$OpenBSD: README,v 1.4 2014/11/05 15:42:09 sthen Exp $
| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD
Basic configuration
Smokeping is split into two main parts, the daemon (running the probes
and updating RRD files) and the part responsible for generating website
Edit ${SYSCONFDIR}/smokeping/config (at least add some hosts to
monitor) and enable the daemon:
rcctl enable smokeping
rcctl start smokeping
The simplest method to generate graphs is as static HTML and images.
There is no possibility to zoom into graphs interactively from the
browser, but it is easy to configure and might be quite acceptable.
Do this by running 'smokeping --static=/path/to/html-dir' from cron.
Alternatively it will run as a CGI/FastCGI script with a web server.
Smokeping itself doesn't work well with a chroot jail, but the script
can be run as a persistant process outside the jail, and communicate
with a chroot'ed webserver via FastCGI. The included smokeping_fcgi
rc script will start Smokeping ready to communicate over a FastCGI
UNIX socket /var/www/run/smokeping.sock. If you wish to use this
method, enable this:
rcctl enable smokeping_fcgi
rcctl start smokeping_fcgi
And configure your web server to access it - here is a sample
configuration section for use with nginx:
location ~ /smokeping/smokeping.cgi$ {
fastcgi_pass unix:run/smokeping.sock;
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(/cgi-bin/[^/]+)(.*);
fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $fastcgi_script_name;
include fastcgi_params;
Other probe types
Smokeping is commonly used to perform ICMP monitoring using fping,
but also includes probes to monitor other protocols. Some require
additional dependencies:
RADIUS: p5-Authen-Radius
TelnetIOSPing: p5-Net-Telnet
OpenSSHEOSPing: p5-Net-OpenSSH, p5-IO-Pty
OpenSSHJunOSPing: p5-Net-OpenSSH, p5-IO-Pty
AnotherDNS: p5-Net-DNS
LDAP: p5-ldap, p5-IO-Socket-SSL