todd e5981bb82e Import lifelines-3.0.60,
from maintainer James Prevatt jprevatt+bsd at paunix dot org

LifeLines is a free and open source genealogy program to help with
your family history research. It has native versions for Unix-like,
Mac, and Windows operating systems.

The format of the data as presented to the user for viewing, data
entry, and updating follows the GEDCOM format.

The real power of LifeLines is its scripting ability. There are a
number of LifeLines reports (aka scripts) that generate all manner
of output -- ahnentafels, ancestor/descendent reports, formatted
ancestor reports, beautiful books of all ancestors, fan charts of
ancestors, vital records of all individuals in a format suitable
for importing to palm pilot databases (specifically DB which is
also hosted here on SourceForge). All the reports are included in
the kit.

Several reports can do error and sanity checking of data; such as
deaths before births, extreme May-December marriages, etc.
2007-07-16 15:16:37 +00:00

269 lines
8.8 KiB

# config file for LifeLines
# .linesrc under UNIX, lines.cfg under Windows
# Lines beginning with # are ignored (comments)
# As are blank lines
# So some of the examples are commented out...
# 2005-02-06
# Note that paths are assigned with :=
# Other values are assigned with =
# The distinction is that using plain = means that
# backslash escapes are enabled:
# \t means tab, \n means carriage return
# We don't want these enabled in paths, because they might
# occur naturally in path names under MS-Windows.
# All variables here are available to report programs
# via the report language function getproperty, so, for
# example, the user email property (which is built-in under
# UNIX), may be specified here like so:
# Similarly the user fullname property (also built-in under
# UNIX) may be specified like so:
# the addr property is a one line version of your address
#user.addr=1234 Some Street, Some City, State 00000
# Set a variable for the lifelines root
# Variables have % at start and end
# Root path for utility/read command
# Place to store output of utility/save
# Path(s) to search for databases
# (New databases will be created in first directory of this path.)
# (LLNEWDBDIR {Path for new databases} is obsolete)
# Path for report programs
# Path for report output
# Editor (notepad by default)
# Path for reference translation tables
# Path for exported translation tables (from a db)
# Refuse to execute system calls from report programs (default allowed)
# Log file for report errors (default none)
# Log file for crashes for llines (default none)
# Log file for crashes for llexec (default none)
# Log file for import errors (default errs.log)
# Log file for report pvalue leaks (for debugging)
# Delay (secs) between each report error on screen (default 0)
# Print more detailed call stack for each report error
# dayfmt,monthfmt,yearfmt,datefmt,erafmt,complexfmt
# see programmers reference for stddate for these
# 2,3,0,0,1,1 is GEDCOM style (1 AUG 1945) with complex dates
# 2,5,0,1,1,1 is American style (AUGUST 1, 1945) with complex dates
# 1,1,0,9,1,1 is Chinese style (1945/04/25) with complex dates
# 1,1,0,10,2,1 is Chinese style with dashes (1945-04-05 A.D.) with explicit origin & complex dates
# 2,2,0,13,1,1 is the Swedish style (1/8 1945)
# Omit this entirely to default to dates as given in GEDCOM
# To use a combining format not already supported, such as the period format
# This overrides the dateformat (but not dayformat,monthformat...) above
# As above, except that omitting this defaults to combining mode 12 (year only)
# (the traditional short form)
# Chinese style, BC if negative, no complex dates (100-04-03 BC)
# To use a combining format not already supported, such as the period format
# This overrides the dateformat (but not dayformat,monthformat...) above
# Trailing string to append when truncating events in short display
# (eg, to see "b. 1995-5-3, Miss..." instead of "b. 1995-5-3, Missour")
# Set the default data for new persons
#INDIREC=0 INDI\n1 NAME Fname/Surname\n1 SEX MF\n1 BIRT\n 2 DATE\n 2 PLAC\n1 DEAT\n 2 DATE\n 2 PLAC\n1 SOUR
