lebel 06fec6240e initial import of tightvnc-1.2.0:
TightVNC is an enhanced version of VNC, which is optimized to work over
slow network connections such as low-speed modem links. While original
VNC may be very slow when your connection is not fast enough, with
TightVNC you can work remotely almost in real time in most environments.
Besides bandwidth optimizations, TightVNC also includes many other
improvements, optimizations and bugfixes over VNC. Note that TightVNC is
free, cross-platform and compatible with the standard VNC.


Submitted by Rob Casey <>
2001-09-08 00:38:11 +00:00

12 lines
517 B

$OpenBSD: patch-Xvnc_config_cf_vnclibs_def,v 2001/09/08 00:38:11 lebel Exp $
--- Xvnc/config/cf/vnclibs.def.orig Mon Jan 29 16:23:52 2001
+++ Xvnc/config/cf/vnclibs.def Wed Sep 5 08:47:31 2001
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
* and programs/Xserver/hw/vnc whenever you change this file.
-VNCLIBS = $(TOP)/../libvncauth/libvncauth.a /usr/lib/libjpeg.a
-VNCCPPFLAGS = -I$(TOP)/../include
+VNCLIBS = $(TOP)/../libvncauth/libvncauth.a ${LOCALBASE}/lib/libjpeg.a
+VNCCPPFLAGS = -I$(TOP)/../include -I${LOCALBASE}/include