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.TH "HPODDER" "1" "Nov 8, 2011" "John Goerzen" "hpodder 1.1.6"
hpodder \- Scan and download podcasts
\fBhpodder\fR [ \fB-d\fR ] [ \fB\fIcommand\fB\fR ] [ \fB\fIcommand_args\fB\fR ]
is a method of publishing radio-like programs on the
Internet. Through podcasting, almost anyone can produce their
own audio program, and publish episodes of it as often or as
rarely as they like.
To listen to podcasts, you need a program to download the
podcast's episodes from the Internet. Such a program is
called a podcatcher (or sometimes a podcast aggregator).
\fBhpodder\fR is this program.
If you'd like to get going RIGHT NOW, skip on down to the
Quick Start section. Otherwise, let's take a look at the
features of \fBhpodder\fR\&.
.TP 0.2i
Convenient, easy to learn, and fast command-line
interface (it's simple to do simple things, and
advanced things are possible)
.TP 0.2i
Automatic discovery of feed metadata such as title
.TP 0.2i
Full history database for accurate
prevention of duplicate downloads and tracking of new episodes
.TP 0.2i
Conversion tools to convert your existing
feed list and history from other applications to
\fBhpodder\fR\&. Supported applications and formats include:
castpodder and ipodder.
.TP 0.2i
Most operations can work fully automatically
across your entire podcast database, or they can work
manually as well.
.TP 0.2i
Automatic updating of ID3 (v1 and v2) tags
based on metadata in the podcast itself. This important
feature is available through iTunes but is often missed by
other podcatchers.
.TP 0.2i
\fBhpodder\fR operations can be easily scripted
or scheduled using regular operating system tools.
.TP 0.2i
Fully customizable naming scheme for
downloaded episodes, including a name collision detection
and workaround algorithm.
.TP 0.2i
Automatic support for appending .mp3
extensions to MP3 files that lack it.
.TP 0.2i
Numerous database and history inquiry tools
.TP 0.2i
Small, minimalist footprint
.TP 0.2i
Power users and developers can interact
directly with the embedded Sqlite3 database used by
\fBhpodder\fR\&. The database has a simple schema that is
.TP 0.2i
Support for resuming interrupted downloads
of podcasts
.TP 0.2i
\fBhpodder\fR is SAFE and is designed with data
integrity in mind from the beginning. It should be
exceedingly difficult to lose a podcast episode, even in the
event of a power failure.
The basic pattern of operation with \fBhpodder\fR is to set up
each podcast you want to receive. Each day (or hour, or
whatever), \fBhpodder\fR will go out and update its database by
pulling in the latest episode lists from the podcast feed.
Then, \fBhpodder\fR will proceed to download any episodes that
you haven't already downloaded. After each episode is
downloaded, \fBhpodder\fR will note that fact so it isn't ever
downloaded again.
Let's look at this in a bit more detail.
\fBhpodder\fR maintains two tables in a database. One table
lists all the podcasts you know about, as well as where the
podcast's feed is to be downloaded from. The feed is a file
that the podcast's author publishes. It lists all the
current episodes of the podcast, and some information about
them. Data is added to this table with the \fBhpodder
add\fR command.
The second table lists each episode for a given podcast,
along with the location from which the episode can be
downloaded and some other information about the episode
(such as its title). Information in this table is added by
\fBhpodder update\fR and updated by
\fBhpodder download\fR or
\fBhpodder catchup\fR\&.
When you first fire up \fBhpodder\fR, it will read its
configuration file from
What happens next depends on the command.
For \fBhpodder update\fR, the program will read
information about all your podcasts. It will download each
feed. Once it has the feed, it will look at each episode
and compare them to the database. If a given episode is
already in the database, it is ignored. Any new episodes
are recorded in the database, and set to Pending so they
will be downloaded on the next download run.
For \fBhpodder download\fR, the program will
read information about all your episodes. For each episode
marked Pending, the program will download the episode. It
will then update the episode's ID3 tags based on the podcast
feed. Finally, it will move the episode in-place
atomically. Only after all that has been done will
\fBhpodder\fR mark the episode as Downloaded in the database.
