1998-04-13 05:12:54 +00:00

263 lines
10 KiB

$OpenBSD: LICENSE,v 1.2 1998/04/13 05:12:54 marc Exp $
This file matches the type of license (see below) to each application
in the OpenBSD ports tree. Those ports with restrictive licenses will
not be placed on any OpenBSD CD-ROM nor will they be stored on the
OpenBSD FTP server.
As a safety measure a distribution MUST be listed in this
file and MUST be marked as Distribution allowed = Y for it
to be in the distfiles directory of either the FTP server
or the OpenBSD CD-ROM.
License types:
BSD: BSD (or a BSD like) license.
Can be distributed. Documentation that mentions package may
need to include owners copyright.
COMM: Commercial software.
For fee software.
COPY: Copyrighted, may be other restrictions but distribution allowed.
Read copyright before use, there may be usage restrictions.
CRYPTO: Third party crypto not allowed.
ELM: Can not charge _extra_ for distribution
May distribute when the price of the distribution does would
not change if the port were removed from the distribution.
GPL: Licensed under one of the various GNU licenses.
INC: Package is included in OpenBSD, distribution not needed.
LIC: Requires license for redistribution.
Note: a license may only be required for a `commercial' distribution
which is how I'm treating the OpenBSD CD-ROMs.
NONE: No license/copyright found in source code or related documentation.
NOFEE: Can not sell
The software may be `free', but the copyright states `may not charge
for distribution' or words to that effect.
PD: Explicitly stated to be in the Public Domain.
PERL: PERL (or PERL like) license.
REST: Restrictive license
SHARE: Shareware.
X: X Consortium (or X consortium like) license.
a full and unrestricted irrevocable, world-wide, paid up,
royalty-free, nonexclusive right and license to deal in this
+- Distribution allowed (Y/N)
v port name distfile name License
N archivers/arc arc521e.pl8.tar.Z NOFEE
N archivers/bzip bzip-0.21.tar.gz NOFEE
Y archivers/bzip2 bzip2-0.1pl2.tar.gz GPL
Y archivers/freeze freeze-2.5.tar.gz NONE
Y archivers/gshar+gunshar sharutils-4.2.tar.gz GPL
Y archivers/gtar tar-1.12.tar.gz GPL
Y archivers/ha ha0999.tgz GPL
Y archivers/lha lha-114c.tgz COPY
N archivers/nulib nulib325.tar.Z NOFEE
Y archivers/p5-Compress-Zlib Compress-Zlib-0.50.tar.gz PERL
Y archivers/unarj unarj241.tar.Z COPY
N archivers/unrar unrar-2.01.tgz NOFEE
Y archivers/unzip unzip531.tar.gz COPY
Y archivers/zip COPY
Y archivers/zoo zoo-2.10pl1.tar.gz COPY
N astro/xearth xearth-1.0.tar.gz NOFEE
N astro/xephem xephem_3.0.tar.gz NOFEE
N astro/xphoon xphoon.tar.Z NOFEE
Y audio/gsm gsm-1.0.10.tar.gz BSD
Y audio/rplay rplay-3.3.0a1.tar.gz GPL
Y audio/xcd xcd-1.6.tar.gz COPY
Y benchmarks/bonnie Bonnie.tar.Z BSD
Y benchmarks/bytebench bytebench-3.1.tar.Z NONE
Y benchmarks/iozone iozone-2.01.shar.gz COPY
Y benchmarks/lmbench lmbench.tar.Z GPL
Y benchmarks/tcpblast -none- NONE
N benchmarks/xengine xengine NOFEE
Y chinese/c2t c2t.tar.gz NONE
Y chinese/c2t TONEPY.tit NONE
N chinese/lunar lunar-2.1.tar.gz NOFEE
Y comms/bpl+ bpl+.tar.gz COPY
Y comms/hylafax hylafax-v4.0pl1-tar.gz BSD
N comms/kermit cku192src.tar.gz NOFEE
N comms/rzsz COMM
Y comms/seyon Seyon-2.14b-tar.Z BSD
Y comms/tkhylafax tkhylafax-3.0b2.tar.gz BSD
Y comms/xcept xcept-2.1.2.tar.gz BSD
