kn 4d69f4cf85 Import security/xml-security-c 2.0.4
Dependency of my upcoming security/libdigidocpp port.

OK rsadowski
Apache XML Security for C++: This library includes a mature Digital Signature
and Encryption implementation using a proprietary C++ API on top of the Xerces-C
XML Parser's DOM API. It includes a pluggable cryptographic layer, but support
for alternatives to OpenSSL are less complete and less mature.
2022-06-04 09:34:05 +00:00

3 lines
128 B

SHA256 (xml-security-c-2.0.4.tar.gz) = p42mcg9sK6FBANJCYTHg0z6sWi26XMEb3QSXS364kAM=
SIZE (xml-security-c-2.0.4.tar.gz) = 913785