tream at no longer provides distfiles since at least 2019, FreeBSD also has marked the port as such; the website says The GNU xhippo has been decommissioned. Fails to build the now default "-fno-common". Other ports such as audio/mkplaylist do similar jobs, most media players also have such functionality, e.g. VLC does. OK danj
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# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.447 2021/02/10 01:01:10 kn Exp $
SUBDIR += abcde
SUBDIR += adplay
SUBDIR += adplug
SUBDIR += alac_decoder
SUBDIR += aqualung
SUBDIR += ario
SUBDIR += ascd
SUBDIR += aucatctl
SUBDIR += audacious
SUBDIR += audacity
SUBDIR += audiality2
SUBDIR += beets
SUBDIR += calf
SUBDIR += cantata
SUBDIR += caps-plugins
SUBDIR += cd-discid
SUBDIR += cdparanoia
SUBDIR += celt
SUBDIR += checkmate
SUBDIR += chromaprint
SUBDIR += clementine
SUBDIR += cmixer
SUBDIR += cmt
SUBDIR += cmu-sphinx3
SUBDIR += cmu-sphinxbase
SUBDIR += cmus
SUBDIR += cplay
SUBDIR += cuetools
SUBDIR += curseradio
SUBDIR += deadbeef
SUBDIR += disc-cover
SUBDIR += dumb
SUBDIR += easytag
SUBDIR += espeak
SUBDIR += faad
SUBDIR += faudio
SUBDIR += fdk-aac
SUBDIR += ffmpeg-normalize
SUBDIR += flac
SUBDIR += flac123
SUBDIR += flite
SUBDIR += fluidsynth
SUBDIR += freealut
SUBDIR += generaluser-gs-soundfont
SUBDIR += glyr
SUBDIR += gmpc
SUBDIR += gmpc-plugins
SUBDIR += goattracker
SUBDIR += gogglesmm
SUBDIR += gqmpeg
SUBDIR += gradio
SUBDIR += grip
SUBDIR += gsm
SUBDIR += gsound
SUBDIR += gtkpod
SUBDIR += herrie
SUBDIR += hs-libmpd
SUBDIR += hydrogen
SUBDIR += id3ed
SUBDIR += id3lib
SUBDIR += jack
SUBDIR += ladspa
SUBDIR += lame
SUBDIR += liba52
SUBDIR += libao
SUBDIR += libbs2b
SUBDIR += libcanberra
SUBDIR += libcdaudio
SUBDIR += libcddb
SUBDIR += libcdio
SUBDIR += libcue
SUBDIR += libdca
SUBDIR += libdiscid
SUBDIR += libgpod
SUBDIR += libid3tag
SUBDIR += liblastfm
SUBDIR += liblo
SUBDIR += libmad
SUBDIR += libmikmod
SUBDIR += libmodplug
SUBDIR += libmp3splt
SUBDIR += libmpd
SUBDIR += libmpdclient
SUBDIR += libmusicbrainz
SUBDIR += libmusicbrainz5
SUBDIR += libmysofa
SUBDIR += libnjb
SUBDIR += libofa
SUBDIR += libogg
SUBDIR += libopenmpt
SUBDIR += libopusenc
SUBDIR += libsamplerate
SUBDIR += libsidplay
SUBDIR += libsndfile
SUBDIR += libsoxr
SUBDIR += libvorbis
SUBDIR += libworkman
SUBDIR += libxmp
SUBDIR += lmms
SUBDIR += mac
SUBDIR += madplay
SUBDIR += mcp-plugins
SUBDIR += metronome
SUBDIR += midish
SUBDIR += mikmod
SUBDIR += milkytracker
SUBDIR += mkplaylist
SUBDIR += moc
SUBDIR += morseplayer
SUBDIR += mp3applygain
SUBDIR += mp3blaster
SUBDIR += mp3cddb
SUBDIR += mp3cut
SUBDIR += mp3info
SUBDIR += mp3info,no_x11
SUBDIR += mp3splt
SUBDIR += mp3splt-gtk
SUBDIR += mp3wrap
SUBDIR += mpc
SUBDIR += mpd
SUBDIR += mpd-add-similar
SUBDIR += mpdscribble
SUBDIR += mpg123
SUBDIR += mpg321
SUBDIR += mscore
SUBDIR += mt-daapd
SUBDIR += multimux
SUBDIR += mumble
SUBDIR += musepack
SUBDIR += musique