Y comms/zmtx-zmrx zmtx-zmrx.shar.gz COPY
Y databases/db db-2.3.16.tar.gz BSD
Y databases/p5-DBD-Pg DBD-Pg-0.69.tar.gz GPL/PERL
Y databases/p5-DBI DBI-0.93.tar.gz GPL/PERL
Y databases/postgresql postgresql-6.3.tar.gz BSD
Y devel/autoconf autoconf-2.12.tar.gz GPL
Y devel/automake automake-1.2.tar.gz GPL
Y devel/bison bison-1.25.tar.gz GPL
Y devel/ddd ddd-2.2.3.tar.gz GPL
Y devel/dejagnu dejagnu-1.3.tar.gz GPL
Y devel/gindent indent-1.9.1.tar.gz GPL
Y devel/gmake make-3.76.1.tar.gz GPL
Y devel/id-utils id-utils-3.2.tar.gz GPL
Y devel/libslang slang0.99-38.tar.gz GPL/PERL
Y devel/m4 m4-1.4.tar.gz GPL
Y devel/swig swig1.1.tar.gz BSD
Y devel/xmake xmake-1.01.tgz NONE
N editors/axe aXe-6.1.2.tar.Z NOFEE
Y editors/beav beav_140-7.tar.gz GPL
Y editors/emacs emacs-20.2.tar.gz GPL
Y editors/jed jed0.98-7.tar.gz GPL
Y editors/joe joe2.8.tar.Z GPL
N editors/jove jove-4.16.tar.gz NOFEE
Y emulators/wine Wine-971116.tar.gz BSD
Y emulators/x48 x48-0.4.0.tar.gz GPL
Y games/abuse abuse_pd.tar.gz PD
Y games/xbill xbill-2.0.tgz GPL
N games/xmris xmris.4.04.tgz NOFEE
Y games/xripple xripple.tar.gz COPY
Y games/xroach xroach.tar.gz COPY
N games/xscrabble xscrabble.tar.gz NOFEE
Y games/xsoldier xsoldier-0.96.tar.gz GPL
Y graphics/jpeg jpegsrc.v6a.tar.gz BSD
Y graphics/mpeg-lib mpeg_lib-1.2.1.tar.gz BSD
Y graphics/mpeg_play mpeg_play-2.3-src.tar.gz BSD
Y graphics/png libpng-1.0.1.tar.gz BSD
Y graphics/tiff v3.3beta021.src.tar.gz BSD
Y graphics/tiff34 tiff-v3.4-tar.gz BSD
Y graphics/xfig xfig.3.2.tar.gz X
Y graphics/xpaint xpaint-2.5.tar.gz BSD
Y graphics/xpdf xpdf-0.7.tar.gz COPY
Y graphics/xpm xpm-3.4k.tar.gz BSD
Y graphics/xv xv-3.10a SHARE
Y lang/Gofer gofer230a.tar.gz BSD
N lang/STk STk-3.1.tar.gz NOFEE
Y lang/expect expect.tar.gz PD
Y lang/guavac guavac-1.0.tar.gz GPL
Y lang/ocaml ocaml-1.07.tar.gz COPY
Y lang/ocaml ocaml-1.07-refman.html.tar.gz COPY
Y lang/python python1.5.tar.gz BSD
Y lang/tcl80 tcl8.0p2.tar.gz BSD
Y mail/elm elm-2.4ME+32.tar.gz ELM
Y mail/exim exim-1.82.tar.gz GPL
Y mail/exim exim-texinfo-1.80.tar.gz COPY
N mail/faces faces-1.6.1.tar.Z NOFEE
Y mail/fetchmail fetchmail-4.3.8.tar.gz GPL
Y mail/metamail mm2.7.tar.Z BSD
Y mail/pgpsendmail PGPsendmail-v1.4.5.tar.gz GPL
Y mail/pine pine3.96.tar.gz BSD
Y mail/popclient popclient-3.0b6.tar.gz COPY
N mail/procmail procmail-3.11pre7.tar.gz NOFEE
Y mail/xfaces xfaces-3.3.tar.Z BSD
Y mail/xfaces xfaces-sounds.tar.gz NONE
Y misc/amanda amanda-2.3.0.tar.gz BSD
N misc/astrolog astrolog NOFEE
Y misc/buffer buffer-1.17.tar.gz GPL
Y misc/cdrecord-current cdrecord-1.6a7.tar.gz GPL
Y misc/screen screen-3.7.4.tar.gz GPL
Y misc/splitvt splitvt-1.6.3.tar.gz NONE
N net/archie c-archie-1.4.1-FIXED.tar.Z NOFEE
Y net/arpwatch arpwatch-2.1a3.tar.Z BSD
Y net/bing bing-1.0.4.tar.gz BSD
N net/gated gated-3-5-7.tar.gz LIC
Y net/irc irc2.9.2p3.tgz GPL
Y net/ircii-epic ircii2.8.2-EPIC3.004.tar.gz COPY
Y net/ircii-epic COPY
Y net/mirror mirror-2.8.tar.gz COPY
Y net/netpipe netpipes3.2.tar.gz GPL
Y net/samba samba-1.9.18p3.tar.gz GPL
Y net/tintin++ tintin++v1.5pl6.tar.Z NONE
Y net/trafshow trafshow-2.0.tgz BSD
Y net/ucd-snmp ucd-snmp-3.2.tar.gz BSD
Y net/wget wget-1.4.5.tar.gz GPL
Y net/ytalk ytalk-v3pl2.tar.gz COPY
Y news/aub aub COPY
Y news/leafnode leafnode-1.0.2.src.elf.tgz COPY
