m/^-Wl,(\S+)/) {
# libtool accepts a list of -Wl options separated
# by commas, and possibly with a trailing comma
# which is not accepted by the linker
my @Wlflags = split(/,/, $1);
foreach my $f (@Wlflags) {
push(@$result, "-Wl,$f");
} else {
push(@$result, $a);
Trace::debug {"end parse_linkargs2\n"};
return $self->{result};
sub new
my ($class, $args) = @_;
bless { args => $args }, $class;
package LaLoFile;
my %file_cache; # which files have been parsed
my $cache_by_fullname = {};
my $cache_by_inode = {};
# allows special treatment for some keywords
sub set
my ($self, $k, $v) = @_;
$self->{$k} = $v;
sub stringize
my ($self, $k) = @_;
if (defined $self->{$k}) {
return $self->{$k};
return '';
sub read
my ($class, $filename) = @_;
my $info = $class->new;
open(my $fh, '<', $filename) or die "cannot read $filename: $!\n";
my $_;
while (<$fh>) {
next if /^\#/;
next if /^\s*$/;
if (m/^(\S+)\=\'(.*)\'$/) {
$info->set($1, $2);
} elsif (m/^(\S+)\=(\S+)$/) {
$info->set($1, $2);
return $info;
sub parse
my ($class, $filename) = @_;
Trace::debug {"parsing $filename"};
if (defined $cache_by_fullname->{$filename}) {
Trace::debug {" (cached)\n"};
return $cache_by_fullname->{$filename};
my $key = join("/", (stat $filename)[0,1]);
if (defined $cache_by_inode->{$key}) {
Trace::debug {" (cached)\n"};
return $cache_by_inode->{$key};
Trace::debug {"\n"};
return $cache_by_inode->{$key} = $cache_by_fullname->{$filename} =
sub new
my $class = shift;
bless {}, $class;
package LaFile;
our @ISA=(qw(LaLoFile));
use File::Basename;
# allows special treatment for some keywords
sub set
my ($self, $k, $v) = @_;
$self->SUPER::set($k, $v);
if ($k eq 'dependency_libs') {
my @l = split /\s+/, $v;
$self->{deplib_list} = \@l;
sub deplib_list
my $self = shift;
return $self->{deplib_list}
# XXX not sure how much of this cruft we need
sub write
my ($lainfo, $filename, $name) = @_;
my $libname = $lainfo->stringize('libname');
my $sharedlibname = $lainfo->stringize('dlname');
my $staticlibname = $lainfo->stringize('old_library');
my $librarynames = $lainfo->stringize('library_names');
my $deplibs = $lainfo->stringize('dependency_libs');
my $current = $lainfo->stringize('current');
my $revision = $lainfo->stringize('revision');
my $age = $lainfo->stringize('age');
my $installed = $lainfo->stringize('installed');
my $shouldnotlink = $lainfo->stringize('shouldnotlink');
my $libdir = $lainfo->stringize('libdir');
open(my $la, '>', $filename) or die "cannot write $filename: $!\n";
say "creating $filename" if $main::verbose || $main::D;
print $la <<EOF
# $name - libtool library file
# Generated by libtool $main::version
# Please DO NOT delete this file!
# It is necessary for linking the library.
# The name that we can dlopen(3).
# Names of this library.
# The name of the static archive.
# Libraries that this one depends upon.
# Version information for $libname.
# Is this an already installed library?
# Should we warn about portability when linking against -modules?
# Files to dlopen/dlpreopen
# Directory that this library needs to be installed in:
sub write_shared_libs_log
my ($self, $origv) = @_;
my $libname = $self->stringize('libname');
my $v = $self->stringize('current') .'.'. $self->stringize('revision');
if (!defined $ENV{'SHARED_LIBS_LOG'}) {
my $logfile = $ENV{'SHARED_LIBS_LOG'};
my $fh;
if (! -f $logfile) {
open ($fh, '>', $logfile);
print $fh "# SHARED_LIBS+= <libname> <obsd version> # <orig version>\n";
close $fh;
open ($fh, '>>', $logfile);
# Remove first leading 'lib', we don't want that in SHARED_LIBS_LOG.
$libname =~ s/^lib//;
printf $fh "SHARED_LIBS +=\t%-20s %-8s # %s\n", $libname, $v, $origv;