# This sample version is the same as the default if none is given.
# Set the default data for the body of a new family
# This sample version is the same as the default if none is given.
# Note that for family, the program inserts the fam, spouse,
# and children tags, so this is only data besides those tags.
# Set the default data for new sources
#SOURREC=0 SOUR\n1 REFN\n1 TITL Title\n1 AUTH Author
# This sample version is the same as the default if none is given.
# Set the default data for new events
# This sample version is the same as the default if none is given.
# Set the default data for new other records
# This sample version is the same as the default if none is given.
# Specify the SUBM line for the header (of GEDCOM exports)
# This is meant to specify who submitted the record.
# This sample version is the same as the default if none is given.
# Specify the GEDC line for the header (of GEDCOM exports)
# This is meant to specify what version of GEDCOM was used.
# This sample version is the same as the default if none is given.
# Specify the GEDC line for the header (of GEDCOM exports)
# This is meant to specify what character set was used in the data.
# This sample version is the same as the default if none is given.
# Set the visit history size (# of entries remembered in visit history)
# Valid values are 0 through 9999.
# This sample line is the same as the default if none is given.
# Enable persistent history (remember in database between uses).
# Valid values are 0 (don't save) and 1 (do save).
# Default is 0.
# Keep traversal back & forth between records off the history list.
# This would prevent a record from being added to the history list if
# it is already present within the last 5 entries.
# Valid values are 0 through 99.
# Default is 1.
# Disallow persons without name records (legacy 3.0.10 & earlier behavior)
# Default is 0 (nameless records allowed)
# Specify language for message catalog
# Default is normal gettext behavior (deduces it from environment)
# Specify locale for collation
# Default is normal deduction from environment
# Specify locale for collation in reports
# Default is normal deduction from environment
# Coded charset name for GUI use
# This is a libiconv charset name
# And this is passed to gettext (libintl)
# Default is none
# Default is none
# Suffix for codeset when converting to GUI codeset
# Default is none
# Coded charset name for editor use
# Default is none
# Coded charset name for report output
# Default is none
# Coded charset name for reading & writing GEDCOm files
# Default is none
# For systems experiencing faulty screen erases (eg, RedHat Linux)
# Option to invoke in-program report language debugger on report errors
# This allows examination of the local symbols
# Default is 0
# Expand record references to refn links if available
# Eg, change 1 SOUR @S20@ to 1 SOUR <1850.Census> during edit
# Default is 0
# Add comment after pointers (during edit)
# Eg, change 1 HUSB @I1@ to 1 HUSB @I1@ {{ John/SMITH }}
# Default is 0
# Display surnames in all caps on screen
# Eg, display John/Smith as John/SMITH
# Disable this if UTF-8 capitalization is failing
# Default is 1
# Display database key tags for individuals or families (i or f)
# So instead of (1999) for an individual's key, you'd get (i1999)
# This may help with on-screen positioning of keys when
# Arabic/Hebrew characters (in UTF-8) are used for names.
# Default is 0 (feature off)
# Where to find an iconv dll (only for MS-Windows)
#iconv.path:=C:\Program Files\Common Files\gnu\iconv.dll
# Not needed if it is named iconv.dll & is on the path.
# Where to find a gettext dll (only for MS-Windows)
#gettext.path:=C:\Program Files\Common Files\gnu\libintl.dll
# Not needed if it is named gettext.dll & is on the path.
# What locale directory to use
# default is depend on gettext's default
# Global translation tables
# Syntax is TT.which.ics.n
# Where TT is always TT
# which is the codename (MEDIN=Editor to Internal)
# ics is the internal codeset (eg, UTF-8)
# and n starts at 1
# Default is none
# Display absolute path to database
# This is disabled by default
# Enable this to disambiguate databases in different paths
# Disable this if your home directory is deep (eg, on MS-Windows)
# Set default properties (user options) for new databases
# Default is none
# (Windows) Set codepage to use when reading from console