sthen 9e8590cb0a import ports/net/powerdns_recursor, joint work with/ok otto@
The PowerDNS Recursor is a high-end, high-performance resolving
name server which powers the DNS resolution of at least a hundred
million subscribers. Utilizing multiple processors and supporting
the same powerful scripting ability of the Authoritative Server,
the Recursor delivers top performance while retaining the flexibility
modern DNS deployments require.
2018-12-29 14:29:08 +00:00

12 lines
186 B

# $OpenBSD: pdns_recursor.rc,v 2018/12/29 14:29:08 sthen Exp $
daemon="${TRUEPREFIX}/sbin/pdns_recursor --daemon=yes"
. /etc/rc.d/rc.subr
rc_cmd $1