landry 6abb7348b3 Update to firefox-esr 31 (technically the same as firefox 31).
The reasoning to update www/firefox-esr is simple: the esr31 branch will
be supported for the next 56 weeks, while the esr24 branch will die in
12 weeks - this way, 5.6-stable will receive updates.

- See
- Fixes MFSA 2014-56->66
- Add libvpx hack for clang build (#982693)
- Build against gstreamer1
- Add skia patches for i386/sse3 (#1028827)
- Add intl install patch (#990196)
- Remove patch-ipc_chromium_src_base_debug_util_posix_cc, merged (#927810)
- Remove patch-ipc_chromium_src_base_dir_reader_bsd_h, merged (#909005)
- Remove patch-js_src_ctypes_libffi_src_x86_freebsd_S, merged (#928381)

ok sthen@ jasper@ naddy@
2014-07-24 18:09:57 +00:00

3 lines
153 B

SHA256 (mozilla/firefox-31.0esr.source.tar.bz2) = Unvw2mV3yAKaBbEgr70G1NedylJ//eEIdSs5as59jqg=
SIZE (mozilla/firefox-31.0esr.source.tar.bz2) = 147849853