CLI::Framework ("CLIF") provides a framework and conceptual pattern for building full-featured command line applications. It intends to make this process simple and consistent. It assumes the responsibility of implementing details that are common to all command-line applications, making it possible for new applications adhering to well-defined conventions to be built without the need to repeatedly write the same command-line interface code. From Peter Ezetta <protocall7 gmail com>, with tweaks from afresh1@ OK afresh1@
3 lines
123 B
3 lines
123 B
SHA256 (CLI-Framework-0.05.tar.gz) = tMk2fe6zW2J1kKtpj9lqvZfaWywhWjtDK/V6P9mpWro=
SIZE (CLI-Framework-0.05.tar.gz) = 94967