# find .la file associated with a -llib flag
# XXX pick the right one if multiple are found!
sub find
my ($self, $l, $dirs) = @_;
# sort dir search order by priority
# XXX not fully correct yet
my @sdirs = sort { $dirs->{$b} <=> $dirs->{$a} } keys %$dirs;
# search in cwd as well
unshift @sdirs, '.';
Trace::debug {"searching .la for $l\n"};
Trace::debug {"search path= ", join(':', @sdirs), "\n"};
foreach my $d (@sdirs) {
foreach my $la_candidate ("$d/lib$", "$d/$l.a") {
if (-f $la_candidate) {
Trace::debug {"found $la_candidate\n"};
return $la_candidate;
Trace::debug {".la for $l not found!\n"};
return 0;
sub link
my $self = shift;
my $ltprog = shift;
my $la = shift;
my $fname = shift;
my $odir = shift;
my $shared = shift;
my $objs = shift;
my $dirs = shift;
my $libs = shift;
my $deplibs = shift;
my $libdirs = shift;
my $parser = shift;
my $opts = shift;
Trace::debug {"creating link command for library (linked ",
($shared) ? "dynam" : "stat", "ically)\n"};
my $what = ref($self);
my @libflags;
my @cmd;
my $ltdir = $main::ltdir;
my $dst = ($odir eq '.') ? "$ltdir/$fname" : "$odir/$ltdir/$fname";
if ($la =~ m/\.a$/) {
# probably just a convenience library
$dst = ($odir eq '.') ? "$fname" : "$odir/$fname";
mkdir "$odir/$ltdir" if (! -d "$odir/$ltdir");
Trace::debug {"argvstring (pre resolve_la): @{$parser->{args}}\n"};
my $args = $parser->resolve_la($deplibs, $libdirs);
Trace::debug {"argvstring (post resolve_la): @{$parser->{args}}\n"};
my $orderedlibs = [];
my $staticlibs = [];
$parser->{args} = $args;
$args = $parser->parse_linkargs2(\@main::Rresolved,
\@main::libsearchdirs, $orderedlibs, $staticlibs, $dirs, $libs);
Trace::debug {"staticlibs = \n", join("\n", @$staticlibs), "\n"};
Trace::debug {"orderedlibs = @$orderedlibs\n"};
my $finalorderedlibs = main::reverse_zap_duplicates_ref($orderedlibs);
Trace::debug {"final orderedlibs = @$finalorderedlibs\n"};
# static linking
if (!$shared) {
@cmd = ('ar', 'cru', $dst);
foreach my $a (@$staticlibs) {
if ($a =~ m/\.a$/ && $a !~ m/_pic\.a/) {
# extract objects from archive
my $libfile = main::basename $a;
my $xdir = "$odir/$ltdir/${la}x/$libfile";
main::extract_archive($xdir, $a);
my @kobjs = main::get_objlist_from_archive($a);
map { $_ = "$xdir/$_"; } @kobjs;
push @libflags, @kobjs;
foreach my $k (@$finalorderedlibs) {
my $l = $libs->{$k};
# XXX improve test
# this has to be done probably only with
# convenience libraries
next if (!defined $l->{lafile});
my $lainfo = LaFile->parse($l->{lafile});
next if ($lainfo->stringize('dlname') ne '');
$l->find($dirs, 0, $what);
my $a = $l->{fullpath};
if ($a =~ m/\.a$/ && $a !~ m/_pic\.a/) {
# extract objects from archive
my $libfile = main::basename $a;
my $xdir = "$odir/$ltdir/${la}x/$libfile";
main::extract_archive($xdir, $a);
my @kobjs = main::get_objlist_from_archive($a);
map { $_ = "$xdir/$_"; } @kobjs;
push @libflags, @kobjs;
push @cmd, @libflags if (@libflags);
push @cmd, @$objs if (@$objs);
Exec->command('ranlib', $dst);
# dynamic linking
my $symbolsfile;
if ($opts->{'export-symbols'}) {
$symbolsfile = $opts->{'export-symbols'};
} elsif ($opts->{'export-symbols-regex'}) {
($symbolsfile = "$odir/$ltdir/$la") =~ s/\.la$/.exp/;
main::get_symbollist($symbolsfile, $opts->{'export-symbols-regex'}, $objs);
my $tmp = [];
while (my $k = shift @$finalorderedlibs) {
my $l = $libs->{$k};
$l->find($dirs, 1, $what);
if ($l->{dropped}) {
# remove library if dependency on it has been dropped
delete $libs->{$k};
} else {
push(@$tmp, $k);
$finalorderedlibs = $tmp;
my @libobjects = values %$libs;
Trace::debug {"libs:\n", join("\n", (keys %$libs)), "\n"};
Trace::debug {"libfiles:\n", join("\n", map { $_->{fullpath}//'UNDEF' } @libobjects), "\n"};
main::create_symlinks($ltdir, $libs);
my $prev_was_archive = 0;
my $libcounter = 0;
foreach my $k (@$finalorderedlibs) {
my $a = $libs->{$k}->{fullpath} || die "ERROR: $k not found in \$libs";
if ($a =~ m/\.a$/) {
# don't make a -lfoo out of a static library
push @libflags, '-Wl,-whole-archive' unless $prev_was_archive;
push @libflags, $a;
if ($libcounter == @$finalorderedlibs - 1) {
push @libflags, '-Wl,-no-whole-archive';
$prev_was_archive = 1;
} else {
push @libflags, '-Wl,-no-whole-archive' if $prev_was_archive;
$prev_was_archive = 0;
my $lib = basename $a;
if ($lib =~ m/^lib(.*)\.so(\.\d+){2}/) {
$lib = $1;
} else {
say "warning: cannot derive -l flag from library filename, assuming hash key";
$lib = $k;
push @libflags, "-l$lib";
@cmd = @$ltprog;
push @cmd, $main::sharedflag, @main::picflags;
push @cmd, '-o', $dst;
push @cmd, @$args if ($args);
push @cmd, @$objs if (@$objs);
push @cmd, '-Wl,-whole-archive', @$staticlibs, '-Wl,-no-whole-archive'
if (@$staticlibs);
push @cmd, "-L$ltdir", @libflags if (@libflags);
push @cmd, "-Wl,-retain-symbols-file,$symbolsfile" if ($symbolsfile);
package LoFile;
our @ISA=(qw(LaLoFile));
use File::Basename;
# write a libtool object file
sub write
my ($self, $filename) = @_;
my $picobj = $self->stringize('picobj');
my $nonpicobj = $self->stringize('nonpicobj');
my $name = basename $filename;
open(my $lo, '>', $filename) or die "cannot write $filename: $!\n";
say "creating $filename" if $main::verbose || $main::D;
print $lo <<EOF
# $name - a libtool object file
# Generated by libtool $main::version
sub compile
my ($self, $compiler, $odir, $args) = @_;
my $ltdir = $main::ltdir;
mkdir "$odir/$ltdir" if (! -d "$odir/$ltdir");
if (defined $self->{picobj}) {
my @cmd = @$compiler;
push @cmd, @$args if (@$args);
push @cmd, @main::picflags, '-o';
my $o = ($odir eq '.') ? '' : "$odir/";
$o .= $self->{picobj};
push @cmd, $o;
if (defined $self->{nonpicobj}) {
my @cmd = @$compiler;
push @cmd, @$args if (@$args);
push @cmd, '-o';
my $o = ($odir eq '.') ? '' : "$odir/";
$o .= $self->{nonpicobj};
push @cmd, $o;
package Program;
use File::Basename;
sub new
my $class = shift;
bless {}, $class;
# write a wrapper script for an executable so it can be executed within
# the build directory
sub write_wrapper
my $self = shift;
my $program = $self->{outfilepath};
my $ltdir = $main::ltdir;
my $version = $main::version;
open(my $pw, '>', $program) or die "cannot write $program: $!\n";
print $pw <<EOF
# $program - wrapper for $ltdir/$program
# Generated by libtool $version
argdir=`dirname \$0`
if test -f "\$argdir/$ltdir/$program"; then
# Add our own library path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# Run the actual program with our arguments.
