avsm a0882217cf commit this three-month old patch that was posted to ports@ with no
response.  Does anyone out there use this port at all?  It was broken,
this unbreaks it by FAKEing it, but there's noone using it to test
it out....
2001-01-09 20:49:33 +00:00

20 lines
1010 B

*** tools/dhcpm.c.orig Mon Jul 7 15:07:06 1997
--- tools/dhcpm.c Wed Apr 29 15:32:21 1998
*** 427,433 ****
((option = pickup_opt(rdhcp, DHCPLEN(rudp), DHCP_T2)) != NULL) ?
GETHL(OPTBODY(option)) : 0);
printf("\top: %d, xid: %lx, secs: %d, BRDCST flag: %d\n", rdhcp->op,
! ntohl(rdhcp->xid), ntohs(rdhcp->secs), ISBRDCST(rdhcp->flags) ? 1:0);
printf("\tciaddr: %s, ", inet_ntoa(rdhcp->ciaddr));
printf("yiaddr: %s, ", inet_ntoa(rdhcp->yiaddr));
printf("siaddr: %s, ", inet_ntoa(rdhcp->siaddr));
--- 427,433 ----
((option = pickup_opt(rdhcp, DHCPLEN(rudp), DHCP_T2)) != NULL) ?
GETHL(OPTBODY(option)) : 0);
printf("\top: %d, xid: %lx, secs: %d, BRDCST flag: %d\n", rdhcp->op,
! (unsigned long)ntohl(rdhcp->xid), ntohs(rdhcp->secs), ISBRDCST(rdhcp->flags) ? 1:0);
printf("\tciaddr: %s, ", inet_ntoa(rdhcp->ciaddr));
printf("yiaddr: %s, ", inet_ntoa(rdhcp->yiaddr));
printf("siaddr: %s, ", inet_ntoa(rdhcp->siaddr));