In this way, no episode is visible to outside tools until it
is completely downloaded in its final form, so you can
safely play any visible program in your download directory
even as downloads are happening.
This section will describe how a first-time \fBhpodder\fR user can
get up and running quickly. It assumes you already have
\fBhpodder\fR compiled or installed on your system. If not,
please follow the instructions in the
file in the
source distribution.
To get started, simply run \fBhpodder\fR at your
shell prompt. \fBhpodder\fR will lead you through the first-time
configuration -- which is only two questions and completely
After this, whenever you want to download the latest episodes
for your podcast, just run \fBhpodder\fR again.
At some point, you'll want to add more podcasts to \fBhpodder\fR\&.
To do that, just run a command such as:
\fBhpodder add
Just replace the example.com URL here with the real URL of the
feed you want to add. Then run \fBhpodder
update\fR\&. If the podcast you've just added has a
whole bunch of episodes, you may not want to download them
all. In that case, run \fBhpodder catchup
\fIid\fB\fR, where
\fIid\fR is the podcast number that
\fBhpodder\fR gave your new podcast when you added it.
Again, from here on, you can just run
\fBhpodder\fR to download all your new episodes.
\fBhpodder\fR always is invoked with the name of a specific
operation, such as \fBupdate\fR or
\fBadd\fR\&. In \fBhpodder\fR, these operations are
called \fBcommands\fR\&. Each command has its
own options, which are given after the command on the
\fBhpodder\fR command line. A full summary of each command's
options is given later in this manual.
You may obtain a list of all commands with \fBhpodder
lscommands\fR\&. Help is available for any individual
command with \fBhpodder \fIcommand\fB
--help\fR\&. Global help is available with
\fBhpodder --help\fR\&.
This option may be specified \fBbefore\fR any
Enables debugging output. This verbose output helps you
learn what \fBhpodder\fR is doing every step of the way and
diagnose any problems you may encounter.
\fBhpodder\fR has many different commands. If you do not specify a
command, the \fBfetch\fR command is automatically
selected for you. This section will discuss each command in
detail. Note that all commands are case-sensitive and should be
\fBgiven in lowercase\fR\&.
All commands support the command \fB--help\fR\&. Running
\fBhpodder \fIcommand\fB
--help\fR will display information about the command and
its options. Since all commands support this, it won't be
explicitly listed for each command below.
\fBhpodder add\fR \fB\fIURL\fB\fR
This command is used to add a new podcast to \fBhpodder\fR\&. You
must provide the URL (link) to the podcast you want to add
to this command. For example:
\fBhpodder add
A podcast can be later removed with \fBhpodder
rm\fR\&. You can adjust its URL later with
\fBhpodder mv\fR\&.
\fBhpodder catchup\fR [ \fB-n \fInumber\fB\fR ] [ \fB\fIcastid\fB\fR\fI ...\fR ]
Running \fBcatchup\fR will cause \fBhpodder\fR to
mark all but the most recent episodes as Skipped. This will
prevent \fBhpodder\fR from automatically downloading such
\fB-n \fINUM\fB\fR
By default, only the single most recent episode is exempted
from being "caught up". If you want to exclude more
episodes from being "caught up" -- and thus allow more
to be downloaded -- use this option to allow more
episodes to remain downloadable.
\fB\fIcastid ...\fB\fR
By default, this command will operate on all podcasts. You can limit the podcasts on which it operates with this option. See specifying podcast IDs later in this manual for more information.
\fBhpodder disable\fR \fBcastid\fR\fI ...\fR
This command will flag podcasts as disabled. Podcasts flagged
disabled will be skipped during an \fBupdate\fR,
\fBdownload\fR, or \fBfetch\fR\&.
They will still participate with all other commands.
\fBhpodder lscasts\fR will notify you of which
podcasts are disabled.
This can be useful if you want to stop following a podcast for
awhile, but think you may want to come back to it in the
future. The podcast URL and your download history will remain
in the \fBhpodder\fR database, unlike with \fBhpodder
Disabled podcasts can be re-enabled with \fBhpodder
One or more podcast IDs are required; see the section below on
specifying podcast IDs for more details.
