pvalchev c88e83ddde Do not install this with special permissions (setuid uucp), and write tty
locking files in /var/spool/lock rather than /var/spool/uucp.  Users need
to be in group dialer for that, and to open the serial devices now; this
matches OpenBSD tip(1) behaviour; itojun said it looks ok
2002-09-27 16:24:41 +00:00

15 lines
549 B

$OpenBSD: patch-contrib_xmindpath_Makefile_in,v 1.1 2002/09/27 16:24:42 pvalchev Exp $
--- contrib/xmindpath/ Fri Sep 27 01:41:37 2002
+++ contrib/xmindpath/ Fri Sep 27 01:43:19 2002
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ main.o: $(srcdir)/main.c
uucplock.o: $(srcdir)/uucplock.c
- $(INSTALL) -s -o uucp -g bin -m 4755 $(TARGET) $(bindir)
- $(INSTALL) -o bin -g bin -m 444 $(TARGET).1 $(mandir)/man1
+ $(INSTALL) -s -o root -g bin $(TARGET) $(bindir)
+ $(INSTALL) -o root -g bin -m 444 $(TARGET).1 $(mandir)/man1