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# $OpenBSD: config.ini,v 1.3 2012/10/15 13:53:56 jasper Exp $
# fookebox - Pylons configuration
# The %(here)s variable will be replaced with the parent directory of this file
debug = false
email_to = you@yourdomain.com
smtp_server = localhost
error_email_from = paste@localhost
use = egg:Paste#http
host =
port = 5000
use = egg:fookebox
#lang = de
full_stack = true
static_files = true
cache_dir = /var/db/fookebox/
sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:////%(cache_dir)s/fookebox.sqlite
beaker.session.key = fookebox
beaker.session.secret = RBTH0M2E1RGSWx+gefeZgWERX
app_instance_uuid = {31fcd7d4-b29a-4750-aa34-c634a7b994f8}
#site_name = fookebox
#mpd_host = localhost
#mpd_port = 6600
#mpd_pass = password
# NOTE: See the README for details on this
#max_queue_length = 4
# automatically queue a random song when the playlist gets empty
#auto_queue = true
# genre to use for auto_queue
#auto_queue_genre = Comedy
# do auto-queuing before the playlist is empty [seconds] (0 to disable)
#auto_queue_time_left = 1
# if you want the 'random' song to come from a pre-defined (mpd) playlist
# you can set the playlist's name here
#auto_queue_playlist = idle
# pick a random song from the idle playlist (see README)
#auto_queue_random = false
# show the full-text search tab
#show_search_tab = true
# enable mpd controls
#enable_controls = true
# allow users to remove songs from the queue
#enable_song_removal = true
# allow users to queue a full album with one click
#enable_queue_album = true
# be anal about artist/album names (see README)
#find_over_search = false
# directory with cover art
#album_cover_path = /home/stefan/.cache/rhythmbox/covers/
# directory where the music can be found (used for in-directory cover art)
#music_base_path = /var/lib/mpd/music/
# what to use as artist name when looking for compilations' cover art?
#compliations_name = Various Artists
# if you would like cover art to be cached, set this to true
#cache_cover_art = false
# If you'd like to fine-tune the individual locations of the cache data dirs
# for the Cache data, or the Session saves, un-comment the desired settings
# here:
#beaker.cache.data_dir = %(here)s/data/cache
#beaker.session.data_dir = %(here)s/data/sessions
# Debug mode will enable the interactive debugging tool, allowing ANYONE to
# execute malicious code after an exception is raised.
set debug = false
# Logging configuration
keys = root
keys = console
keys = generic
level = INFO
handlers = console
class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stderr,)
level = NOTSET
formatter = generic
format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] [%(threadName)s] %(message)s