Apache::Gallery creates an thumbnail index of each directory and allows viewing pictures in different resolutions. Pictures are resized on the fly and cached. from submitter Michael Knudsen thanks
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# $OpenBSD: README.chroot,v 2005/05/27 16:07:43 msf Exp $
In order to make A::G operate in a chrooted environment, it is
necessary to copy all of the relevant libraries and perl modules
that it employs into /var/www.
First, create the basic directory structure:
$ cd /var/www
# mkdir -p tmp usr
# chown www:www tmp (needs to be writeable for the www user)
$ cd /var/www/
# mkdir -p ./%%LOCALBASE%%/lib
$ cd /var/www/usr
# mkdir -p libdata/perl5 libexec {.,X11R6}/lib
Next, the run-time link-editor:
$ cd /var/www/usr/libexec
# cp -p /usr/libexec/ld.so .
Next, the required shared libraries:
$ cd /var/www/usr/lib
# cp -p /usr/lib/lib{c,m,z,perl}.so* .
$ cd /var/www/%%LOCALBASE%%/lib
# cp -p %%LOCALBASE%%/lib/lib{jpeg,png,bz2,tiff,ungif,Imlib2,ltdl}.so* .
# mkdir -p imlib2_loaders/image
# cp -pR %%LOCALBASE%%/lib/imlib2_loaders/image/*.so imlib2_loaders/image
$ cd /var/www/usr/X11R6/lib
# cp -p /usr/X11R6/lib/lib{Xext,freetype,X11}.so.* .
Next, the Perl base:
$ cd /var/www/usr/libdata
# cp -pR /usr/libdata/perl5 .
Next, the A::G images and templates:
$ cd /var/www/%%LOCALBASE%%
# mkdir -p share libdata/perl5/site_perl/`machine`-openbsd
# cp -pR %%LOCALBASE%%/share/Apache-Gallery share
Next, the non-base Perl stuff:
$ cd /var/www/%%LOCALBASE%%/libdata/perl5/site_perl/
# mkdir -p {,`machine`-openbsd/{,auto/}}Apache
# cp -p %%LOCALBASE%%/libdata/perl5/site_perl/Apache/Gallery.pm Apache
# cp -pR %%LOCALBASE%%/libdata/perl5/site_perl/`machine`-openbsd/Apache* \
# cp -pR %%LOCALBASE%%/libdata/perl5/site_perl/`machine`-openbsd/auto/Apache \
# mkdir -p {,`machine`-openbsd/}{,auto/}Image
# cp -pR %%LOCALBASE%%/libdata/perl5/site_perl/Image .
# cp -pR %%LOCALBASE%%/libdata/perl5/site_perl/auto/Image/Size auto/Image
# cp -pR %%LOCALBASE%%/libdata/perl5/site_perl/`machine`-openbsd/Image* \
# cp -pR %%LOCALBASE%%/libdata/perl5/site_perl/`machine`-openbsd/auto/Image \
# mkdir -p Text URI
# cp -pR %%LOCALBASE%%/libdata/perl5/site_perl/Text/Template* Text
# cp -pR %%LOCALBASE%%/libdata/perl5/site_perl/URI* .
Setting up httpd
<VirtualHost *>
ServerAdmin webmaster@host.some_domain.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/htdocs
ErrorLog logs/gallery-error
CustomLog logs/gallery-access combined
ServerName gallery.site.tld
Alias /icons/gallery/ "%%LOCALBASE%%/share/Apache-Gallery/icons/"
Alias /gallery.css "%%LOCALBASE%%/share/Apache-Gallery/templates/new/gallery.css"
# This is necessary.
Options -Indexes
PerlSetVar GalleryCacheDir '/tmp/'
PerlSetVar GalleryTemplateDir '%%LOCALBASE%%/share/Apache-Gallery/templates/new/'
PerlSetVar GalleryInfo 'Picture Taken => DateTimeOriginal, Flash => Flash'
PerlSetVar GallerySizes '640 1024'
PerlSetVar GalleryThumbnailSize '100x75'
# Note that you will want to change this.
PerlSetVar GalleryCopyrightImage '%%LOCALBASE%%/share/Apache-Gallery/icons/c.png'
<Directory %%LOCALBASE%%/share/Apache-Gallery>
order allow,deny
allow from all
<Location />
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Gallery