exec "\$argdir/$ltdir/$program" \${1+"\$\@"}
echo "\$0: cannot exec $program \${1+"\$\@"}"
exit 1
echo "\$0: error: \\\`\$argdir/$ltdir/$program' does not exist." 1>&2
exit 1
chmod 0755, $program;
sub is_wrapper
# my $self = shift;
my $program = shift;
open(my $pw, '<', $program) or die "cannot open $program: $!\n";
return eval(grep { m/wrapper\sfor/ } <$pw>);
sub link
my $self = shift;
my $ltprog = shift;
my $dirs = shift;
my $libs = shift;
my $deplibs = shift;
my $libdirs = shift;
my $parser = shift;
my $opts = shift;
my $seen_la_shared = shift;
my $ltdir = $main::ltdir;
Trace::debug {"linking program (",
($self->{shared}) ? "dynam" : "stat", "ically)\n"};
my $what = ref($self);
my $fpath = $self->{outfilepath};
my $RPdirs = $self->{RPdirs};
my $odir = dirname $fpath;
my $fname = basename $fpath;
my @libflags;
my @cmd;
my $dst;
if ($self->{shared} && $seen_la_shared) {
$dst = ($odir eq '.') ? "$ltdir/$fname" : "$odir/$ltdir/$fname";
mkdir "$odir/$ltdir" if (! -d "$odir/$ltdir");
} else {
$dst = ($odir eq '.') ? $fname : "$odir/$fname";
Trace::debug {"argvstring (pre resolve_la): @{$parser->{args}}\n"};
my $args = $parser->resolve_la($deplibs, $libdirs);
Trace::debug {"argvstring (post resolve_la): @{$parser->{args}}\n"};
my $orderedlibs = [];
my $staticlibs = [];
$parser->{args} = $args;
$args = $parser->parse_linkargs2(\@main::Rresolved,
\@main::libsearchdirs, $orderedlibs, $staticlibs, $dirs, $libs);
Trace::debug {"staticlibs = \n", join("\n", @$staticlibs), "\n"};
Trace::debug {"orderedlibs = @$orderedlibs\n"};
my $finalorderedlibs = main::reverse_zap_duplicates_ref($orderedlibs);
Trace::debug {"final orderedlibs = @$finalorderedlibs\n"};
my $symbolsfile;
if ($opts->{'export-symbols'}) {
$symbolsfile = $opts->{'export-symbols'};
} elsif ($opts->{'export-symbols-regex'}) {
($symbolsfile = "$odir/$ltdir/$fname") =~ s/\.la$/.exp/;
main::get_symbollist($symbolsfile, $opts->{'export-symbols-regex'}, $self->{objlist});
$libdirs = main::reverse_zap_duplicates_ref($libdirs);
# add libdirs to rpath if they are not in standard lib path
for my $l (@$libdirs) {
my $found = 0;
for my $d (@main::libsearchdirs) {
if ($l eq $d) { $found = 1; last; }
if (!$found) { push @$RPdirs, $l; }
$RPdirs = main::reverse_zap_duplicates_ref($RPdirs);
map { $_ = "-Wl,-rpath,$_" } @$RPdirs;
foreach my $k (keys %$libs) {
Trace::debug {"key = $k - "};
my $r = ref($libs->{$k});
Trace::debug {"ref = $r\n"};
if (!defined $libs->{$k}) {
Trace::debug {"creating library object for $k\n"};
$libs->{$k} = Library->new($k);
my $l = $libs->{$k};
$l->find($dirs, $self->{shared}, $what);
my @libobjects = values %$libs;
Trace::debug {"libs:\n", join("\n", (keys %$libs)), "\n"};
Trace::debug {"libfiles:\n", join("\n", map { $_->{fullpath} } @libobjects), "\n"};
main::create_symlinks($ltdir, $libs);
foreach my $k (@$finalorderedlibs) {
my $a = $libs->{$k}->{fullpath} || die "ERROR: $k not found in \$libs";
if ($a =~ m/\.a$/) {
# don't make a -lfoo out of a static library
push @libflags, $a;
} else {
my $lib = basename $a;
if ($lib =~ m/^lib(.*)\.so(\.\d+){2}/) {
$lib = $1;
} else {
say "warning: cannot derive -l flag from library filename, assuming hash key";
$lib = $k;
push @libflags, "-l$lib";
@cmd = @$ltprog;
push @cmd, '-o', $dst;
push @cmd, '-static' if (!$self->{shared});
push @cmd, @$args if ($args);
push @cmd, @{$self->{objlist}} if (@{$self->{objlist}});
push @cmd, @$staticlibs if (@$staticlibs);
push @cmd, "-L$ltdir", @libflags if (@libflags);
push @cmd, @$RPdirs if (@$RPdirs);
push @cmd, "-Wl,-retain-symbols-file,$symbolsfile" if ($symbolsfile);
package Library;