\fBhpodder download\fR [ \fB\fIcastid\fB\fR\fI ...\fR ]
The \fBdownload\fR command is used to actually
perform the download of podcasts to your system. By default,
\fBdownload\fR will download all available
episodes. You can, however, specify only certain podcasts to
process; if you do, all available episodes for only those
podcasts will be downloaded.
\fB\fIcastid ...\fB\fR
By default, this command will operate on all podcasts. You can limit the podcasts on which it operates with this option. See specifying podcast IDs later in this manual for more information.
\fBhpodder enable\fR \fBcastid\fR\fI ...\fR
This command will flag podcasts as enabled. This is the
default state. See \fBhpodder disable\fR for
information on manually disabling podcasts and what it means
to be disabled.
One or more podcast IDs are required; see the section below on
specifying podcast IDs for more details.
\fBhpodder fetch\fR [ \fB\fIcastid\fB\fR\fI ...\fR ]
The \fBfetch\fR is the main worker command for
\fBhpodder\fR\&. It is simply equivalent to \fBhpodder
update\fR followed by \fBhpodder
download\fR\&. That is, it will scan all podcasts for
new episodes, then download any pending episodes.
This command is the default command if no command is given on
the \fBhpodder\fR command line.
As a special feature, the first time that
\fBfetch\fR is invoked, it will execute the new
user setup procedure.
\fB\fIcastid ...\fB\fR
By default, this command will operate on all podcasts. You can limit the podcasts on which it operates with this option. See specifying podcast IDs later in this manual for more information.
\fBhpodder import-ipodder\fR [ \fB--from=\fIPATH\fB\fR ]
With this command, \fBhpodder\fR can import both your podcast list
and your download history from ipodder or CastPodder.
\fBhpodder\fR will import all podcasts referenced there, with the
exception that any podcasts that are already in \fBhpodder\fR\&'s
database will be entirely untouched.
By default, \fBhpodder\fR will look for the ipodder
database in the \fI\&.ipodder\fR directory in
the user's home directory. This may not always be correct:
for instance, on non-Unix platforms or when using
CastPodder, this directory will be different. With this
option, you can tell \fBhpodder\fR where to find the
ipodder/CastPodder database.
\fBhpodder lscasts\fR [ \fB-l\fR ]
This command will display all podcasts that are configured
within \fBhpodder\fR\&. For each podcast, you will see the podcast
ID, the number of pending downloads, the total number of
episodes ever seen by \fBhpodder\fR, and the title of the podcast.
If you add the \fB-l\fR option, then
\fBlscasts\fR will also display the feed URL
for each podcast.
\fBhpodder lscommands\fR
This command will display a list of all available \fBhpodder\fR
commands along with a brief description of each.
\fBhpodder lsepisodes\fR [ \fB-l\fR ] [ \fB\fIcastid\fB\fR\fI ...\fR ]
\fBhpodder lseps\fR [ \fB-l\fR ] [ \fB\fIcastid\fB\fR\fI ...\fR ]
The \fBlsepisodes\fR command will display a list
of every episode known to \fBhpodder\fR\&. The output will include
the ID of the podcast to which the episode belongs, the
episode ID, the status of the episode, and the title of the
\fBlseps\fR is simply an alias for
\fBlsepisodes\fR and performs in the same manner.
If you add the \fB-l\fR option, then
\fBlsepisodes\fR includes the download URL for
each episode in its output.
\fB\fIcastid ...\fB\fR
By default, this command will operate on all podcasts. You can limit the podcasts on which it operates with this option. See specifying podcast IDs later in this manual for more information.
.SS "RM"
\fBhpodder rm\fR \fBcastid\fR\fI ...\fR
This command will remove all knowledge about a given podcast
from hpodder, including all entries about that podcast in the
episode database.
One or more podcast IDs are required; see the section below on
specifying podcast IDs for more details. Unlike most other
\fBhpodder\fR commands that accept an empty podcast ID list to
mean all podcasts, \fBrm\fR does not because of
the destructive potential of such a request.
\fBhpodder setstatus\fR \fB--castid=\fIID\fB\fR \fB--status=\fISTATUS\fB\fR \fBepid\fR\fI ...\fR
The \fBsetstatus\fR command is used to manually
adjust the status flags on individual episodes. You can use
it to flag individual episodes for downloading (or not).
