rpe ec83f2c811 Update x11/e17 - efl to 1.7.10, e to 0.17.6
- bump major for SO_VERSION
- remove TEST_TARGET from eina as it's disabled in the Makefile
- regen WANTLIB for emotion and evas
- remove patch-src_lib_engines_common_evas_font_load_c

OK sthen@
2015-01-25 07:46:44 +00:00

35 lines
1022 B

# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2015/01/25 07:46:44 rpe Exp $
COMMENT = EFL thumbnail generation library
DISTNAME = ethumb-1.7.10
SHARED_LIBS += ethumb 1.0 # 8.10
SHARED_LIBS += ethumb_client 1.0 # 8.10
WANTLIB += X11 Xcomposite Xcursor Xdamage Xext Xfixes Xi Xinerama
WANTLIB += Xrandr Xrender Xss Xtst c cares crypto curl dbus-1
WANTLIB += ecore ecore_con ecore_evas ecore_file ecore_imf ecore_imf_evas
WANTLIB += ecore_input ecore_input_evas ecore_ipc ecore_x edbus
WANTLIB += edje eet eina eio embryo emotion evas exif expat
WANTLIB += fontconfig freetype fribidi glib-2.0 graphite2
WANTLIB += harfbuzz idn jpeg m pcre pthread
WANTLIB += pthread-stubs ssl xcb z ${MODLUA_WANTLIB}
MODULES = devel/gettext \
LIB_DEPENDS = graphics/libexif \
x11/e17/ecore>=1.7.10v2 \
x11/e17/e_dbus>=1.7.10v1 \
x11/e17/edje>=1.7.10v2 \
x11/e17/eet>=1.7.10v2 \
CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-doc
.include <bsd.port.mk>