# find actual library filename
# XXX pick the right one if multiple are found!
sub find
my ($self, $dirs, $shared, $linkmode, $ldconfigdirs) = @_;
my $libtofind = $self->{key};
my $libfile = 0;
my @globbedlib;
my $ltdir = $main::ltdir;
my $pic = ''; # used when finding static libraries
if ($linkmode eq 'LaFile') {
$pic = '_pic';
if (defined $self->{lafile}) {
# if there is a .la file, use the info from there
Trace::debug {"found .la file $self->{lafile} for library key: $self->{key}\n"};
my $lainfo = LaFile->parse($self->{lafile});
my $dlname = $lainfo->{'dlname'};
my $oldlib = $lainfo->{'old_library'};
my $libdir = $lainfo->{'libdir'};
my $d = main::abs_path(main::dirname($self->{lafile}));
# get the name we need (this may include a -release)
if (!$dlname && !$oldlib) {
die "neither static nor shared library found in $self->{lafile}\n";
if ($d !~ m/\Q$ltdir\E$/ && $lainfo->{'installed'} eq 'no') {
$d .= "/$ltdir";
if ($shared) {
if ($dlname) {
$libfile = "$d/$dlname";
} else {
# fall back to static
$libfile = "$d/$oldlib";
} else {
$libfile = "$d/$oldlib";
if (! -f $libfile) {
Trace::debug {".la file $self->{lafile} points to nonexistent file $libfile !\n"};
} else {
# otherwise, search the filesystem
# sort dir search order by priority
# XXX not fully correct yet
my @sdirs = sort { $dirs->{$b} <=> $dirs->{$a} } keys %$dirs;
# search in .libs when priority is high
map { $_ = "$_/$ltdir" if (exists $dirs->{$_} && $dirs->{$_} > 3) } @sdirs;
push @sdirs, @$ldconfigdirs if ($ldconfigdirs);
Trace::debug {"searching for $libtofind\n"};
Trace::debug {"search path= ", join(':', @sdirs), "\n"};
Trace::debug {"search type= ", ($shared) ? 'shared' : 'static', "\n"};
foreach my $sd (@sdirs) {
if ($shared) {
# select correct library by sorting by version number only
@globbedlib = sort { my ($x,$y) =
map { /\.so\.(\d+\.\d+)$/; $1 } ($a,$b); $y <=> $x }
glob "$sd/lib$*.*";
if ($globbedlib[0]) {
Trace::debug {"found $libtofind in $sd\n"};
$libfile = $globbedlib[0];
} else { # XXX find static library instead?
my $spath = "$sd/lib$libtofind$pic.a";
if (-f $spath) {
Trace::debug {"found static $libtofind in $sd\n"};
$libfile = $spath;
} else {
# look for a static library
my $spath = "$sd/lib$libtofind.a";
if (-f $spath) {
Trace::debug {"found static $libtofind in $sd\n"};
$libfile = $spath;
if (!$libfile) {
if (defined $self->{fullpath}) { delete $self->{fullpath}; }
if ($linkmode eq 'LaFile') {
say "warning: dependency on $libtofind dropped";
$self->{dropped} = 1;
} elsif ($linkmode eq 'Program') {
die "$libtofind not found!\n";
} else {
$self->{fullpath} = $libfile;
Trace::debug {"\$libs->{$self->{key}}->{fullpath} = ", $self->{fullpath}, "\n"};
# give a list of library dependencies found in the actual shared library
sub inspect
my $self = shift;
my $filename = $self->{fullpath};
my @deps;
Trace::debug {"inspecting $filename for library dependencies...\n"};
open(my $fh, '-|', "objdump -p $filename");
while (<$fh>) {
if (m/\s+NEEDED\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
push @deps, $1;
Trace::debug {"found ", (@deps == 0) ? 'no ' : '',
"deps for $filename\n@deps\n"};
return @deps;
sub new
my ($class, $key) = @_;
bless { key => $key }, $class;
package main;
use Config;
use constant {
OBJECT => 0,
our $version = '1.5.26'; # pretend to be this version of libtool
my @no_shared_archs = qw(m88k vax);
# XXX my $machine_arch = `machine -a`;
my $machine_arch = $Config{'ARCH'};
(my $gnu_arch = $machine_arch) =~ s/amd64/x86_64/;
my @valid_modes = qw(clean compile execute finish install link uninstall);
my @valid_src = qw(asm c cc cpp cxx f s);
my $cwd = getcwd();
our $ltdir = '.libs';
our @picflags = ('-fPIC', '-DPIC');
our $sharedflag = '-shared';
my $instlibdir = '/usr/local/lib';
my @libsearchdirs;
$instlibdir = $ENV{'LIBDIR'} if defined $ENV{'LIBDIR'};
my $mode;
our $D = 0; # debug flag
my $verbose = 1;
my %opts; # options passed to libtool
my @tags; # list of --tag options passed to libtool
# just to be clear:
# when building a library:
# * -R libdir records libdir in dependency_libs
# * -rpath is the path where the (shared) library will be installed
# when building a program:
# * both -R libdir and -rpath libdir add libdir to the run-time path
# -Wl,-rpath,libdir will bypass libtool.
# build static/shared objects?
my $static = 1;
my $shared = 0;
my $convenience = 0;
my $noshared = 0;
if (grep { $_ eq $machine_arch } @no_shared_archs) {
$noshared = 1;
my $gp = new Getopt::Long::Parser;