You must specify at least one episode ID. \fBNote that
the plain IDs given to this command are episode IDs\fR, and not
podcast IDs like other commands.
Statuses are case-sensitive and must be given with a leading
uppercase letter and trailing lowercase letters. Available
status are given later in this manual.
\fBhpodder settitle\fR \fB--castid=\fIID\fB\fR \fB--title=\fITITLE\fB\fR
The \fBsettitle\fR is used to manually set the
title of a given podcast. Normally, \fBhpodder\fR will
automatically get the title from the podcast's XML feed.
Sometimes the XML feed for the podcast may not provide a
useful title. In those situations, you can use
\fBsettitle\fR to manually override the title.
Please note that if you want to set the title to a name that
contains spaces, you will need to quote it for the shell.
\fBhpodder update\fR [ \fB\fIcastid\fB\fR\fI ...\fR ]
The update command will cause \fBhpodder\fR to look at each
podcast feed. It will download the latest copy of the feed
and compare the episodes mentioned in the feed to its internal
database of episodes. For any episode mentioned in the feed
that is not already in the internal database of episodes,
\fBhpodder\fR will add it to its database and set its status to
\fB\fIcastid ...\fB\fR
By default, this command will operate on all podcasts. You can limit the podcasts on which it operates with this option. See specifying podcast IDs later in this manual for more information.
Each podcast in \fBhpodder\fR gets a numeric ID. This ID is
automatically assigned by \fBhpodder\fR and is not changeable. The
ID is given out when a podcast is added with the
\fBadd\fR command, or with the
\fBlscasts\fR or \fBlsepisodes\fR
The ID is designed as a constant way to refer to a particular
podcast. A podcast's title may change, or even its feed URL,
but the ID of a podcast will never change. It is also short and
easy to type on the command line.
Several commands can take a list of podcast IDs. If no IDs are
given, the commands will default to operating on all podcasts.
One or more IDs can be given, separated by spaces. If IDs are
given, then the commands will operate only on the podcasts with
the given IDs.
The special keyword \fBall\fR may be given, which
tells the system to operate on all podcasts. This yields the
same result as giving no IDs at all.
Several places in this manual, you've seen \fBhpodder\fR statuses
mentioned. Each episode in \fBhpodder\fR has an associated status.
The statuses are:
The given episode is ready to
The given episode has already been
downloaded by \fBhpodder\fR
An error occured while downloading this
episode. It will not be downloaded again unless the flag is
set back to Pending.
The user has requested that this episode not
be downloaded. Commands such as \fBcatchup\fR or
\fBimport-ipodder\fR could cause this.
For whatever reason, podcast feeds or individual episodes sometimes
fail to download. The reasons for this range from the podcast being
taken down by its author to the network being disconnected from the
local computer.
People that track many podcasts over a long time will probably find it
annoying to have \fBhpodder\fR attempt to download invalid feeds or
episodes over and over again. For that reason, \fBhpodder\fR 1.0.0
introduced automatic error handling.
Once a podcast feed or episode has failed at least 15 times,
it's been at least 21 days since the first download attempt (episodes)
or last update (feeds), \fBhpodder\fR will automatically mark the item to
be skipped in future runs. For podcast feeds, \fBhpodder\fR disabled the
podcast; this status will appear in \fBhpodder lscasts\fR\&.
For episodes, \fBhpodder\fR sets the status to Error; this will appear
in \fBhpodder lseps\fR\&. Both can be changed later, with
\fBhpodder enable\fR or \fBhpodder setstatus\fR,
The default minimums of 15 attempts and 21 days may be adjusted in
the \fBhpodder\fR configuration file, either globally or on a per-podcast
If you wish to disable checking entirely, you can put lines such as
epfaildays = 123456789 and
podcastfaildays = 123456789 in your DEFAULT
section in \fI~/.hpodder/hpodder.conf\fR\&. Of course, if you
have podcasts that still fail after 338,237 years, you could be in
\fBhpodder\fR has a configuration file in which you can set various
options. This file normally lives under
The configuration file has multiple sections. Each section has
a name and it's introduced with the name in brackets. Each
section has one or more options.