SUBDIR += ncmpc
SUBDIR += ncmpcpp
SUBDIR += ncspot
SUBDIR += normalize
SUBDIR += nosefart
SUBDIR += nspmod
SUBDIR += ocp
SUBDIR += openal
SUBDIR += opencore-amr
SUBDIR += opennap
SUBDIR += opus
SUBDIR += opus-tools
SUBDIR += opusfile
SUBDIR += p5-Audio-CD
SUBDIR += p5-Audio-FLAC-Header
SUBDIR += p5-Audio-M4P
SUBDIR += p5-Audio-MPD
SUBDIR += p5-Audio-MPD-Common
SUBDIR += p5-Audio-Musepack
SUBDIR += p5-Audio-Scan
SUBDIR += p5-Audio-Scrobbler
SUBDIR += p5-Audio-WMA
SUBDIR += p5-CDDB-File
SUBDIR += p5-CDDB_get
SUBDIR += p5-MP3-ID3v1Tag
SUBDIR += p5-MP3-Info
SUBDIR += p5-MP3-Tag
SUBDIR += p5-MP4-Info
SUBDIR += p5-MPEG-Audio-Frame
SUBDIR += p5-Music-Audioscrobbler-MPD
SUBDIR += p5-Music-Audioscrobbler-Submit
SUBDIR += p5-MusicBrainz-DiscID
SUBDIR += p5-Ogg-Vorbis-Header
SUBDIR += p5-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-PurePerl
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Client-MPD
SUBDIR += p5-cddb
SUBDIR += p5-gnupod
SUBDIR += p5-libvorbis
SUBDIR += pacpl
SUBDIR += parlatype
SUBDIR += paulstretch
SUBDIR += pavucontrol
SUBDIR += pianobar
SUBDIR += picard
SUBDIR += pithos
SUBDIR += pms
SUBDIR += portaudio-svn
SUBDIR += portmidi
SUBDIR += potamus
SUBDIR += puddletag
SUBDIR += pulseaudio
SUBDIR += py-acoustid,python3
SUBDIR += py-ao
SUBDIR += py-audio
SUBDIR += py-audio,python3
SUBDIR += py-cddb
SUBDIR += py-discid
SUBDIR += py-discid,python3
SUBDIR += py-discogs-client,python3
SUBDIR += py-eyed3
SUBDIR += py-fsb5
SUBDIR += py-last
SUBDIR += py-last,python3
SUBDIR += py-mpd
SUBDIR += py-mpd2,python3
SUBDIR += py-musicbrainzngs
SUBDIR += py-musicbrainzngs,python3
SUBDIR += py-mutagen,python3
SUBDIR += py-tagpy,python3
SUBDIR += pykaraoke
SUBDIR += qsynth
SUBDIR += quodlibet
SUBDIR += rgain
SUBDIR += rhythmbox
SUBDIR += rtunes
SUBDIR += rubberband
SUBDIR += ruby-taglib,ruby26
SUBDIR += ruby-taglib,ruby27
SUBDIR += ruby-taglib,ruby30
SUBDIR += ruby-vorbis_comment,ruby26
SUBDIR += ruby-vorbis_comment,ruby27
SUBDIR += ruby-vorbis_comment,ruby30
SUBDIR += schismtracker
SUBDIR += scmpc
SUBDIR += shntool
SUBDIR += shorten
SUBDIR += sidplay
SUBDIR += siren
SUBDIR += snack
SUBDIR += solfege
SUBDIR += sonata
SUBDIR += sound-theme-freedesktop
SUBDIR += soundtouch
SUBDIR += soundtracker
SUBDIR += sox
SUBDIR += speech-dispatcher
SUBDIR += speex
SUBDIR += speexdsp
SUBDIR += squeezecenter
SUBDIR += squeezelite
SUBDIR += streamripper
SUBDIR += swh-plugins
SUBDIR += taglib
SUBDIR += tagtool
SUBDIR += tap-plugins
SUBDIR += tempest
SUBDIR += timidity
SUBDIR += timidity,gtk2
SUBDIR += timidity,xaw
SUBDIR += tracker
SUBDIR += twolame
SUBDIR += umurmur
SUBDIR += vamp-plugin-sdk
SUBDIR += vgmplay
SUBDIR += vlorb
SUBDIR += vorbis-tools
SUBDIR += vorbisgain
SUBDIR += wavpack
SUBDIR += wmmp
SUBDIR += wmmp3
SUBDIR += wmtune
SUBDIR += xcd
SUBDIR += xcdplayer
SUBDIR += xmcd
SUBDIR += xmms2
SUBDIR += xmms2-scrobbler
SUBDIR += xmp
SUBDIR += ympd
SUBDIR += yt-audio
.include <>