pdftoraster filter. It honours the *LandscapeOrientation: Plus90 | Minus90 | Any PPD directive (Any interpreted as Plus90) and does the necessary transformation by ordinary PostScript means, thus bypassing the special CTM handling by Ghostscript's cups device (which is equivalent to Minus90). Currently, only the Landscape/Portrait orientation is handled, forcing the output to the orientation specified by the PPD default page size. Any fit-to-page scaling is not yet implemented. ok aja@
6 lines
298 B
6 lines
298 B
MD5 (gstoraster-1.03.tar.gz) = rxnQeIoU8Cpt+Jy5DTnPPw==
RMD160 (gstoraster-1.03.tar.gz) = kFp8nT6bpf8uhiwgMTAzsYnFZsQ=
SHA1 (gstoraster-1.03.tar.gz) = BYcb72OQ5ANIupH7QC+pyakVtGw=
SHA256 (gstoraster-1.03.tar.gz) = P5gLsIwHVTdgcAxLCTy234+uQi4QaOl4AxfgtMLS1gQ=
SIZE (gstoraster-1.03.tar.gz) = 162892