if a port needs 2.x then set MODPY_VERSION=${MODPY_DEFAULT_VERSION_2}. This commit doesn't change any versions currently used; it may be that some ports have MODPY_DEFAULT_VERSION_2 but don't require it, those should be cleaned up in the course of updating ports where possible. Python module ports providing py3-* packages should still use FLAVOR=python3 so that we don't have a mixture of dependencies some using ${MODPY_FLAVOR} and others not.
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# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.40 2021/02/23 19:39:27 sthen Exp $
# Sync version with lang/flang/flang always!
COMMENT = LLVM Fortran math library
DISTNAME = flang-
PKGNAME = ${DISTNAME:S/flang/libpgmath/}
SHARED_LIBS += pgmath 4.4 # 8.0
GH_PROJECT = flang
GH_COMMIT = 9ced08b7e0be4a47f9f711be5591b06f9b1018f3
# Clang on amd64; gcc on aarch64 (XXX: monitor aarch64 situation)
.if ${MACHINE_ARCH:Mamd64}
COMPILER = base-clang ports-clang
COMPILER = ports-gcc
# Attempt to prevent libestdc++ and libc++ symbol conflicts in the edge case
# where you're on aarch64 and you are linking together both Fortran and C++
# code into a single object.
CONFIGURE_ARGS += -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS='-static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc'
MODULES = devel/cmake \
BUILD_DEPENDS = devel/llvm
# If you delete flang, this should go too.
RUN_DEPENDS = lang/flang/driver
WRKDIST = ${WRKDIR}/flang-${GH_COMMIT}/runtime/libpgmath
.include <bsd.port.mk>