# require_order so we stop parsing at the first non-option or argument,
# instead of parsing the whole ARGV.
$gp->configure( 'no_ignore_case',
$gp->getoptions('config' => \&config,
'debug' => \$D,
'dry-run|n' => sub { Exec->dry_run },
'features' => \¬yet,
'finish' => sub { $mode = 'finish'; },
'help' => \&help, # does not return
'mode=s{1}' => \$mode,
'quiet' => sub { $verbose = 0; },
'silent' => sub { $verbose = 0; },
'tag=s{1}' => \@tags,
'version' => sub { say $version ; exit(0); },
if ($verbose || $D) {
# what are we going to run (cc, c++, ...)
my $ltprog = ();
# deal with multi-arg ltprog
Trace::debug {"ARGV = @ARGV\n"};
while (@ARGV) {
# just read arguments until the next option...
if ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^\-/) { last; }
# XXX improve checks
if ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^\S+\.la/) { last; }
my $arg = shift @ARGV;
push @$ltprog, $arg;
Trace::debug {"arg = \"$arg\"\n"};
# if the current argument is an install program, stop immediately
if ($arg =~ /cp$/) { last; }
if ($arg =~ /install([-.]sh)?$/) { last; }
Trace::debug {"ltprog = \"@$ltprog\"\n"};
if (@$ltprog == 0) { die "no libtool command\n" };
# check mode and guess it if needed
if (!($mode && grep { $_ eq $mode } @valid_modes)) {
$mode = guess_implicit_mode($ltprog);
if ($mode) {
Trace::debug {"implicit mode: $mode\n"};
} else {
die "MODE must be one of:\n@valid_modes\n";
# from here, options may be intermixed with arguments
if ($mode eq 'compile') {
my $lofile = LoFile->new;
$gp->getoptions('o=s' => \$opts{'o'},
'prefer-pic' => \$opts{'prefer-pic'},
'prefer-non-pic'=> \$opts{'prefer-non-pic'},
'static' => \$opts{'static'},
# XXX options ignored: -prefer-pic and -prefer-non-pic
my $pic = 0;
my $nonpic = 1;
# assume we need to build pic objects
$pic = 1 if (!$noshared);
$nonpic = 0 if ($pic && grep { $_ eq 'disable-static' } @tags);
$pic = 0 if ($nonpic && grep { $_ eq 'disable-shared' } @tags);
$nonpic = 1 if ($opts{'static'});
my ($outfile, $odir, $ofile, $srcfile, $srcext);
# XXX check whether -c flag is present and if not, die?
if ($opts{'o'}) {
# fix extension if needed
($outfile = $opts{'o'}) =~ s/\.o$/.lo/;
$odir = dirname $outfile;
$ofile = basename $outfile;
} else {
# XXX sometimes no -o flag is present and we need another way
my $srcre = join '|', @valid_src;
my $found = 0;
foreach my $a (@ARGV) {
if ($a =~ m/\.($srcre)$/i) {
$srcfile = $a;
$srcext = $1;
$found = 1;
$found or die "cannot find source file in command\n";
# the output file ends up in the current directory
$odir = '.';
($ofile = basename $srcfile) =~ s/\.($srcext)$/.lo/i;
$outfile = "$odir/$ofile";
Trace::debug {"srcfile = $srcfile\n"} if $srcfile;
Trace::debug {"outfile = $outfile\n"};
(my $nonpicobj = $ofile) =~ s/\.lo$/.o/;
my $picobj = "$ltdir/$nonpicobj";
$lofile->{picobj} = $picobj if $pic;
$lofile->{nonpicobj} = $nonpicobj if $nonpic;
$lofile->compile($ltprog, $odir, \@ARGV);
} elsif ($mode eq 'install') {
# we just parse the options in order to find the actual arguments
my @argvcopy = @ARGV;
my %install_opts;
Trace::debug {"ltprog[-1] = $$ltprog[-1]\n"};
if ($$ltprog[-1] =~ m/install([.-]sh)?$/) {
getopts('BbCcdf:g:m:o:pSs', \%install_opts);
if (@ARGV < 2 && (!defined $install_opts{'d'} && @ARGV == 1)) {
die "wrong number of arguments for install\n";
} elsif ($$ltprog[-1] =~ m/cp$/) {
getopts('HLPRfipr', \%install_opts);
if (@ARGV < 2) {
die "wrong number of arguments for install\n";
} else {
die "unsupported install program $$ltprog[-1]\n";
my @instopts = @argvcopy[0 .. (@argvcopy - @ARGV - 1)];
my $dst = pop @ARGV;
my @src = @ARGV;
my $dstdir;
if (-d $dst) {
$dstdir = $dst;
} else {
# dst is not a directory, i.e. a file
if (@src > 1) {
# XXX not really libtool's task to check this
die "multiple source files combined with file destination";
} else {
$dstdir = dirname $dst;
my $toinstall = {};
my $tosymlink = {}; # for libraries with a -release in their name
my $addedmode = 0;
foreach my $s (@src) {
my $dstfile = basename $s;