The section named DEFAULT is special in that it provides
defaults that will be used whenever an option can't be found
under a different section.
Let's start by looking at an example file, and then proceed to
examine all the options that are available.
; Most podcasts are downloaded to here
downloaddir = /home/jgoerzen/podcasts
namingpatt = %(safecasttitle)s/%(safefilename)s
; Don't disable a podcast due to errors unless it's been at least 20
; days since the last (or first) attempt
podcastfaildays = 20
; The following line tells hpodder that
; you have already gone through the intro.
showintro = no
maxthreads = 2
progressinterval = 1
; Store this particular podcast somewhere else
downloaddir = /nfs/remote/podcasts
; And we don't care as much about disabling it
podcastfaildays = 5
In this example, you saw some "general" options, such as
\fBshowintro\fR\&. There are two other sections
represented: \fB31\fR and \fBDEFAULT\fR\&.
Whenever \fBhpodder\fR looks for information about a particular
podcast, it first checks to see if it can find that option in a
section for that podcast. If not, it checks the
\fBDEFAULT\fR section. If it still doesn't find an
answer, it consults its built-in defaults.
In this example, all podcasts share the same naming scheme. All
podcasts except podcast 31 are downloaded to the same place.
That podcast goes elsewhere because its
\fBdownloaddir\fR overrides the default.
These are specified in the \fBgeneral\fR
The maximum number of simultaneous download
threads that will be active at any given time.
\fBhpodder\fR can download multiple files at once, and this
option says how many it can download simultaneously.
It defaults to 2.
How frequently to update the status bar on
the screen, in seconds. It defaults to 1, which will update
the status every second. Raise it if you are running
\fBhpodder\fR over a very low-bandwidth link and are concerned
about flooding it with status updates.
The first time you run
\fBfetch\fR, \fBhpodder\fR automatically writes a
configuration file for you that sets this option to
\fBno\fR\&. This prevents you from having to
do the new user intro more than once.
These options may be specified in \fBDEFAULT\fR or
in a per-podcast section. If placed in
\fBDEFAULT\fR, they will apply to all podcasts
unless overridden.
The main directory into which all podcasts
should be stored. It will be created by \fBhpodder\fR when
necessary if it does not already exist. The default is
The minimum number of attempts to download this episode before
the episode will be considered to be marked Error. Default is
The minimum number of days that must have elapsed between the
first attempt to download the episode and the present time before
the episode will be considered to be marked Error. Default is
How to name downloaded files. This pattern
is relative to the \fBdownloaddir\fR\&. The
default is
This option will be provided with several replaceable
tokens. Tokens have the form
That is, the percent sign, the token name in
perenthesis, and then an "s" character. The tokens made
available for this option are:
The numeric ID for this
The numeric ID for this
The title of the podcast, as specified
in the feed. Special characters, such as spaces or
exclamation marks, are converted to
The title of this episode, as
specified in the podcast's feed, with special
characters converted to underscores.
The component from the URL for this
episode after the last slash in the URL, with special
characters converted to underscores.
The minimum number of attempts to download this podcast before
the episode will be considered to be marked disabled. Default is
The minimum number of days that must have elapsed between the
last successful download of the podcast's feed
and the present time before
the podcast will be considered to be marked disabled. Default is
These are external commands that will be run in certain
situations. For each of the commands, several environment
variables are set. These variables are not pre-sanitized
and may contain whitespace or special characters.
caution must be exercised to properly quote these variables
when using them in shell commands or scripts.\fR
The following
environment variables are set:
The numeric ID for this podcast
The title of the podcast,
The on-disk filename where this episode
has been stored
The numeric epidose ID for this
The title of this episode, as specified in
the podcast's feed.
The URL of this episode.
The URL of the podcast's
The title of the podcast, as specified in
the feed. Special characters, such as spaces or
exclamation marks, are converted to
The title of this episode, as specified in
the podcast's feed, with special characters converted to
Here are the supported commands:
This command is intended to analyze the
content of the file and return the true MIME type of the
file, based on the on-disk content. If this command exits
with an error, the MIME type given in the podcast feed will
be used. If you want to always use the MIME type in the
podcast feed, you can set this to
/bin/false or the empty string.
