stsp 0ad1ac8fab Import megaglest port.
MegaGlest is an entertaining free and open source cross-platform 3D
real-time strategy game, where you control the armies of one of seven
different factions: Tech, Magic, Egypt, Indians, Norsemen, Persian or
Romans. The game is set in one of 17 naturally looking settings,
which are crafted with great appreciation for detail.

With tweaks from kirby@, bentley@, and sthen@.
ok sthen@
2013-01-28 13:58:49 +00:00

9 lines
208 B

# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 2013/01/28 13:58:49 stsp Exp $
COMMENT = megaglest game data files
DISTNAME = megaglest-data-${V}
WRKDIST = ${WRKDIR}/megaglest-${V}
.include <>