# resolve symbolic links, so we don't try to test later
# whether the symlink is a program wrapper etc.
if (-l $s) {
$s = readlink($s) or die "Cannot readlink $s";
my $srcdir = dirname $s;
my $srcfile = basename $s;
Trace::debug {"srcdir = $srcdir\nsrcfile = $srcfile\n"};
Trace::debug {"dstdir = $dstdir\ndstfile = $dstfile\n"};
if ($srcfile =~ m/^\S+\.la$/) {
# we are installing a .la library
if ($$ltprog[-1] =~ m/install([.-]sh)?$/) {
push @instopts, '-m', '644' unless $addedmode;
$addedmode = 1;
my $lainfo = LaFile->parse($s);
# replace info where needed when installing the .la file
my $sharedlib = $lainfo->{'dlname'};
my $staticlib = $lainfo->{'old_library'};
my @libnames = split /\s+/, $lainfo->{'library_names'};
my $laipath = "$srcdir/$ltdir/$srcfile".'i';
$toinstall->{"$srcdir/$ltdir/$staticlib"} = "$dstdir/$staticlib"
if ($staticlib);
$toinstall->{"$srcdir/$ltdir/$sharedlib"} = "$dstdir/$sharedlib"
if ($sharedlib);
$toinstall->{"$laipath"} = "$dstdir/$dstfile";
foreach my $n (@libnames) {
$tosymlink->{$n} = $sharedlib if ($n ne $sharedlib);
} elsif (-f "$srcdir/$ltdir/$srcfile" && Program::is_wrapper($s)) {
$toinstall->{"$srcdir/$ltdir/$srcfile"} = $dst;
} else {
$toinstall->{$s} = $dst;
while (my ($s, $d) = each %$toinstall) {
my @realinstopts = @instopts;
# do not try to strip .la files
if ($s =~ m/\.la$/ || $d =~ m /\.la$/) {
@realinstopts = grep { $_ ne '-s' } @realinstopts;
Exec->command(@$ltprog, @realinstopts, $s, $d);
while (my ($d, $s) = each %$tosymlink) {
symlink($s, "$dstdir/$d");
if (defined $install_opts{'d'}) {
Exec->command(@$ltprog, @instopts, @ARGV);
} elsif ($mode eq 'link') {
my $cmd;
my @Ropts; # -R options on the command line
my @Rresolved; # -R options originating from .la resolution
my @RPopts; # -rpath options
my $deplibs = []; # list of dependent libraries (both -L and -l flags)
my $libdirs = []; # list of libdirs
my $libs = {}; # libraries
my $dirs = {}; # paths to find libraries
# put a priority in the dir hash
# always look here
$dirs->{'/usr/lib'} = 3;
$gp->getoptions('all-static' => \$opts{'all-static'},
'avoid-version' => \$opts{'avoid-version'},
'dlopen=s{1}' => \$opts{'dlopen'},
'dlpreopen=s{1}' => \$opts{'dlpreopen'},
'export-dynamic' => \$opts{'export-dynamic'},
'export-symbols=s' => \$opts{'export-symbols'},
'export-symbols-regex=s'=> \$opts{'export-symbols-regex'},
'module' => \$opts{'module'},
'no-fast-install' => \$opts{'no-fast-install'},
'no-install' => \$opts{'no-install'},
'no-undefined' => \$opts{'no-undefined'},
'o=s' => \$opts{'o'},
'objectlist=s' => \$opts{'objectlist'},
'precious-files-regex=s'=> \$opts{'precious-files-regex'},
'prefer-pic' => \$opts{'prefer-pic'},
'prefer-non-pic' => \$opts{'prefer-non-pic'},
'release=s' => \$opts{'release'},
'rpath=s' => \@RPopts,
'R=s' => \@Ropts,
'shrext=s' => \$opts{'shrext'},
'static' => \$opts{'static'},
'thread-safe' => \$opts{'thread-safe'},
'version-info=s{1}' => \$opts{'version-info'},
'version_info=s{1}' => \$opts{'version-info'},
'version-number=s{1}' => \$opts{'version-info'},
# XXX options ignored: dlopen, dlpreopen, no-fast-install,
# no-install, no-undefined, precious-files-regex,
# shrext, thread-safe, prefer-pic, prefer-non-pic
@libsearchdirs = get_search_dirs();
# add the .libs dir as well in case people try to link directly
# with the real library instead of the .la library
push @libsearchdirs, './.libs';
my $outfile = $opts{'o'};
if (!$outfile) {
die "no output file given.\n";
Trace::debug {"outfile = $outfile\n"};
my $odir = dirname $outfile;
my $ofile = basename $outfile;
# what are we linking?
my $linkmode = PROGRAM;
if ($ofile =~ m/\.l?a$/) {
$linkmode = LIBRARY;
Trace::debug {"linkmode: $linkmode\n"};
