- Add a patch for cvsupd to make it honor the "refuse" file for files that are in the Attic (from jdp).
40 lines
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40 lines
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$OpenBSD: patch-server_src_TreeComp_m3,v 1.1 2005/03/28 19:06:25 naddy Exp $
--- server/src/TreeComp.m3.orig Tue Mar 4 20:26:17 2003
+++ server/src/TreeComp.m3 Sun Mar 27 00:22:15 2005
@@ -662,21 +662,20 @@ PROCEDURE GetFromServer(m: Merger): File
type := FileInfo.Type.Live);
| CVTree.FileType.AtticFile =>
- WITH atticPath = SupMisc.AtticName(path) DO
- IF attr.fileType = FileAttr.FileType.File
- AND SupMisc.IsRCS(path) THEN
- IF m.sfr.fileFilter.test(atticPath) THEN
- RETURN NEW(FileInfo.T,
- name := path,
- attr := attr,
- type := FileInfo.Type.Dead);
- END;
- ELSE (* Non-RCS file in the Attic?! *)
- WITH fullPath = SupMisc.CatPath(m.sfr.serverPrefix, atticPath)
- DO
- Warning(m.treeComp,
- "Non-RCS file \"" & fullPath & "\" in Attic");
- END;
+ IF attr.fileType = FileAttr.FileType.File
+ AND SupMisc.IsRCS(path) THEN
+ IF m.sfr.fileFilter.test(path) THEN
+ RETURN NEW(FileInfo.T,
+ name := path,
+ attr := attr,
+ type := FileInfo.Type.Dead);
+ END;
+ ELSE (* Non-RCS file in the Attic?! *)
+ WITH fullPath = SupMisc.CatPath(m.sfr.serverPrefix,
+ SupMisc.AtticName(path))
+ DO
+ Warning(m.treeComp,
+ "Non-RCS file \"" & fullPath & "\" in Attic");
| CVTree.FileType.DirUp =>