$OpenBSD: README,v 1.5 2014/09/12 20:38:07 landry Exp $ +----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD +----------------------------------------------------------------------- tt-rss has been installed into ${INSTDIR} You should point this to the document root of your web-server: # cd /var/www/htdocs && ln -s ../tt-rss . (make sure you use a relative symlink for chrooted servers) and proceed to complete the installation by reading the online documentation. Which can be found at: http://tt-rss.org/redmine/projects/tt-rss/wiki/InstallationNotes Database Setup ============== You'll need to create a database user and a database, then fill the db with the schema provided in ${INSTDIR}/schema. Then you'll need to configure the database access in ${INSTDIR}/config.php. Update feeds ============ You need to choose an update method for the feeds as explained on http://tt-rss.org/redmine/projects/tt-rss/wiki/UpdatingFeeds It is advised to run the update daemon through the provided tt_rss_update rc.d script or you can choose to run the update process as www user from a cronjob: */5 * * * * sudo -u www ${INSTDIR}/update.php -feeds Finally you can ensure you have a working install by accessing: http://<hostname>/tt-rss/ Upgrading ========= When upgrading from a previous version, you'll be prompted to run the databases updates. If after that, you encounter display issues or weird behaviour, first cleanup the caches within tt-rss and reload. # rm -f ${INSTDIR}/cache/*/*