# eat multiple version-info arguments, we only accept the first.
map { $_ = '' if ($_ =~ m/\d+:\d+:\d+/); } @ARGV;
my @objs;
my @sobjs;
my $allpicobj;
if ($opts{'objectlist'}) {
my $objectlist = $opts{'objectlist'};
open(my $ol, '<', $objectlist) or die "cannot open $objectlist: $!\n";
my @objlist = <$ol>;
for (@objlist) { chomp; }
$allpicobj = generate_objlist(\@objs, \@sobjs, \@objlist);
} else {
$allpicobj = generate_objlist(\@objs, \@sobjs, \@ARGV);
Trace::debug {"objs = @objs\n"};
Trace::debug {"sobjs = @sobjs\n"};
my $parser = Parser->new(\@ARGV);
$parser->{result} = [];
my $seen_la_shared = 0;
$parser->{seen_la_shared} = \$seen_la_shared;
if ($linkmode == PROGRAM) {
my $program = Program->new;
$program->{outfilepath} = $outfile;
# XXX give higher priority to dirs of not installed libs
if ($opts{'export-dynamic'}) {
push(@{$parser->{args}}, "-Wl,-E");
if ($opts{'static'}) {
$program->{shared} = 0;
} else {
$program->{shared} = 1;
$parser->parse_linkargs1($deplibs, \@Rresolved, \@libsearchdirs,
$dirs, $libs, $parser->{args}, 0);
$parser->{args} = $parser->{result};
Trace::debug {"end parse_linkargs1\n"};
Trace::debug {"deplibs = @$deplibs\n"};
$seen_la_shared = ${$parser->{seen_la_shared}};
$program->{objlist} = \@objs;
if (@objs == 0) {
if (@sobjs > 0) {
Trace::debug {"no non-pic libtool objects found, trying pic objects...\n"};
$program->{objlist} = \@sobjs;
} elsif (@sobjs == 0) {
Trace::debug {"no libtool objects of any kind found\n"};
Trace::debug {"hoping for real objects in ARGV...\n"};
my $RPdirs = [];
@$RPdirs = (@Ropts, @RPopts, @Rresolved);
$program->{RPdirs} = $RPdirs;
$program->link($ltprog, $dirs, $libs, $deplibs, $libdirs, $parser, \%opts, $seen_la_shared);
if ($program->{shared} && $seen_la_shared) {
} elsif ($linkmode == LIBRARY) {
my $lainfo = LaFile->new;
$shared = 1 if ($opts{'version-info'} ||
$opts{'avoid-version'} ||
if (!@RPopts) {
$convenience = 1;
$noshared = 1;
$static = 1;
$shared = 0;
} else {
$shared = 1;
if ($ofile =~ m/\.a$/ && !$convenience) {
$ofile =~ s/\.a$/.la/;
$outfile =~ s/\.a$/.la/;
(my $libname = $ofile) =~ s/\.l?a$//; # remove extension
my $staticlib = $libname.'.a';
my $sharedlib = $libname.'.so';
my $sharedlib_symlink;
if ($opts{'static'}) {
$shared = 0;
$static = 1;
$shared = 0 if $noshared;
$parser->parse_linkargs1($deplibs, \@Rresolved, \@libsearchdirs,
$dirs, $libs, $parser->{args}, 0);
$parser->{args} = $parser->{result};
Trace::debug {"end parse_linkargs1\n"};
Trace::debug {"deplibs = @$deplibs\n"};
$seen_la_shared = ${$parser->{seen_la_shared}};
my $sover = '0.0';
my $origver = 'unknown';
# environment overrides -version-info
(my $envlibname = $libname) =~ s/[.+-]/_/g;
my ($current, $revision, $age) = (0, 0, 0);
if ($opts{'version-info'}) {
($current, $revision, $age) = parse_version_info($opts{'version-info'});
$origver = "$current.$revision";
$sover = $origver;
if ($ENV{"${envlibname}_ltversion"}) {
# this takes priority over the previous
$sover = $ENV{"${envlibname}_ltversion"};
($current, $revision) = split /\./, $sover;
$age = 0;
if (defined $opts{'release'}) {
$sharedlib_symlink = $sharedlib;
$sharedlib = $libname.'-'.$opts{'release'}.'.so';
if ($opts{'avoid-version'} ||
(defined $opts{'release'} && !$opts{'version-info'})) {
# don't add a version in these cases
} else {
$sharedlib .= ".$sover";
if (defined $opts{'release'}) {
$sharedlib_symlink .= ".$sover";
# XXX add error condition somewhere...
$static = 0 if ($shared && grep { $_ eq 'disable-static' } @tags);
$shared = 0 if ($static && grep { $_ eq 'disable-shared' } @tags);
Trace::debug {"SHARED: $shared\nSTATIC: $static\n"};
$lainfo->{'libname'} = $libname;
if ($shared) {
$lainfo->{'dlname'} = $sharedlib;
$lainfo->{'library_names'} = $sharedlib;
$lainfo->{'library_names'} .= " $sharedlib_symlink"
if (defined $opts{'release'});
$lainfo->link($ltprog, $ofile, $sharedlib, $odir, 1, \@sobjs, $dirs, $libs, $deplibs, $libdirs, $parser, \%opts);
Trace::debug {"sharedlib: $sharedlib\n"};
$lainfo->{'current'} = $current;
$lainfo->{'revision'} = $revision;
$lainfo->{'age'} = $age;
if ($static) {
$lainfo->{'old_library'} = $staticlib;
$lainfo->link($ltprog, $ofile, $staticlib, $odir, 0, ($allpicobj) ? \@sobjs : \@objs, $dirs, $libs, $deplibs, $libdirs, $parser, \%opts);
Trace::debug {($convenience ? "convenience" : "static")." lib: $staticlib\n"};
$lainfo->{'installed'} = 'no';
$lainfo->{'shouldnotlink'} = $opts{'module'} ? 'yes' : 'no';
map { $_ = "-R$_" } @Ropts;
unshift @$deplibs, @Ropts if (@Ropts);
Trace::debug {"deplibs = @$deplibs\n"};
my $finaldeplibs = reverse_zap_duplicates_ref($deplibs);
Trace::debug {"finaldeplibs = @$finaldeplibs\n"};
$lainfo->set('dependency_libs', "@$finaldeplibs");
if (@RPopts) {
if (@RPopts > 1) {
Trace::debug {"more than 1 -rpath option given, taking the first: ", $RPopts[0], "\n"};
$lainfo->{'libdir'} = $RPopts[0];
if (!($convenience && $ofile =~ m/\.a$/)) {
$lainfo->write($outfile, $ofile);
symlink("../$ofile", "$odir/$ltdir/$ofile");
my $lai = "$odir/$ltdir/$ofile".'i';
if ($shared) {
