ajacoutot 8277640682 Import netatalk-3.1.7.
Netatalk is an OpenSource software package, that can be used to turn a
*NIX machine into an extremely high-performance and reliable file server
for Macintosh computers.

Sharing the same name as net/netatalk but with a different pkgspec so
users can choose which one to install.
Successfully tested as an Apple Time Machine backup device.

input and ok sthen@, jasper@
2015-01-25 09:33:53 +00:00

20 lines
454 B

$OpenBSD: patch-config_afp_conf_tmpl,v 2015/01/25 09:33:53 ajacoutot Exp $
--- config/afp.conf.tmpl.orig Sat Jan 24 16:52:44 2015
+++ config/afp.conf.tmpl Sat Jan 24 16:54:10 2015
@@ -4,9 +4,15 @@
; Global server settings
+; mimic model = TimeCapsule6,106
; [Homes]
; basedir regex = /xxxx
; [My AFP Volume]
; path = /path/to/volume
+; [TimeMachine]
+; path = /path/to/backups
+; valid users = @users
+; time machine = yes