Y news/newsfetch newsfetch-1.0.tar.gz NONE
Y news/plor plor-0.3.1.tar.gz GPL
Y news/slrn slrn0.9.4.3.tar.gz GPL
N news/tin tin1.3-unoff-BETA-970930.tgz NOFEE
Y plan9/9menu 9menu-1.5.shar.gz COPY
Y print/a2ps a2ps-4.9.9.tar.gz GPL
Y print/afm afm-tar.Z COPY
Y print/ghostscript5 ghostscript-5.10.tar.gz COPY
Y print/ghostscript5 ghostscript-5.10gnu.tar.gz GNU
Y print/ghostscript5 ghostscript-fonts-other-5.10.tar.gz COPY
Y print/ghostscript5 ghostscript-fonts-std-5.10.tar.gz COPY
Y print/ghostscript5 NONE
Y print/ghostview ghostview-1.5.tar.gz GPL
Y print/gv gv-3.5.8.tar.gz GPL
Y print/psutils psutils-p17.tar.gz COPY
Y print/transfig transfig.3.2.tar.gz X
N security/cfs cfs-1.3.3.tar.gz CRYPTO
N security/cops cops_104.tar.Z NOFEE
N security/crack crack5.0.tar.gz CRYPTO
N security/pgp pgp263is.tar.gz CRYPTO
N security/pgp rsaref2.tar.gz CRYPTO
N security/rsaref rsaref20.1996.tar.Z CRYPTO
N security/ssh ssh-1.2.22.tar.gz CRYPTO
N security/ssh rsaref2.tar.gz CRYPTO
N security/swatch swatch-2.2.tar.gz NOFEE
Y shells/bash bash-1.14.7.tar.gz GPL
Y shells/bash2 bash-2.01.1.tar.gz GPL
Y shells/bash2 bash-doc-2.01.tar.gz COPY
Y shells/es es-0.9-alpha1.tar.gz PD
N shells/scsh scsh-0.5.1.tar.gz LIC
Y shells/tcsh tcsh-6.07.tar.gz BSD
Y shells/zsh zsh-3.0.5.tar.gz BSD
N sysutils/LPRng LPRng-3.2.3.tgz MANY!
N sysutils/idled idled-1.16.tar.gz NOFEE
Y sysutils/lsof lsof_4.15_W.tar.gz BSD
Y sysutils/rtty rtty-3.2.tar.gz BSD
Y sysutils/setquota setquota-0.1.tar.gz BSD
Y sysutils/socket socket-1.1.tar.gz GPL
Y sysutils/stat stat-1.3.tar.gz NONE
Y sysutils/tcplist tcplist-2.2.shar BSD
Y sysutils/xntpd ntp-4.0.72-export.tar.gz BSD
N textproc/agrep agrep-2.04.tar.Z NOFEE
Y textproc/c2html c2html-0.1.tar.gz GPL
N textproc/glimpse glimpse-4.1.src.tar.gz NOFEE
Y textproc/html html-4.0.tar.gz NONE
Y textproc/isearch Isearch-1.14.tar.gz BSD
Y textproc/iso8879 COPY
Y textproc/ispell ispell-3.1.20.tar.gz BSD
Y textproc/jade BSD
Y textproc/linuxdoc linuxdoc-1.1.tar.gz NONE
N textproc/rman rman-3.0.3a12.tar.Z LIC
Y textproc/sgmlformat sgmlformat-1.6.tar.gz BSD
N www/apache -none- INC
N www/lynx -none- INC
Y www/wwwcount wwwcount2.3.tar.gz BSD
Y x11/Xaw3d Xaw3d-1.3.tar.gz X
Y x11/afterstep AfterStep-1.0.tar.gz X
Y x11/bclock bclock-1.0.tar.gz X
Y x11/blast blast-1.0-ss-9.03.tar.gz GPL
Y x11/ctwm ctwm-3.5.tar.gz X
Y x11/freefonts freefonts-0.10.tar.gz COPY
N x11/fvwm2 -none- INC
Y x11/lesstif lesstif-0.82.tar.gz GPL
Y x11/piewm piewm.tar.Z X
Y x11/qt qt-1.31.tar.gz REST
Y x11/sliderule sliderule.tar.gz X
Y x11/swisswatch swisswatch-0.06.tar.Z X
Y x11/tk80 tk8.0p2.tar.gz BSD
N x11/wm2 -none- INC
Y x11/xantfarm xantfarm23oct91.tar.gz BSD
N x11/xautolock -none- INC
Y x11/xcb xcb-2.3.tar.gz X
Y x11/xco xco.tar.gz BSD
Y x11/xdaliclock xdaliclock-2.11.tar.gz X
Y x11/xgrab xgrabsc.2_41.tar.Z X
Y x11/xloadimage xloadimage.3.03.tar.Z X
N x11/xlockmore -none- INC
Y x11/xmascot xmascot2.5p2.tar.gz COPY
Y x11/xmold xmold.tar.gz NONE
Y x11/xpostit xpostit3.3.1.tar.Z BSD
Y x11/xpostitPlus XPostitPlus-2.3.tar.gz BSD
Y x11/xprompt xprompt-1.4.tar.gz BSD
Y x11/xsnow xsnow-1.40.tar.Z COPY
Y x11/xtacy Xtacy113.tar.gz GPL
Y x11/xtattr xtattr-1.0.tar.gz NONE
Y x11/xtestpicture xtestpicture-1.1.tar.gz BSD
Y x11/xtoolwait xtoolwait-1.1.tar.gz GPL
Y x11/xzoom xzoom-0.3.tgz COPY