Security bugfixes OpenSSL DLLs updated to version 1.0.1j. The insecure SSLv2 protocol is now disabled by default. It can be enabled with "options = -NO_SSLv2". The insecure SSLv3 protocol is now disabled by default. It can be enabled with "options = -NO_SSLv3". Default sslVersion changed to "all" (also in FIPS mode) to autonegotiate the highest supported TLS version. New features Added missing SSL options to match OpenSSL 1.0.1j. New "-options" commandline option to display the list of supported SSL options. Bugfixes Fixed FORK threading build regression bug. OK gsoares@ (maintainer) OK schwarze@
3 lines
112 B
3 lines
112 B
SHA256 (stunnel-5.06.tar.gz) = CYwrbbB5PqT6W2dnzm7xhT6fbMLzITMCS+VfakYLGkA=
SIZE (stunnel-5.06.tar.gz) = 595550