my $pdeplibs = process_deplibs($finaldeplibs);
if (defined $pdeplibs) {
$lainfo->set('dependency_libs', "@$pdeplibs");
$lainfo->{'installed'} = 'yes';
# write .lai file (.la file that will be installed)
$lainfo->write($lai, $ofile);
} elsif ($mode eq 'finish' || $mode eq 'clean' || $mode eq 'uninstall') {
# don't do anything
exit 0;
} elsif ($mode eq 'execute') {
# XXX check whether this is right
Exec->command(@$ltprog, @ARGV);
} else {
die "MODE=$mode not implemented yet.\n";
if (Exec->performed == 0) {
die "no commands to execute.\n"
sub help
print <<EOF
Usage: $0 [options]
--config - print configuration
--debug - turn on debugging output
--dry-run - don't do anything, only show what would be done
--help - this message
--mode=MODE - use operation mode MODE
--quiet - do not print informational messages
--silent - same as `--quiet'
--tag -
--version - print version of libtool
exit 1;
sub notyet
die "option not implemented yet.\n";
# XXX incomplete
sub config
print "objdir=$ltdir\n";
print "arch=$machine_arch\n";
print "...\n";
exit 0;
# convert 4:5:8 into a list of numbers
sub parse_version_info
my $vinfo = shift;
if ($vinfo =~ m/^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)$/) {
return ($1, $2, $3);
} elsif ($vinfo =~ m/^(\d+):(\d+)$/) {
return ($1, $2, 0);
} elsif ($vinfo =~ m/^(\d+)$/) {
return ($1, 0, 0);
} else {
die "error parsing -version-info $vinfo\n";
sub create_symlinks
my $dir = shift;
my $libs = shift;
if (! -d $dir) {
mkdir $dir or die "cannot create directory: $!\n";
foreach my $l (values %$libs) {
my $f = $l->{fullpath};
next if (!defined $f);
next if ($f =~ m/\.a$/);
my $libnames = [];
if (defined $l->{lafile}) {
my $lainfo = LaFile->parse($l->{lafile});
my $librarynames = $lainfo->stringize('library_names');
@$libnames = split /\s/, $librarynames;
$libnames = reverse_zap_duplicates_ref($libnames);
} else {
push @$libnames, basename $f;
foreach my $libfile (@$libnames) {
Trace::debug {"ln -s $f $dir/$libfile\n"};
if (! -f "$dir/$libfile") {
symlink abs_path($f), "$dir/$libfile" or die "cannot create symlink: $!\n";
# prepare dependency_libs information for the .la file which is installed
# i.e. remove any .libs directories and use the final libdir for all the
# .la files
sub process_deplibs
my $linkflags = shift;
my $result;
foreach my $lf (@$linkflags) {
if ($lf =~ m/-L\S+\Q$ltdir\E$/) {
} elsif ($lf =~ m/\/\S+\/(\S+\.la)/) {
my $lafile = $1;
$lf = LaFile->parse($lf)->{'libdir'}.'/'.$lafile;
push @$result, $lf;
} else {
push @$result, $lf;
return $result;
# populate arrays of non-pic and pic objects and remove these from @ARGV
sub generate_objlist
my $objs = shift;
my $sobjs = shift;
my $objsource = shift;
my $allpic = 1;
my $result = [];
foreach my $a (@$objsource) {
if ($a =~ m/\S+\.lo$/) {
my $ofile = basename $a;
my $odir = dirname $a;
my $loinfo = LoFile->parse($a);
if ($loinfo->{'non_pic_object'}) {
my $o;
$o .= "$odir/" if ($odir ne '.');
$o .= $loinfo->{'non_pic_object'};
push @$objs, $o;
if ($loinfo->{'pic_object'}) {
my $o;
$o .= "$odir/" if ($odir ne '.');
$o .= $loinfo->{'pic_object'};
push @$sobjs, $o;
} else {
$allpic = 0;
} else {
push @$result, $a;
@$objsource = @$result;
return $allpic;
# XXX reuse code from instead
sub get_search_dirs
my @libsearchdirs;
open(my $fh, '-|', 'ldconfig -r');
if (defined $fh) {
while (<$fh>) {
if (m/^\s*search directories:\s*(.*?)\s*$/o) {
foreach my $d (split(/\:/o, $1)) {
push @libsearchdirs, $d;
} else {
die "Can't find ldconfig\n";
return @libsearchdirs;
sub extract_archive
my $dir = shift;
my $archive = shift;
if (! -d $dir) {
Trace::debug {"mkdir -p $dir\n"};
Exec->chdir($dir)->command('ar', 'x', $archive);
sub get_objlist_from_archive
my $a = shift;
open(my $arh, '-|', "ar t $a");
my @o = <$arh>;
close $arh;
map { chomp; } @o;
return @o;
sub get_symbollist
my $filepath = shift;
my $regex = shift;
my $objlist = shift;
Trace::debug {"generating symbol list in file: $filepath\n"};
my $symbols = [];
open(my $sh, '-|', 'nm', @$objlist) or die "error running nm on object list\n";
my $c = 0;
while (my $line = <$sh>) {
chomp $line;
Trace::debug {"$c: $line\n"};
if ($line =~ m/\S+\s+[BCDEGRST]\s+(.*)/) {
my $s = $1;
if ($s =~ m/$regex/) {
push @$symbols, $s;
Trace::debug {"matched\n"};
$symbols = reverse_zap_duplicates_ref($symbols);
@$symbols = sort @$symbols;
open(my $fh, '>', $filepath) or die "cannot open $filepath\n";
print $fh join("\n", @$symbols), "\n";
# walk a list from back to front, removing any duplicates
# this should make sure a library's dependencies are behind the library itself
sub reverse_zap_duplicates_ref
my $arglist = shift;
my $h = {};
my $r = [];
for my $el (reverse @$arglist) {
next if defined $h->{$el};
unshift @$r, $el;
$h->{$el} = 1;
return $r;
# try to guess libtool mode when it is not specified
sub guess_implicit_mode
my $ltprog = shift;
my $m = 0;
for my $a (@$ltprog) {
if ($a =~ m/(install([.-]sh)?|cp)$/) {
$m = 'install';
} elsif ($a =~ m/cc|c\+\+/) { # XXX improve test
if (grep { $_ eq '-c' } @ARGV) {
$m = 'compile';
} else {
$m = 'link';
return $m;