The default value is: file -b -i "${EPFILENAME}"
It is expected that this program will write its result
to standard output. The first token of the output is
taken to be the MIME type. The remainder will be
discarded. For instance, for the output
text/x-pascal; charset=us-ascii,
the type will be taken to be
text/x-pascal\&. If the program
exits with a nonzero exit code, its output will not be used.
This command provides a user-configurable
post-processing hook for downloaded podcasts. It is only
invoked on files whose type matches the
\fBpostproctypes\fR list. This command is the
very last step in the downloading process.
The default value adds ID3 tags to MP3 files. It is:
mid3v2 -T "${EPID}" -A "${CASTTITLE}" -t "${EPTITLE}" --WOAF
These options govern what types of files are processed in
different ways. The types used here are MIME types. They
will be the actual type determined by
\fBgettypecommand\fR, or if that command is
unable to determine a useful type, the MIME type given by
the podcast's RSS feed. Items in these lists are to be
separated by commas.
This is the comma-separated list of MIME types on
which \fBpostproccommand\fR will operate.
The special single token ALL means
to operate on all types. To disable post-processing
entirely, you can set this to the empty string.
The default is: audio/mpeg, audio/mp3,
This option governs the automatic renaming of
downloaded files. Some servers do not present files
with proper extensions to match their file type. This
can confuse various software and devices. \fBhpodder\fR
can automatically fix up extensions on such files.
Each entry in the list in a MIME type, a colon, and
the desired filename suffix. Note that no whitespace
is allowed around the colon.
The default is: audio/mpeg:.mp3,
audio/mp3:.mp3, x-audio/mp3:.mp3
Internally, \fBhpodder\fR uses the Curl application to perform
downloads across the Internet. Curl is a remarkably flexible
application, and \fBhpodder\fR takes advantage of that to provide
you with quite a few options.
You can customize Curl as much as you like by creating a Curl
configuration file in \fI~/.hpodder/curlrc\fR\&.
Please see \fBcurl\fR(1) for more details
on the content of that file.
Some things you can do with this file include restricting
the maximum download rate, suppressing or adjusting the progress
meter, configuring proxies, etc.
Here are a few tips and hints to make \fBhpodder\fR more pleasant
for you.
If your connections must go through a proxy, you have two
options: set an environment varilable or configure the proxy
in your \fI~/.hpodder/curlrc\fR\&. If you use an
environment variable, your settings will also impact other
applications -- and that's probably what you want. See the
Environment section later for tips on doing that.
Sometimes, you may not want \fBhpodder\fR to use all of your
available bandwidth. Perhaps you don't want it to slow down
other activities too much. To do this, just create a
\fI~/.hpodder/curlrc\fR file. Put in it
something like this:
This will limit the download rate to 20 KB/sec.
This rate limitation is imperfect and may not do well during
\fBupdate\fR, but it should do exactly what you
want during \fBdownload\fR\&.
\fBhpodder\fR does not read any environment variables directly.
However, it does pass on the environment to the
programs it calls, such as Curl. This can be useful for
specifying proxies. Please see
\fBcurl\fR(1) for more details.
As specified in the Per-Podcast Command Options section, \fBhpodder\fR
will also set certain variables for post-processing of
downloaded files.
.TP 0.2i
The Extensible Markup Language
(XML) standard (W3C)
.TP 0.2i
RSS 2.0
(Harvard Law)
.TP 0.2i
HTTP 1.1, FTP, plus SSL/TLS and any other
protocols supported by Curl
.TP 0.2i
ID3 v1 and v2
\fBhpodder\fR, all code, documentation, files, and build scripts are
Copyright (C) 2006 John Goerzen. All code, documentation,
sripts, and files are under the following license unless
otherwise noted:
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
The GNU General Public License is available in the file COPYING
in the source distribution.
If the GPL is unacceptable for your uses, please e-mail me; alternative
terms can be negotiated for your project.
\fBhpodder\fR, its modules, documentation, executables, and all
included files, except where noted, was written by
John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org> and
copyright is held as stated in the COPYRIGHT section.