some existing COMPILER lines with arch restrictions etc. In the usual case this is now using "COMPILER = base-clang ports-gcc base-gcc" on ports with c++ libraries in WANTLIB. This is basically intended to be a noop on architectures using clang as the system compiler, but help with other architectures where we currently have many ports knocked out due to building with an unsuitable compiler - - some ports require c++11/newer so the GCC version in base that is used on these archirtectures is too old. - some ports have conflicts where an executable is built with one compiler (e.g. gcc from base) but a library dependency is built with a different one (e.g. gcc from ports), resulted in mixing incompatible libraries in the same address space. devel/gmp is intentionally skipped as it's on the path to building gcc - the c++ library there is unused in ports (and not built by default upstream) so intending to disable building gmpcxx in a future commit.
30 lines
732 B
30 lines
732 B
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.20 2018/10/24 14:28:09 sthen Exp $
COMMENT= lightweight PDF document viewer with vi bindings
GH_ACCOUNT = naihe2010
GH_PROJECT = apvlv
GH_COMMIT = 9ab76264c7818097a38e69a2d7d6b47199fffc1f
DISTNAME= apvlv-0.1.5pl0
HOMEPAGE= https://naihe2010.github.io/apvlv/
# GPLv2
MODULES= devel/cmake
WANTLIB += atk-1.0 c cairo cairo-gobject gdk-3 gdk_pixbuf-2.0 gio-2.0
WANTLIB += glib-2.0 gobject-2.0 gthread-2.0 gtk-3 iconv intl m pango-1.0
WANTLIB += pangocairo-1.0 poppler-glib pthread ${COMPILER_LIBCXX}
COMPILER = base-clang ports-gcc base-gcc
LIB_DEPENDS= x11/gtk+3 \
.include <bsd.port.mk>